September 2, 2021

Texas Attorneys Needed to Represent Those Sued Under SB8

Ashley Erickson Senior Director of Network Advancement

Texas’ recently passed anti-abortion law -- Texas State Bill 8 -- bans abortion at approximately 6 weeks of pregnancy and authorizes anyone to sue an abortion provider or anyone who helps a person get an abortion, and could allow lawsuits against a range of individuals, including those who help someone pay for an abortion or who drive a patient to a clinic.

The National Women’s Law Center is looking for Texas-licensed attorneys interested in representing those who are sued under this new law, such as abortion providers and abortion funds. There is a particular need for experienced litigators in areas such as personal injury and civil rights litigation. A coalition working on these efforts will connect interested attorneys with available resources, assistance, and guidance to support their involvement in such cases. Funding may also be available for those interested in helping.

If you are interested in getting involved, please email with "SB8" in the subject line.