Voting Rights Institute Launch

To strengthen their work to protect voting rights, ACS and the Campaign Legal Center unveiled the next phase of their Voting Rights Institute (VRI) project at the National Press Club on October 2. The event formally announced that the voting rights trainings that ACS and the Campaign legal center have been conducting across the nation for more than a year will now have a permanent home at Georgetown University Law Center.

Featured Speakers:

Wendy Davis, former Texas State Senator
Caroline Fredrickson, President, American Constitution Society
J. Gerald Hebert, Executive Director & Director of Litigation, Campaign Legal Center
William Treanor, Dean, Georgetown University Law Center

Voting Rights Symposium - Defending Voting Rights through State Constitutions

On March 19, 2015 ACS hosted the Symposium on Voting Rights in the States. Experts discussed the new state of voting rights in a day long symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. The first panel of the day considered how litigators and voting rights advocates could use state constitutions to protect the right to vote. 

The panel featured: 

  • Ari Berman, Contributing Writer, The Nation
  • Joshua Douglas, Robert G. Lawson & William H. Fortune Associate Professor of Law, University of Kentucky College of Law
  • Anita Earls, Executive Director, Southern Coalition for Social Justice
  • Dale Ho, Director, ACLU Voting Rights Project
  • Franita Tolson, Betty T. Ferguson Professor of Voting Rights, Florida State University College of Law