May 23, 2019

11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Eastern Time

Dark Money Reshaping Judiciary

Join ACS President Caroline Fredrickson, Lisa Graves, and Jamal Greene for a discussion of the new exposé by The Washington Post, which documents a well-financed network of wealthy donors who install judges and public officials sympathetic to a far-right agenda. The Post's reporting builds on research supported by ACS; contributing researchers and experts will discuss the implications of the far-right strategy on the courts and for future nominations fights, and how to defend our courts from attacks on core freedoms and principles. 

The Washington Post has shined a much-needed light on the dark money network behind the far right’s ongoing, multi-year effort to reshape the judiciary and accomplish through the courts what they failed to accomplish legislatively. And it has exposed the alarming role that Leonard Leo plays as President Trump’s judge picker and chief orchestrator of the dark money machinations that are turning the judiciary into a powerful tool for corporate interests.


Caroline Fredrickson, ACS President

Lisa Graves, Co-Director, Documented Investigations

Jamal Greene, Dwight Professor of Law, Columbia Law School