October 21, 2020

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Eastern Time

The Legal Industry, Court Capture, and the Environment: A Discussion with U.S. Senators Merkley and Whitehouse

New Haven, CT

Please join the ACS Yale Law Student Chapter and the Yale Environmental Law Association for a virtual event will focus on how money distorts the American legal system. 

The recent Law Firm Climate Change Scorecard published by Law Students for Climate Accountability, documents that elite law firms do far more to exacerbate the climate crisis than to address it, while Senator Ed Merkley and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse additionally highlight the influence of donor interests on the judicial confirmation process.

After a brief presentation from authors of the Scorecard, the Senators will discuss court capture, the potential confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and their impacts before answering questions from the audience.

To attend this event please click here.

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