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Volunteers Still Needed for Nonpartisan Election Activities

Even though the election is over, volunteers are still needed to make sure we continue to have a safe and fair election for all voters. View volunteer opportunities available with our partner organizations below.

Volunteer to help with the Georgia Runoff Election

Our democracy depends on all eligible citizens having a meaningful opportunity to vote. We need your help to ensure our elections continue to be fair and accessible for the Georgia Runoff this January. There are a variety of non-partisan ways to help remotely. If you are interested in volunteering with any of the projects below or have any questions, email

Pro Georgia and the 501(c)(3) state table are looking for remote volunteers to help with Election Protection, phone and text banking, and more. Pro Georgia will connect volunteers with a local non-partisan partner aligned with the volunteer’s specific interests. To sign-up, please register here, and let us know at that you volunteered.

Join the National Equality Action Team’s phone banking efforts. You can call anywhere, any day, at almost any time that’s convenient for you. NEAT will provide an easy web calling tool, a script, quick OnDemand video training anytime you want, and live support while you dial. NEAT can also help you organize a virtual phone bank party with your chapter members. Learn more and sign-up here.

Stop Online Voting Disinformation

Our coalition partner, Common Cause, needs help more than ever to stop disinformation surrounding the Election. Despite the networks finally calling the race, Common Cause has noticed more disinformation online in the last few days than at any other time this cycle. If you are interested in monitoring social media, please sign-up here. You can also directly report disinformation you see on social media to the coalition team here. How we address disinformation now could have a long-term impact on the next four years.

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