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The ACS Federal Executive Branch Appointments Project

ACS’s mission is to uphold the Constitution in the 21st Century by ensuring that law is a force for protecting our democracy and the public interest and for improving people’s lives. To achieve these goals, it is vital that federal decisionmakers share these values. To that end, ACS is educating our members and the public on the executive branch appointments process and working with our network to help talented, progressive lawyers work in the federal government.

There are approximately 4,000 politically appointed positions in the federal government and many more career civil service positions. This project is focused on the non-career positions appointed by the President, though ACS also does work on other government service positions, such as state attorneys general offices and the state and federal judiciary.

Click here to learn more about the presidential appointments process and what ACS is doing to ensure lawyers who share these values have opportunities to work in the federal government.

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