April 9, 2020
Ways to Engage with ACS While You Stay Home - April 9th Edition

We know most of you are staying at home now, doing your part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Many of you are caring for family and friends. Others are looking for ways to keep busy as you practice social distancing.
During these unprecedented times, ACS continues to provide a virtual forum for our network to engage and work toward a Constitution that is truly “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Here are some ways to help you stay connected with ACS while in-person events are canceled. Do you have ideas we should include in future editions? Let us know by emailing info@acslaw.org!
COVID-19 Compassionate Release Pro Bono: The Compassionate Release Clearinghouse is seeking pro bono attorneys to be matched with qualified individuals in federal prisons who are applying for compassionate release. The COVID-19 pandemic has made release for those who qualify all the more urgent, and the Clearing House has received over 400 requests for legal aid. Visit their website to sign up and email LCEmails@acslaw.org to let us know if you volunteer.
Chapter Events: Join ACS At-Large Chapter for a webinar on Friday, April 17, at 1 pm ET for a discussion of The Supreme Court, National Security, and Religious Freedom.
Other Civic Engagement Activities: Check your voter registration status, as well as absentee ballot rules for your state at Vote.org. Help participate in the rulemaking process by submitting a comment for a federal or state notice of proposed rulemaking. View opportunities to comment!
Self-Care: Join Bay Area Chapter Co-Chair Palak Sheth this Sunday, April 12, at 2 pm ET for a live Bollywood workout on Instagram at Doonyaworld.