September 10, 2020
Ways to Stay Engaged While You Stay Home: September 11

KENNEDY FREEMAN Network Advancement Associate
During these unprecedented times, ACS continues to provide a virtual forum for our network to engage and work toward a Constitution that is truly “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Here are some ways to help you stay engaged while in-person events are canceled. Do you have ideas we should include in future editions? Let us know by emailing!
Check Your Voter Registration Status: Go to to check your voter registration status! If you plan on voting by mail, be sure to check out new guidance from USPS on mailing in your ballot here.
Sign up to be a Poll Worker: ACS is partnering with Power the Polls to recruit volunteers to address the critical shortage of poll workers in jurisdictions around the country. Sign up here! When you sign up, you’ll get connected to your local election office so you can learn more about serving as a poll worker.
Election Day Class Cancellation: With the majority of classes held virtually this semester, there is a renewed opportunity to create space for students and other members of your law school community to engage on election day and to coordinate opportunities for poll working and voter protection work. Check out the Blueprint for Cancelling Classes on Election Day and reach out to Molly Greene at to learn more about how you can establish a day of civic service at your school!
Help Monitor Voter Cyber Suppression this Election Season. Every election year, thousands of Election Protection volunteers mobilize at polling places nationwide. These trained, nonpartisan volunteers serve as voters’ first line of defense against rampant disinformation and misinformation, among other election concerns. But this year is a little different. In the wake of COVID-19, Election Protection efforts are moving to kitchen tables and living rooms, and helping voters by monitoring social media for misinformation and disinformation. Become a nonpartisan social media monitor this election season! With support from Common Cause staff, you’ll assist voters with questions they post online, as well as correct misinformation and disinformation on major social media platforms. If you would like to volunteer or learn more, email
Police Accountability Volunteer Project. Law students are needed to remotely assist the Chicago Justice Project in transparency research related to the impact of state legislation, collective bargaining agreements, and court precedent on the accessibility of data and records from local, county, and state criminal justice agencies across all 50 states. CJP asks that volunteers dedicate 10 hours per week to research this fall. To apply, students should send a resume to ACS Director of Network Advancement, Ashley Erickson (