2020 Program Guide: Combatting Anti-Black Racism Through Law and Policy

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The American Constitution Society is pleased to present our Fall 2020 Program Guide and Speakers List:

Combatting Anti-Black Racism Through Law and Policy

Racism in America against Black, Indigenous, and People of Color is universally harmful and toxic, but has its roots in different historical antecedents and impacts each community in unique ways. This Program Guide focuses on anti-Black racism, not because the racism Indigenous and other People of Color confront is not equally heinous, but because the nation is currently engaged in one of the most frank and direct conversations about the dire need to confront anti-Black racism since the Civil Rights Movement. The Movement for Black Lives and its allies, who seek to combat the institutional, systemic anti-Black racism in America that threatens the safety, freedom, and economic well-being of Black Americans, have reached an unprecedent level of social and cultural exposure, creating opportunities for structural legal and policy reforms. ACS encourages our chapters to use this Program Guide as the starting point for ongoing discussions and creative action.

View the Fall 2020 Program Guide and Speakers List