Member News: Week of September 24, 2018

ACS Board member Erwin Chemerinksy wrote a piece for the ABA Journal addressing the “blockbuster” Supreme Court Term ahead. 

ACS Board member Adam Winkler is quoted in the Sacramento Bee about whether the abuse allegations against Kavanaugh would change his work on the Supreme Court. 

ACS Board member Melissa Murray spoke on MSNBC about the Kavanaugh-Ford hearings.  

ACS Board of Advisors member Judith Licthman spoke on Renato Mariotti’s podcast On Topic about the Clarence Thomas hearings and the Kavanaugh nomination. She also wrote a piece for CNN about the need to not repeat the 1991 hearings.  

ACS Board of Advisors member Linda Greenhouse wrote a piece for The New York Times warning the public not to forget the problems with the initial Kavanaugh hearings.  

ACS Chicago Lawyer Chapter Board of Advisors member Carolyn Shapiro spoke on WTTW about the allegations of assault against Brett Kavanaugh. 

ACS Board of Academic Advisors member Kate Shaw wrote an op-ed for The New York Times arguing that credible allegations should be enough to disqualify Kavanaugh.  

ACS member Rachel Moran wrote a piece for the Star Tribune about the double standard that has been made apparent by calls for leniency for Brett Kavanaugh.

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