September 12, 2018

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Eastern Time

ACS New York: Executive Board Elections

New York Legal Assistance Group, New York, NY

The following positions will be elected at the ACS NY Lawyer Chapter annual elections on September 12 at 6:30 p.m. Each board member should expect to spend approximately 10 hours per month on Board-related matter.

Interested in applying? Please submit a statement of interest and a resume to Questions? Send an email to the chapter Google Group at


Executive Board Chair: The Chair or co-Chairs of the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter shall be responsible for coordinating all activities of the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter. The Chair convenes meetings of the Executive Board, and shall, with input from Executive Board members, prepare an agenda for all meetings. There will be no more than two co-Chairs elected for a concurrent term.

Executive Board Vice Chair: the Vice Chair or co-Vice Chairs assist in the coordination of all activities of the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter. Duties of the Vice Chair(s) shall include assisting the Chair in all aspects of leadership of the chapter.

Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter’s activities, including records of events and theidentification and contact information of Executive Board members.

Diversity Chair: The Diversity Chair is responsible for implementing and monitoring programs and activities that promote diversity and inclusion in the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter. The Diversity Chair shall also be responsible for outreach to diverse communities, minority bar associations, and other organizations with which the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter shares interests and goals.

Organization Outreach Chair: The Organization Outreach Chair is responsible promoting and establishing relationships and partnerships with organizations with which the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter shares interests and goals.

Liaison to the Advisory Board: The Liaison to the Advisory Board is responsible for identifying appropriate candidates for nomination to the Advisory Board, outreach to and maintenance of relationships with members of the Advisory Board, and the planning of an Annual Meeting of the Advisory Board.

Publicity and Media Chair: The Publicity and Media Chair is responsible for publicizing events planned or co-sponsored by the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter, for maintaining and updating the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter’ ssocial media presence, and for outreach to the media.

Law School Liaison: The Law School Liaison is responsible for initiating and maintaining relationships with the New York-area law school student ACS chapters.