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Stanford Law School ACS Student Chapter

Stanford’s ACS Student Chapter has taken up a leading role on campus this year, hosting twenty events and continuing to build a community of progressive leaders. A few highlights from the Chapter’s programming include “Clerking as a Progressive,” which offered professional guidance for progressive lawyers, and a reading group series that offered students a platform to discuss current progressive issues. The Chapter held criminal law and policy events on “anticipatory prosecution” in the War on Terror, provided progressive responses to white nationalist violence and domestic terrorism, and discussed drug policy reform. The largest classroom at the law school was packed for a celebration of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, where three of her former clerks discussed their experiences working for the incomparable RBG. In addition, the Chapter held various events in partnership with other student organizations, including the Stanford Federalist Society, the Stanford Advocate for Immigrants’ Rights, and the Election Law Project.

The Chapter has devoted much of its programming to exploring the American judiciary; altogether, the Chapter invited six federal and state judges from both progressive and conservative backgrounds to speak with students about everything from methods of statutory interpretation to diversifying the bench. These judges have included Ninth Circuit Judge Michelle Friedland, Northern District of California Judge Jon Tigar, Sixth Circuit Judge Jeffrey Sutton, Eleventh Circuit Judge Britt Grant, Seventh Circuit Judge David Hamilton, and California Supreme Court Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar. The Stanford Chapter also engaged in programming that went beyond the traditional lunchtime panel. This year, for example, the Chapter screened a voting rights documentary and held a casual dessert reception for student members.

To keep members connected with the organization, the Stanford chapter established a new monthly newsletter this year and frequently shared information on upcoming events, relevant progressive issue areas, and updates from ACS national with its members. As the Chapter adapts to the COVID-19 public health crisis, it plans to continue building the progressive lawyer movement at Stanford Law School virtually.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professors Pam Karlan and Jeff Fisher, for their support and guidance.


Pictured are members of the Notre Dame ACS board with Senator Chris Coons, and former Senators Joe Donnelly and Jeff Flake at a bipartisan event this past September.

Notre Dame Law School ACS Student Chapter

The Notre Dame Law School ACS Student Chapter spent the school year amplifying liberal voices. The Chapter built strong coalitions with other progressive groups and sparked excitement for progressive causes on campus, both at the Law School and on the broader University of Notre Dame campus. The Chapter accomplished these goals by hosting 14 events over the course of the school year, as well as becoming more engaged with the undergraduate community through op-eds in the student newspaper and publicizing events in campus-wide newsletters.

This year, the Notre Dame ACS Student Chapter brought in esteemed speakers including Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court Loretta Rush and Neil Eggleston, former White House Counsel to President Obama. The chapter also hosted a weeklong “Changemakers Week” to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage. Another notable event was the discussion, “Sex and the Scope of Title VII,” where the Notre Dame ACS Chapter partnered with the Notre Dame LGBT Law Forum to invite Kimberly Hively, the named plaintiff in Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana, to discuss LGBTQ+ employment protections. The event filled the Notre Dame Law School courtroom and even made the cover of the school newspaper the next day.

In October, Attorney General William Barr voiced his opinions about religion and the rule of law at Notre Dame Law School. To counter the AG’s points, the Chapter invited law professor and theological scholar Patricia Hackett to provide a well-sourced response. Just before spring break and the transition to virtual classes, the Chapter hosted a talk with Professor Jimmy Gurulé, a former colleague of AG Barr, on his decision to join the large, bipartisan group of former DOJ officials in calling for the Attorney General’s resignation in the wake of the Roger Stone decision.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor Jay Tidmarsh and ACS National for the continued support. Notre Dame ACS is proud to be named as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week and is excited to continue promoting more inclusive, diverse, and progressive messages next year!


Boston College Law School ACS Student Chapter

Boston College Law School ACS Chapter is thrilled to be named Student Chapter of the Week. The BC Chapter worked hard to present a number of engaging speaker events throughout the shortened academic year— three of which were featured in the Boston College Law Magazine, including the events with Neil Eggleston, former White House Counsel in the Obama Administration; Michael Gerhardt, law professor and Trump impeachment hearing expert witness; and Anne Burgess, a female pioneer in the nursing and forensic fields. The chapter and its members felt fortunate to hear from such accomplished and personable progressive legal minds.

