September 18, 2018

10:30 am - 11:30 am, Eastern Time

The Kavanaugh Nomination: What's Next?

The process for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court has been fraught from the start with Senate Republicans’ refusal to request his full record of documents, the highly unusual way in which any documents were produced (many of which were labeled “Committee Confidential”), the rush in the nomination process, hearings punctuated with hundreds of protesters and Senators fighting to tell their narrative, and serious questions about the truthfulness of Kavanaugh’s testimony.  Now comes the latest news of sexual assault allegations which raise another set of serious questions. This is all in addition to substantive concerns about this nomination and the effect it will have to swing the Court hard right on a host of issues including personal liberty issues, health care, presidential power, voting, and the list goes on.

Please join our experts, including a witness who gave testimony before the committee, to parse where things stand.

Kent Greenfield, Professor and Michael and Helen Lee Distinguished Scholar, ACS Faculty Advisor at Boston College Law

Melissa Murray, ACS Board member and Professor of Law, New York University School of Law [INVITED]