October 26, 2023

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Eastern Time

State of LGBTQ+ Rights in North Carolina

Wake Forest University School of Law

OUTLaw and ACS are excited to add to the slate of amazing events happening this week. On Thursday at noon in 1312, we will be co-hosting State of The Q-Union, a panel discussion on LGBTQ+ rights in NC. Our panelists, moderated by Prof. George, will discuss the anti-LGBTQ legislation passed by the general assembly this year, the role of litigation in challenging these laws, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy. Attendees will hear from Katie Jenifer, Policy Director at Equality NC, and Amy Richardson, a partner at HWG Law who has been a key player in litigation around transgender healthcare matters for state employees and minors. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.