BC also strived to create a variety of events for different purposes. As valued as the experts who have spent their careers in the law are, the chapter also brought in other fresh perspectives— reaching out to Austin Evers, the founder of American Oversight, and Daniel McFadden of the Massachusetts ACLU, who are both younger BC Law alumni. They both spoke to the chapter about their paths to public interest careers. Students felt comfortable asking questions about early career choices and engaging the speakers in a real back-and-forth discussion.

Finally, the chapter hosted membership-driven events, including hosting a notice and comment party, roundtable discussions, and two movie screenings. These small group settings foster great discussion about how to bolster liberal interpretations of the Constitution and provide students with a space to speak about the current political climate. Students at BC Law look to ACS events for educational and social opportunities. The Chapter is looking forward to the return of a normal academic semester where it will continue to play a role in BC’s legal education. The Chapter would also like to thank its Faculty Advisor Kent Greenfield and ACS National for their continued support.


University of Akron School of Law ACS Student Chapter

Akron Law’s ACS Chapter is thankful to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week! This was the Chapter’s third year as an active organization, and as the Chapter’s membership continued to grow, it cemented itself as the single largest voluntary student organization at Akron Law. This year, the Chapter emphasized collaboration with other student organizations, as well as local and regional organizations, to maximize the Chapter’s impact by putting on a diverse array of events.

The Chapter put on a host of engaging events this year on a broad range of constitutional topics. To kick off the academic year, the Chapter co-hosted a debate focused around the then-upcoming Supreme Court term and predictions on how the cases down the docket would turn out. The Chapter also put on an event highlighting the growing debate around the reformation or abolition of law enforcement in America. The Chapter then held two events on immigration law. The first event looked at how we can reimagine immigration law to work in a humane and compassionate way. The second event was a co-hosted debate on the same topic. The final event was a debate with the Akron Law Federalist Society chapter on free exercise and free speech following Obergefell. The Chapter was also planning a discussion with the Innocence Project to discuss wrongful convictions, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic all plans were halted.

The Chapter extends its heartfelt thanks to its Faculty Advisor, Professor Brant Lee, for his continuing guidance and unwavering support. The Chapter also extends its thanks to all its amazing members and all the other student organizations that partnered with the Chapter along the way.


Temple University Beasley School of Law ACS Student Chapter

Temple’s ACS Chapter is honored to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week.

After an enlightening ACS National Convention last June, a group of policy-oriented students sought to reinvigorate Temple’s ACS Student Chapter. The Temple ACS Student Chapter was soon welcomed with a happy hour co-hosted by the Penn State ACS Student Chapter, the Central Pennsylvania ACS Lawyer Chapter, the Pittsburgh ACS Lawyer Chapter, and the Philly ACS Lawyer Chapter.

The Temple ACS Student Chapter was thrilled to lead three wonderful events for the Fall Semester, the first being a panel with professors and practitioners on the impact of the Supreme Court’s pair of LGBT employment discrimination cases. The Chapter’s next event was perhaps the student body’s most anticipated event of the semester. Temple ACS Faculty Advisor, Professor Mark Rahdert, countered a Federalist Society professor on the issue of religious liberty by giving a prescriptive framework on how to analyze religious liberty challenges to laws of general applicability. After co-sponsoring two thought-provoking events on privacy and state challenges to federal policy, the Chapter concluded the fall semester by welcoming Philadelphia-area Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon to campus. As the Spring Semester was understandably cut short by the COVID-19 closures, the Chapter did not get to host its climate change litigation panel that it had been planning. The day before the school officially shut down, the Chapter co-hosted a bombastic event on War Powers that featured two national security experts, Jamil N. Jaffer and Harvey Rishikof. Other semester events included a viewing of the impeachment proceedings and a joint happy hour with the Drexel, Rutgers, and Villanova ACS student chapters, along with the local ACS lawyer chapters.

First and foremost, the Temple ACS Student Chapter would like to thank its 1L Representatives for their help in making its events some of the most well-attended on campus. The Chapter looks forward to their leadership next year. The Chapter would also like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Mark Rahdert, and Visiting Professor Robert Tsai for their support and guidance.


Wayne State University Law School ACS Student Chapter

The Wayne State University Law School ACS Student Chapter is headed by co-presidents Shirley Rivas (2L) and Angela Kehrig (2L). The Chapter is thrilled to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week and hopes everyone is staying safe during these uncertain times.

