2017 ACS National Convention

ACS’s National Convention is the premier legal event of the year, attracting nearly 1,000 of the nation’s leading progressive lawyers, scholars, policymakers, judges, and law students. The convention provides a unique opportunity to learn about pressing legal issues from renowned experts while networking with legal leaders from across the country. This year’s convention will include panel discussions on a wide range of timely topics and introduce a new Saturday format focusing on training sessions to help attendees represent communities in need and stand up to the new administration’s attacks on our rights and our system of checks and balances. Please register now and enjoy an early bird discount registration fee.
The 2017 National Convention will take place June 8-10 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.
Please visit this link to book discounted rooms in ACS’s block at the Capital Hilton. Or, you may call (202) 393-1000 and use code ACSLP.
Convention Scholarships
In order to help public interest lawyers attend the convention, ACS will again offer a limited number of fellowships for attorneys working in the government and public interest sectors who earn less than $80,000 per year. Interested professionals may apply here.
Additionally, ACS will award a registration waiver, hotel or travel scholarship to select students. Scholarship packages are based on the information you provide in your application; therefore, please fill out this form completely and accurately.