Columbus Lawyer Chapter

ACS is the nation’s largest progressive legal network. We strive to ensure that the Constitution and the law work for all people by empowering leaders and informing discourse. The ACS Columbus Lawyer Chapter hosts events on the local and national impact of the courts and the Constitution.

There are no upcoming events at this time

Board of Directors

Bryan Becker - At-Large

Maria Bruno - VP of Communications

Michael Corey - At-Large

Hon. Rob Dorans - At-Large

Joseph Gibson - VP of Social Events

Sarah Pomeroy - Co President

Dilynn Roettker - At-Large

Anna Sanyal - VP of Diversity

Kyle Strickland - Co President

Sara Valentine - Capital University Law School Liaison

Board of Advisors

Sally W. Bloomfield

Peggy Cordray

Ben E. Espy

John Gilligan

John Kulewicz - Chair

Sarah Lynn

Kent Markus

Nancy Rogers

Kathleen Trafford