This was a big year for the Wayne State ACS Student Chapter. It was a year that started with a semester packed with events but became a year of uncertainty amid the current public health crisis. The year started with a talk by Eric Williams from the Detroit Justice Center regarding his work with Project Green Light in Detroit. Eric Williams’s talk was soon followed by a Reproductive Rights Panel cosponsored with the Women’s Law Caucus, If/When/How, and Health Law Society. Finally, the Wayne ACS Student Chapter worked alongside the Wayne Black Law Students Association (BLSA) to support BLSA in hosting its successful Soul Food Café.

Due to the public health crisis, the Wayne ACS Student Chapter had to cancel the events planned for the second half of the year, including a talk with Wade Fink from the ACS Michigan Lawyer Chapter regarding how to open and operate a progressive law firm and a panel on housing discrimination. The Chapter is deeply saddened to have canceled some very important events but ultimately knows that the community’s health is of greater importance. The Chapter would like to thank its faculty advisor, Robert Sedler, and ACS National for its continued support. The Chapter is grateful for this recognition and sends its best wishes to all for health and safety.


Harvard Law School ACS Student Chapter 

The Harvard Law School (HLS) ACS Student Chapter is grateful to be recognized as the Student Chapter of the Week and thanks ACS for the chance to reflect on the past academic year. The Chapter sends its best wishes for health and safety to everyone in ACS, along with their families and communities. The HLS Chapter commends everyone who has worked to keep progressive values at the forefront during these difficult times. 

This year, the HLS Chapter hosted a variety of progressive events and speakers. The Chapter used three themes to guide its programming: (1) highlighting state and local leaders in progressive governance, (2) connecting federal and state judges with progressive law students, and (3) building a close-knit progressive community within and beyond the law school. The HLS Chapter collaborated with many partners, including other student groups on campus, to host activities like 

  • conversation with Amol Sinha (Legal Director of New Jersey ACLU) and Gurbir Grewal (New Jersey Attorney General) 
  • Small-group chats with Professor Pamela Karlan (Stanford Law professor who testified at the recent impeachment hearings) and Judge Kim Wardlaw (the first HispanicAmerican woman appointed to a federal appeals court) 
  • Discussions featuring federal and state judges, including Justice Melissa Hart of the Colorado Supreme Court 
  • Casual reading groups through the new “Progressive Constitutionalism Project”  
  • Building the Constitution in the Classroom program to reach students as well as incarcerated individuals 
  • Expanding Supreme Court Moots with new practitioners, professors, and advocates 

The HLS Chapter had also originally planned to host the 2020 ACS Student Convention in March, but to comply with current public health guidance, the Chapter has instead been connecting with members via the ongoing “ACS Convention Virtual Series. The series’ first event featured a student leader townhall with new ACS President Russ Feingold.   

The HLS Chapter thanks everyone it worked with this year, including its faculty supporters Professors Nikolas Bowie, Michael Klarman, and Anna Lvovsky, and it sends its best wishes for health to the ACS community. 


University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The McGeorge School of Law ACS Student Chapter is coming up on its first full year on campus. It is comprised of a passionate group of students who are dedicated to creating the groundwork for a lasting chapter at their law school. Although the first year has been bumpy, especially with the current pandemic cancelling a majority of the spring semester events, the Chapter has solidified a strong presence on campus.

This year, the Chapter set out on a journey to introduce ACS and its values to the campus. First, the Chapter hosted an event providing attendees with an overview of the upcoming Supreme Court session and cases to keep a close eye on. The event featured the Chapter’s Faculty Advisor, Professor Leslie Jacobs, who specializes in constitutional law and served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. Additionally, the Chapter held an event delving into women’s reproductive rights and the implications of these cases, such as June Medical Services v. Russo and Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania.

The Chapter recruited influential and knowledgeable speakers to the campus, including Riena Yu of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and McGeorge School of Law Associate Professor Ederlina Co.

The Chapter has placed a high emphasis on collaboration with the ACS Sacramento Lawyer Chapter, which has helped establish a stronger on-campus ACS presence. By working with the Lawyer Chapter, ACS McGeorge seeks to be a source for mentoring and networking opportunities between lawyers and law students.

The Chapter sincerely thanks its Faculty Advisors, Professors Leslie Jacobs and Jon Wainwright, for their insights and guidance. Next year, the Chapter hopes to facilitate more educational debates and strengthen its relationship with its peers on campus and the Sacramento community!


