April 5, 2022
Ways to Stay Engaged While You Stay Home: April 5 Edition
Network Advancement Associate

During these unprecedented times, ACS continues to provide a virtual forum for our network to engage and work toward a Constitution that is truly “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Here are some ways to help you stay engaged while in-person events are canceled, and you can view all available volunteer opportunities here. Do you have ideas we should include in future editions? Let us know by emailing info@acslaw.org!
ACS's Run. Vote. Work. Initiative
ACS is launching our Run. Vote. Work. Campaign, which will focus on increasing voter engagement on down-ballot races, advocating for voting rights and non-partisan redistricting, mobilizing and educating voters about their rights, and connecting our members with special opportunities to support voting rights and election integrity. You can find ways to get involved on our website.
One of the best ways you can help preserve our democracy this year is by becoming a poll worker. That’s why we’re asking you to take our pledge and to become a poll worker this year. After you sign the pledge, we’ll provide you with the information necessary to get active in your state.
Volunteers Needed to Represent Families of Trans Youth in Texas
The Transgender Education Network of Texas, Lambda Legal, ACLU of Texas, Equality Texas, Human Rights Campaign, Texas Freedom Network, and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund are working together to provide referrals to people and families affected by the Governor's order to the Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate the families and healthcare providers of trans youth as child abusers. Lawyers licensed in any state and with experience in any practice area are welcome to sign up, though those licensed in Texas or with previous DFPS investigation experience are especially encouraged to help. Sign up here to participate and for more information.
Open Justice Police Accountability Volunteer Project
The Chicago Justice Project is seeking law student volunteers to assist in transparency research related to the impact of state legislation, collective bargaining agreements, & court precedent on the accessibility of data & records from local, county, and state criminal justice agencies across all 50 states. CJP asks that volunteers dedicate 5 - 10 hours per week to research, and all work will be done remotely. For more information and to volunteer, please email LCEmails@acslaw.org.
Volunteer with Immigration Justice Campaign
The Immigration Justice Campaign needs pro bono attorneys to represent individuals in immigration court proceedings – both those who are imprisoned in ICE detention centers around the country and those who were previously subject to the Migrant Protection Protocols and are now living in the U.S. All opportunities are fully remote, but could change in the future. The Immigration Justice Campaign provides resources, hands on guides, and mentors to help volunteers. Find out more and sign up here.
Pro Bono Attorneys Needed to Help Election Officials
Election officials face an increasing wave of state laws subjecting them to criminal penalties for performing their professional duties, while at the same time facing threats of violence to themselves and their families. This comes in the wake of the 2020 election and its aftermath, despite that election being the most secure and transparent election in American history. The Election Officials Legal Defense Network is providing these public servants with the advice and protection they need, at no cost and is looking for pro bono attorneys to help in this effort. To find out more and get involved, reach out to LCEmails@acslaw.org.
Help with the COVID-19 Eviction Crisis
Pro Bono attorneys are urgently needed to help with COVID-related eviction cases across the country. Local legal aid organizations have varying needs and offer support, training, and supervision of pro bono cases. Email LCEmails@acslaw.org to find out more about opportunities available in your area.
Help Create Civics Education Content
ACS has partnered with the League of Women Voters of Alameda, CA on an educational trivia game. The game, VerifyIt!, is geared towards middle and high school students to educate them on voting rights and various Constitutional issue areas. VerifyIt! is looking for volunteers to help with content creation including drafting questions and answers for new games. Explore the VerifyIt! game here and if you'd like to get involved, email LCEmails@acslaw.org.
Notice & Comment Opportunities
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is seeking comment by April 25 on a proposed rule to prescribe how it determines whether a noncitizen is inadmissible to the United States under section 212(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act because they are likely at any time to become a public charge. Noncitizens who seek adjustment of status or a visa, or who are applicants for admission, must establish that they are not likely at any time to become a public charge, unless Congress has expressly exempted them from this ground of inadmissibility or has otherwise permitted them to seek a waiver of inadmissibility. Under this proposed rule, a noncitizen would be considered likely at any time to become a public charge if they are likely at any time to become primarily dependent on the government for subsistence, as demonstrated by either the receipt of public cash assistance for income maintenance or long-term institutionalization at government expense. Comments may be submitted through www.Regulations.gov.
Learn more about these opportunities on the ACS Notice and Comment Page. Check out our Notice and Comment Webinar and email LCEmails@acslaw.org with any questions.