December 20, 2021

The Way Forward on Supreme Court Reform: Debriefing the Presidential Commission Report


President Biden's Commission on the Supreme Court, tasked with providing "an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against Supreme Court reform," has voted to send its report to the President. While the Commission was not asked to advance recommendations, what groundwork does the report lay for reform efforts? What issues need to be resolved to restore the Court's legitimacy? And in a month when we've seen more than ever the Court's potential to impact people's lives, what changes can be made to ensure that it remains an institution that can be trusted with our constitutional rights?

Featured Speakers:

Commissioner Kermit Roosevelt, David Berger Professor for the Administration of Justice, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School

Russ Feingold, President, ACS

Julie Suk, Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law