Columbia Law School ACS Student Chapter 

The Columbia Law School Chapter of ACS is thrilled to be named as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week! The CLS Chapter made it a priority to raise the profile of ACS on campus by highlighting constitutional issues in its events. By emphasizing events that dealt with the rightward shift of the judiciary, impeachment, and protecting voting rights, the chapter distinguished itself from the other public interest groups on campus and brought real energy and interest to ACS’s work.

This year’s board brought a commitment to thematic unity across the chapter’s events, and as a result, they were able to drive a dialogue around progressive constitutionalism at CLS that often mirrored the high-profile events in the news. While the COVID-19 outbreak interrupted the CLS Chapter’s spring programming, it is rescheduling the events planned for spring to the early fall to continue the forward momentum of the chapter.

Some event highlights of this year include:

  • A talk by Professor Michael Gerhardt of the University of North Carolina School of Law on impeachment, weeks before he testified before the House Judiciary Committee on the subject
  • A talk about the Rule of Law with Former U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli
  • An event with U.S. Circuit Court Judge Diane Wood on the importance of “contextualism” in understanding the Constitution (postponed until the fall)

The Chapter also focused on expanding its alumni network by connecting with the ACS New York Lawyer Chapter and establishing a relationship with the other NYC law schools’ ACS chapters.

The Chapter is especially grateful for the continued guidance and support of its faculty advisor, Gillian Metzger. The Chapter would also like to thank Peggy Li and the ACS National staff for their support and advice.


University of Missouri School of Law ACS Student Chapter

This year, the Mizzou Law ACS Chapter has loved bringing progressive conversations to Mizzou Law! The University of Missouri ACS Chapter is dedicated to helping spread progressive values throughout Mid-Missouri. The ACS Mizzou Law Chapter works with many campus partners including Women’s Law Association, OUTlaw, and the Black Law Student Association to host student driven events. A member favorite event was the Progressive Puppy Picnic. Progressive law students, attorneys, and dogs were all invited for a fun night of progressive conversations.

The Mizzou Law ACS Chapter also held a conversation with leading expert Professor Frank Bowman regarding the history of impeachment. Alongside discussions, the chapter has volunteered at the local food bank and worked with the League of Women Voters of Boone County to register voters on campus. Recently, the chapter hosted Dr. Heidi Li Feldman for the Leaders From Law Workshop, which helps bring progressive attorneys and law students together to discuss how to run for office.

This year, ACS Mizzou Law events have been very well attended and have been a force for learning outside the classroom. In the near future, the chapter is hosting panels discussing the future of reproductive rights, Title IX, education law, disabilities, and several events around criminal justice reform. They are looking forward to ending the year with advocacy and coming back next year with just as much excitement!

The Mizzou Law Chapter would like to thank its speakers, professors (including faculty advisor Richard Reuben), and alumni (especially TGH Litigation and Jose Caldera).


The University of Chicago Law School ACS Student Chapter

The University of Chicago Chapter of ACS is honored to be named ACS Student Chapter of the Week! The UChicago Chapter has worked hard this year to achieve its goals of growing its membership, hosting more judges for talks on clerkships and the path to the bench, and increasing its presence on campus.

As the result of this year’s dedicated 2L board, an influx of enthusiastic and talented 1Ls, and some exciting and timely programming, the Chapter was thrilled to win the 2019 ACS Membership Contest for the most percentage gain in membership from last year.

The Chapter met its goal of hosting more judges to speak about clerkships and their paths to the bench this year, organizing events with Hon. Sara L. Ellis, Hon. Gary S. Feinerman, and Hon. Sharon J. Coleman of the Northern District of Illinois. The Chapter will continue these efforts in the Spring Quarter with the Hon. David F. Hamilton of the Seventh Circuit.

Other event highlights of this year include:

  • A discussion with New York Times reporters Kate Kelly and Robin Pogrebin about their book The Education of Brett Kavanaugh
  • A discussion with Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx on her career, public service, and progressive prosecution
  • A panel on the Second Amendment and NYSRPA v. NYC with Professor Darrell A.H. Miller and William Taylor (Senior Appellate Counsel for Everytown for Gun Safety)
  • A panel on impeachment with Professors David Strauss, Alison LaCroix, and Dean Richard McAdams

Enterprising 1Ls arranged a productive meeting with the Chicago Lawyers Chapter to increase the Chapter’s involvement with their programming, establish mentorship relationships, and increase communication between chapters. The Chapter also has focused on expanding its alumni network by both creating a new board position to oversee alumni interaction and completing a project to update contact information for 700+ former UChicago ACSers.

