October 5, 2023

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Eastern Time

"Save A Child, Secure Your Gun" Film Screening

Dineen Hall, Room 106, Syracuse, New York

Join SU ACS as we will be kicking off our 2nd Amendment & Gun Violence programming with a short, but impactful documentary film screening of Robert Greenwald's "Save A Child, Secure Your Gun".

"Save a Child, Secure Your Gun" is a powerful, new documentary highlighting the pressing need for secure storage laws to protect children from accidental shootings. Join us as we expose the NRA's resistance to these common-sense measures and shed light on the significant role secure storage laws play in preventing not only accidental shootings but also mass killings. Through poignant storytelling and expert analysis, the documentary paints a vivid picture of the harrowing consequences stemming from lax firearm storage practices. Armed with compelling personal accounts, expert opinions, and statistics, the documentary underscores the undeniable effectiveness of secure storage in curbing accidental and intentional gun violence.