National Protests, Police Brutality, and Systemic Racism: ACS Members Speak Out 

National Protests, Police Brutality, and Systemic Racism: ACS Members Speak Out 


ACS member Michele Goodwin wrote in Ms. Magazine about her personal experience with racism in Minneapolis and ways to fix it.

ACS member Fred Smith wrote an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about how to confront America’s past in order to move forward towards a more just future.

ACS member Elliot Williams wrote an op-ed in CNN about the weaponized use of white privilege.

ACS Board of Academic Advisors member Steve Vladeck wrote an op-ed in NBC News and was quoted in Vox discussing President Trump’s protest threats.

ACS New York Lawyer Chapter Board of Directors member Nora Benavidez wrote in The Atlantic about the contrast between the law enforcement response to the George Floyd protests and the response to the recent anti-lockdown demonstrations.