The Chapter is especially grateful for the continued guidance and support of our faculty advisors, Geoffrey Stone and Jennifer Nou. The Chapter would also like to thank Genevieve Lakier, David Strauss, Aziz Huq, and the ACS National staff (especially Megan Paulas!) for their support and advice.


The California Western School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The California Western School of Law Chapter of the American Constitution Society is honored to be recognized as the Student Chapter of the Week! The chapter is very fortunate to have had a recent, robust revitalization that has led to a consistently engaged and active school year.

The chapter has hosted, sponsored, or cosponsored many events that cover issues ranging from the local to federal level. The California Western ACS Student Chapter began the school year by tabling for Constitution Day and hosting a Supreme Court preview event before the most recent Supreme Court term. The Chapter’s Supreme Court events are consistently the most sought out events at California Western  by both students and faculty alike.

The Chapter often hosts events with a number of other student organizations. The Chapter has worked with the Women’s Law Caucus to host an event post-Kavanaugh and during this election season where congressional and city attorney candidates were invited to speak. The Chapter also held an event with the Military Veteran’s Legal Society and Immigration Law Society on American military veterans who were deported after returning from war.

Additionally, the Chapter has hosted a number of general meetings and happy hours with local guest speakers including elected officials and attorneys practicing in state and federal court. This local engagement and recognition has been one of the chapters biggest goals as the Chapter strives to make ACS students an integral part of the San Diego legal community.

Amongst the California Western ACS Student Chapters most significant achievements this past year was the publishing of a Constitution Day op-ed in the San Diego Union Tribune. Authored by the chapters president, Rabiya Tirmizi, and vice-president, Oday Yousif, the op-ed emphasized the importance of paying attention to the federal courts this election season.

The California Western School of Law Chapter would like to thank its faculty advisor, Professor Glenn Smith, California Western’s student services staff, and the ACS National staff for all their support. We are grateful for the achievements of our chapter.


Yale Law School ACS Student Chapter

The Yale Law School ACS Chapter is busy preparing for its upcoming conference, Reviving Democratic Constitutionalism, on March 20-21 in New Haven. In coordination with the ACS Board of Academic Advisors, the Yale Chapter will host progressive leaders from Congress, leading public interest organizations, and academia to discuss how to strengthen American democracy and renew citizen engagement in defining our constitutional order. Speakers will include Rep. David Cicilline (RI), Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT), former Senator Russ Feingold (WI), Professor Pam Karlan (Stanford Law School), Lourdes Rivera (Center for Reproductive Rights), and Brian Fallon (Demand Justice). The Chapter is deeply grateful for the support of ACS National in this effort.

So far this year, the Chapter has hosted many great events, often with the support of other student organizations, including:

  • Visits by Judge Pamela Chen (E.D.N.Y.), Judge Pamela Harris (4th Cir.), Judge Nina Pillard (D.C. Cir.), and Judge Carlton Reeves (S.D. Miss.).
  • An event with former U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.
  • An event on state-led efforts to defend the rule of law with New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal.
  • A conversation on gun safety advocacy with litigators from Everytown for Gun Safety.
  • A discussion about defending liberty in the Trump era with David Cole, National Legal Director of the ACLU.
  • An event remembering Justice Stevens with three of his former law clerks: Deborah Pearlstein, David Pozen, and Kate Shaw.
  • A discussion on democracy reform with Wendy Weiser, director of the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice.
  • A conversation with FTC Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter on progressive careers in government in politics.
  • A visit by Ganesh Sitaraman, professor at Vanderbilt Law School and adviser to Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Reva Siegel, for her guidance and support throughout the year, especially with respect to the forthcoming conference.


Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center ACS Student Chapter

The Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center ACS Student Chapter is honored to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week.

The Chapter is proud to have begun the year with a guest speaker from local non-profit Voice of the Experience (VOTE), which advocates for the rights of formerly incarcerated people. The Chapter continued partnering with advocacy groups by co-hosting a bake sale with the LSU Veteran’s Advocacy Club, OutLaw, and the SBA’s Diversity and Professionalism Committee to support transgender military members.

