August 26, 2005

Private: Cindy Sheehan To Tour the Country

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq on April 3, 2004, has announced that she will embark on a nearly one-month long bus tour in furtherance of her anti-war efforts. Earlier this month, Sheehan pitched a tent outside of President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch, and announced her intention to remain there until the President would meet with her to discuss her son's death. Detroit Free Press columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. writes that Sheehan will get her meeting with President Bush "the day winged donkeys perform an air show in the skies above the South Lawn. In other words, never." Indeed, Sheehan acknowledges the unlikelihood of being granted a meeting with President Bush. Nevertheless, she states of her protest, "I absolutely think it's worthwhile because we've galvanized the peace movement. We've started people talking about the war again."