August 18, 2020

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Pacific Time

ACS Sacramento: Gender Equality in California: Past, Present, and Future

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, please join us for this exciting panel on California's role in the fight for gender equality. We will begin with an overview of California's role in the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, and then examine the current fight in California for gender equality before seguing into a conversation about issues on the horizon, including the status of the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and what the legal effect of ratification would mean, and the road ahead. 


Speakers include:

Tamara Martin, California State Archivist 

Mariko Yoshihara, Legislative Counsel and Policy Director, California Lawyers' Employment Association 

Noreen Farrell, Executive Director, Equal Rights Advocates 

Janessa Goldbleck, Former Candidate for California's 53rd Congressional District, Family Leave Advocate 


Moderator: Sophia Carrillo, Member, ACS Sacramento Board of Directors; ACS Next Generation Leaders

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