April 12, 2024

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Central Time

ACS Madison: What the Constitution Means to Me

Overture Center, Madison, WI

Join the ACS Madison Lawyer Chapter for a presentation of “What the Constitution Means to Me” and a post-show talk-back with Justice Jill J. Karofsky, Wisconsin Supreme Court. Learn more about the play below and purchase your ticket here. And don’t forget to pick up your ACS Pocket Constitution!

As a teen, Heidi Schreck won scholarships for college by participating in Constitutional debate competitions. Now, she cannot help but weigh the earnest study, idealism and hopeful wisdom of her youth against the complexities of being a citizen and a woman in the United States in the 21st century. Join Wisconsin favorite Colleen Madden as she steps into Heidi’s shoes to ask us what this living document means to us— and what it means to be an American.