October 24, 2019
12:30 pm
Immigration Enforcement in North Carolina and Duke Law's Response
Please join Duke Law professors Eisha Jain and Kate Evans for a discussion about current trends in immigration enforcement and their impact in North Carolina, including detention of asylum-seekers, cooperation between local sheriffs and ICE, immigration raids, and pressure on the immigration courts. They will also describe opportunities for Duke students to respond through the Immigrant Rights Clinic, Legal Service Trips, and pro bono projects. Lunches will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Sponsored by the Office of the Dean, the Immigrant Rights Clinic, and the Duke Immigrant and Refugee Project, the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Constitution Society, the Latin American Law Students Association, the Middle East North Africa Law Students Association, the South Asian Law Student Association, the Asian and Pacific-American Law Students Association, and the Muslim Law Students Association.