March 4, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Eastern Time
An Introduction to Journals, Academia, & Scholarship
Please join the Penn Law ACS Student Chapter, the Penn Law Center on Professionalism, the University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review, the Journal of Constitutional Law, the Journal of International Law, the Journal of Law & Innovation, and the Journal of Law and Social Change for a discussion between Professors Jean Galbraith and Brittany Farr on legal scholarship and the pathway into academia.
The panelist will talk about what journals do, their role in the legal field, the process of conducting legal scholarship, and how it’s changing in the field. Additionally they will share how they got into the legal academia field and what it looks like as a career pathway.
Both professors are excited to discuss how more students can get involved, and provide context for what journals do heading into journal application and "Bluebooking season."
To join this event, please use the zoom link here.