For Constitution Day, the Chapter taught a lesson on the First Amendment and separation of powers to students at the neighboring high school, LSU’s University Lab School. The LSU ACS Student Chapter followed that educational event with a fun “Drag Brunch Social”. For this event, the Chapter partnered with OutLaw and met for brunch and an exciting drag show.

During election season, members of the Chapter met with candidates for the Louisiana House and Senate to educate themselves about the candidates’ policy positions. As an ACS affiliate, the Chapter does not endorse any specific candidates or political parties, but the members were very excited to learn more about the candidates’ stances on topics like cash bail and the minimum wage.

The Chapter also helped to facilitate two important career discussions through its “Food for Thought” program, which featured guest speaker Professor Pedro Gerson on the topic of public interest lawyering, and the “Empathetic Lawyering and Self Care” event. The Chapter held two holiday charity events in which members donated holiday cards and gifts to immigrants and children in need. The LSU ACS Student Chapter also began the “Where’s the Nuance?” series, which continues into this Spring Semester. The series is a student-led discussion series that provides space for the Chapter to discuss a broad range of topics that include wealth inequality, gun control, and foreign policy. Last month, the Chapter hosted an important impeachment discussion featuring Professors Paul Finkelman and Ray Diamond.

The LSU ACS Student Chapter is grateful for the support of the ACS national staff and its faculty advisor, Professor John Devlin.


University of Detroit Mercy School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The ACS Student Chapter at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law has had a busy year!

The Chapter launched with an event featuring local non-profit “Caught Up” which tutors at-risk youth and those in juvenile detention so they are prepared to re-enter school. The chapter then hosted Val Newman, Wayne County Conviction Integrity Unit, to discuss her work and the story of an exoneree, Aaron Salter, who is currently working to develop a home for men released from prison with no place to go. The Chapter also hosted programs on impeachment and immigration and had a mixer with the Michigan ACS Lawyer Chapter. The Detroit Mercy ACS Chapter works closely with the UDM LGBTQ student organization, Outlaws, and together, the organizations co-sponsored an event discussing a local employment case that involved gender identity discrimination. The chapter most recently hosted Shelley Cavalieri to discuss her article “Post-Legal Feminist Strategies of Resistance in the #MeToo Era.”

Last week, the Chapter hosted a panel on progressive prosecution and criminal justice featuring alumna Hon. Aramis Ayala, State Attorney, Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida. This semester, the Chapter is also planning a screening of Suppressed: The Fight to Vote and panel discussions on the Equal Rights Amendment and current DACA litigation. The chapter is also working to feature professors who write for the US Feminist Judgments Project and possibly host an event on the consequences of current events in the Middle East.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Kyle Langvardt and Jelani Jefferson Exum, for their guidance and support.


New York University School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The ACS Chapter at NYU Law prides itself on hosting events that bring together incredibly talented progressive attorneys from a wide variety of fields, to discuss the important legal issues of our time and provide insight into progressive lawyering careers.

The chapter began the school year with a “Progressive Action Mixer,” partnering with peer student organizations dedicated to mobilizing around progressive causes. The chapter then turned its attention to LGBTQ+ equality at the Supreme Court, co-hosting a panel on the Zarda and Bostock cases argued before the Court during the 2019 term. The panel featured attorneys from the Legal Aid Society, the New York City Commission on Human Rights, and the ACLU’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & HIV Project. The chapter also hosted a Town Hall with NYU Law’s New York State Senator Brad Hoylman, giving students the opportunity to hear what their representative was working on in the state legislature.

In October, the chapter hosted former White House Counsel Bob Bauer, Just Security’s Editor-in-Chief Ryan Goodman, and former Special Assistant to the President Kate Shaw for an examination of the impeachment of President Donald Trump. To close the fall semester, the chapter hosted its annual “Faces of Progressive Lawyering” event, inviting a number of progressive attorneys to share how to navigate a legal career while holding progressive values. This year, the event featured attorneys from the Eric Holder Initiative for Civil & Political Rights, the Federal Defenders of New York, the New Economy Project, and the Counsel to the Mayor of New York.

