On the Bench: Tracking President Biden's Judicial Nominations

ACS's weekly roundup of Senate activity on President Biden's nominees for lifetime seats on district and circuit courts.

ACS's Judicial News Roundup

On The Bench

On The Bench: Week of July 11, 2024

Jul 11, 2024
The Senate returned from recess this week and made limited progress on judicial confirmations. As of this writing, the Senate confirmed one Article III nominee this week: Judge Nancy Maldonado (7th Cir.). Judge Maldonado becomes the first Hispanic person to ever serve as a judge on the Seventh Circuit. Despite limited progress on the Senate […]
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Judicial Nominations, On The Bench

On The Bench: Week of June 20, 2024

Jun 20, 2024
In part due to the truncated work week, the Senate made limited progress on judicial confirmations this week. As of this writing, the Senate was able to invoke cloture on Judge Nancy Maldonado (7th Cir.) but has not confirmed any Article III judges. Earlier in the week, the Senate was scheduled to vote on Magistrate […]
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Judicial Nominations, On The Bench

On The Bench: Week of June 13, 2024

Jun 13, 2024
The Senate made no progress on judicial confirmations this week. As of this writing, there have been no cloture motions filed on any Article III nominees. On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held an executive business meeting where due to attendance issues they were unable to vote on any Article III nominees. Also this week, […]
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Judicial Nominations, On The Bench

On The Bench: Week of June 6, 2024

Jun 6, 2024
The Senate made no progress on judicial confirmations this week. The Senate is now scheduled to be out until the evening of June 11. At this time, there have been no cloture motions filed on any Article III nominees. On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing for 4 Article III nominees: Magistrate Judge […]
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Judicial Nominations, On The Bench

On The Bench: Week of May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024
The Senate made no progress on judicial nominations this week as they were on recess for the Memorial Day holiday. Before the break Majority Leader Chuck Schumer filed cloture on a few judicial nominees for local Washington D.C. courts, but he did not file cloture on any Article III nominees. Next week, the Senate Judiciary […]
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Diversity of the Federal Bench

Current statistics on the gender and racial diversity of the Article III courts.
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Changing Circuit Court Composition

The Trump administration ushered in a radical transformation of the circuit courts. The Biden administration has an opportunity to reverse this trend.
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Judicial Nominations

Every day, federal courts decide cases critical to our rights — from the environment to voting to immigration. Those who are appointed to serve on the bench must be qualified, fair, and impartial.
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