January 31, 2013

Justice and the Jury Trial

The Honorable William G. Young

US District Court for the District of Massachusetts
Begin: 0:01

The Honorable Heidi Brieger

Massachusetts Superior Court
Begin: 28:49


The Boston Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society and Boston Bar Association presented:
Justice and the Jury Trial
The Honorable William G. Young
Judge, United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts
The Honorable Heidi Brieger
Associate Justice, Massachusetts Superior Court
United States District Court Judge William G. Young and Massachusetts Superior Court Associate Justice Heidi Brieger joined the ACS Boston Lawyer Chapter for a discussion of changing litigation models and a unique opportunity for lawyers to engage in dialogue with the Bench. 
Judge Young shared his observations on how different styles of adjudicating litigation can affect the outcomes of legal disputes, and Justice Brieger responded to his thoughts on current challenges related to the changes brought about by the emphasis on the administrative model of trials.  Formerly an Assistant U.S. Attorney, Justice Brieger provided a unique perspective as a recent litigator and now judge.  Following their remarks, the judges posed questions to attendees and solicited thoughts on improving the courts.  A reception followed the event.