Just recently, the chapter hosted a conversation with former Solicitor General and ACS Board Member Donald Verrilli Jr. and will soon host a panel on the upcoming arguments in June Medical Services v. Gee and the possible threats to reproductive rights implicated therein. The NYU ACS Chapter would like to thank ACS National and faculty advisors Adam Cox, Deborah Malamud, and Burt Neuborne for their continued support.


University of Idaho College of Law ACS Student Chapter

The University of Idaho College of Law ACS Student Chapter is honored to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the week!

This year, the Chapter found tremendous inspiration at the ACS National Convention in Washington D.C. and came back to Idaho ready to share their inspiration with fellow classmates and the community.

To start the year, the Chapter kicked off Constitution Day by reaching out to potential new members and educating them about the Spring 2020 Supreme Court decisions. Constitution Day was a huge hit, with attendance reaching almost 200 between the Moscow and Boise campuses. The Chapter also used Constitution Day to reach out to local elementary schools through ACS’s Constitution in the Classroom project.

Over the rest of the semester, the Chapter focused on the local elections with programing including “What’s on Your Ballot?” and a Boise Mayoral Forum with an unprecedented six candidates. The Chapter also coordinated with another local ACS Student Chapter to host an event, “How to Ruin Thanksgiving,” which discussed how to talk about controversial political topics with family members over the holidays.

Going forward, the Chapter hopes to continue with the theme of discussing elections and getting students more involved with the democratic process leading into the 2020  elections. The Idaho ACS Student Chapter would like to thank ACS National and our faculty advisors Katherine Macfarlane, Stephen Miller, and Shaakirrah Sanders for their support.


Duke University School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The Duke University School of Law ACS Chapter has continued its mission to promote an inclusive vision of the Constitution in 2019. The Chapter is honored to have its hard work to expand membership and progressive discourse recognized by ACS National. In the fall of 2019 alone, the Chapter sponsored fourteen events spanning several disciplines and topical issues, ranging from impeachment to the student debt crisis. A few of these events include:

  • A Supreme Court Wrap-Up and Preview, featuring Professor Dan Epps from Washington University in St. Louis, and Duke Law Professors Guy-Uriel Charles, Lisa Kern Griffin, and Stephen Sachs;
  • A debate on the Constitution’s religion clauses, featuring Professor Scott Gaylord of Elon Law and Professor William Marshall of UNC Law;
  • A discussion with Duke Law Professors Eisha Jain and Kate Evans about current trends in immigration enforcement and their impact in North Carolina;
  • A lunch talk on faculty experiences as federal prosecutors and their views on the criminal justice system, featuring Professors Sam Buell and Lisa Kern Griffin; and
  • A debate on corporate criminal liability, featuring Professor John Hasnas from Georgetown University Law Center and Brandon Garrett from Duke Law School.

The Chapter has also hosted several progressive legal titans including former White House Counsel to President Obama, Neil Eggleston; former acting Solicitor General, Walter Dellinger; and Deputy Counsel and Deputy Assistant to President Clinton, William Marshall. The group also heard from a vast array of leading scholars and attorneys, including First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams and national security expert Michael German.

The Chapter would like to thank Professors Neil Siegel, Joseph Blocher, Anne Gordon, Guy-Uriel Charles, Sam Buell, Lisa Kern Griffin, and Brandon Garrett for their assistance and support. The Chapter also thanks ACS staff for their tremendous help throughout the year.


Rutgers Law School-Newark ACS Student Chapter

Throughout the academic year, the ACS Student Chapters Department honors a Student Chapter of the Week. The chapter is featured on the ACS website, in the ACS weekly bulletin, and in the ACS Student Chapters weekly announcement. The selected chapters are ones that have held exceptional programming, have aligned themselves with the priorities of the national office or have established themselves as a premier student group on campus.

The Rutgers Law School – Newark ACS Chapter restarted on campus in the fall semester of 2018. The Chapter began with a Midterm Election Watch Party. Throughout the year, the Chapter hosted several events on the Mueller Report, the constitutionality of a citizenship question on the 2020 census, and the president’s use of emergency funds to build a wall on the US–Mexico border. Each event featured a professor to provide students with the constitutional backdrop of everyday happenings in our government. The Chapter also hosted a fireside chat between Rutgers Dean Taja-Nia Henderson and NYU Professor Rachel E. Barkow on Professor Barkow’s new book, Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration.

