August 27, 2020

Ways to Stay Engaged While You Stay Home: August 26 Edition

KENNEDY FREEMAN Network Advancement Associate

During these unprecedented times, ACS continues to provide a virtual forum for our network to engage and work toward a Constitution that is truly “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Here are some ways to help you stay engaged while in-person events are canceled. Do you have ideas we should include in future editions? Let us know by emailing

Check Your Voter Registration Status: Go to to check your voter registration status! If you plan on voting by mail, be sure to check out new guidance from USPS on mailing in your ballot here.

Sign up to be a Poll Worker: ACS is partnering with Power the Polls to recruit volunteers to address the critical shortage of poll workers in jurisdictions around the country. Sign up here! When you sign up, you’ll get connected to your local election office so you can learn more about serving as a poll worker.

Election Protection Work: ACS is partnering with the national, nonpartisan Election Protection coalition to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to vote and have that vote count. Election Protection provides voters from coast to coast with comprehensive information and assistance at all stages of voting – from registration, to absentee and early voting, to casting a vote at the polls, to overcoming obstacles to their participation. Lawyers and law student volunteers are needed to help staff hotlines and on-the-ground efforts. Sign up here, or email

Constitution in the Classroom: Sign up to teach a virtual class on voting rights with Constitution in the Classroom on or around Constitution Day, September 17th! For more information email

Election Day Class Cancellation: With the majority of classes held virtually this semester, there is a renewed opportunity to create space for students and other members of your law school community to engage on election day and to coordinate opportunities for poll working and voter protection work.  Check out the Blueprint for Cancelling Classes on Election Day and reach out to Molly Greene at to learn more about how you can establish a day of civic service at your school!