September 28, 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Eastern Time
Rajesh Nayak: The Trump Admin’s Attack on Workers’ Protections
Please join Rajesh Nayak, the Deputy Executive Director of the National Employment Law Project, as he discusses rule-making at the Department of Labor and current efforts to defend against attacks on workers’ rights and protections.
Raj previously served in senior positions at the U.S. Department of Labor in the Obama Administration. As deputy chief of staff, Raj advised Secretary Tom Perez on the department’s workforce development, worker protection, and counter-trafficking efforts, and led the department’s employee engagement and innovation efforts. As deputy assistant secretary for policy, he managed the department’s ambitious regulatory agenda to improve workers’ rights to overtime pay, health and safety, and retirement security. As senior counsel to the Solicitor of Labor, Raj helped overhaul the department’s enforcement of workplace protections and coordination with state regulatory agencies.
Hosted by the American Constitution Society.
Lunch will be served.