The Chapter kicked off the 2019–20 school year with a Constitution Day celebration, where students won patriotic prizes for answering U.S. government and history questions. The Chapter also hosted an Impeachment Pop-Up with Professor and ACS National Board Member Elise Boddie, who discussed the mounting evidence against the president and answered numerous questions about the constitutionality of the impeachment process. The Chapter’s “Hustler Magazine in the Age of Social Media” event was an interactive panel discussion about the evolution of our free speech rights, from the U.S. Supreme Court’s hallmark decision in Hustler Magazine v. Falwell to the present day legal question of whether private institutions are covered by the First Amendment. The Chapter closed out the semester with DACA recipients and other undocumented people at the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.

This coming semester we look forward to hosting a panel discussion on non-legal careers for progressive lawyering and continuing to host thought-provoking events on constitutional questions that effect our daily lives. The Rutgers-Newark ACS student chapter would like to thank ACS National and our faculty advisors Elise Boddie and Susan Feathers for their continued support and guidance.


Indiana University Maurer School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The Indiana University Maurer School of Law ACS Chapter started the year with a high volume of programming! Maurer ACS accomplished its semester goals by hosting discussions on voting rights, the First Amendment, the opioid epidemic, and professional development.  

Maurer’s ACS chapter brought influential national speakers that drew crowds of over 100 attendees from the law school, the wider IU campus, and the local Bloomington community. One of those speakers was Trevor Potter, former Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and on-air lawyer to Stephen Colbert’s super PAC on The Colbert Report. Mr. Potter is also notable for his role in alerting the FEC to the two associates of Rudy Giuliani who have now been charged with campaign finance violations. The Chapter also hosted Regina LaBelle, former chief of staff of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, to discuss the origins of the US opioid epidemic and the multidistrict litigation against big pharmaceutical companies. Further, the Chapter held a Supreme Court preview panel featuring constitutional law scholars Steve Sanders and Dan Conkle. To conclude the semester, the Chapter co-sponsored a career development presentation with Maurer’s Career Services Office to hear from Joel Elliot, former Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly and current Director of Federal Affairs for Salesforce.  

The Chapter is looking forward to hosting more conversations in the spring semester surrounding the impeachment inquiry, reproductive rights, President Trump’s immigration policies, and criminal justice reform. The Chapter also plans on inviting more national figures to speak at Maurer.   

Maurer ACS will continue to promote progressive values to ensure that the law is a force to improve the lives of all people. The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Dawn Johnsen, for her support and guidance. 


Georgetown University Law Center ACS Student Chapter

Georgetown ACS is honored to be named Student Chapter of the Week! The chapter hit the ground running this semester and has been fortunate to see sizable increases in 1L membership and quality of programs as a result.

September began with the annual Supreme Court Term Preview, a welcome barbecue, and constitutional law trivia. In partnership with the phenomenal DC Lawyer Chapter, several GULC students were able to participate in Constitution in the Classroom at area schools and spread a message of civic engagement.

In October, the chapter welcomed Supreme Court advocate and ACS Chair Pam Karlan for a discussion leading up to her argument that month in Bostock v. Clayton County; over 50 students woke up early on a Friday morning to hear her discuss the importance of Title VII moving forward. Georgetown ACS also hosted an esteemed panel on the mounting impeachment inquiry and an event featuring the Hon. Russell F. Canan, Hon. Gregory E. Mize, Hon. Reggie B. Walton, and Hon. Frederick H. Weisberg, discussing their most difficult cases. We then hosted Integrity First for America to learn about their litigation combatting white supremacy. Perhaps the best-attended event was a discussion of civil liberties with Rep. Rashida Tlaib, which ACS co-sponsored with several other student organizations.

November wrapped up with book talks from GULC’s very own Professor Peter Edelman on the criminalization of poverty and Slate reporter Mark Stern on the Roberts Court. Members also took a Hard Look at Textualism over dinner alongside the incredible Professor Joseph Kimble.

The executive board and general body of Georgetown ACS would like to thank our faculty advisors, Sherally Munshi and Alicia Plerhoples. The chapter is looking forward to another semester of learning and growing as progressive lawyers here in the nation’s capital – and hopes to see you at the 2020 ACS National Student Convention!


The University of Oklahoma School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The OU Law Student Chapter is thrilled to be named Student Chapter of the Week! The chapter leaders have work diligently over the last year to revive ACS on campus. As a result, ACS has become one of the largest and most involved student groups at the law school. 

One highlight of the semester was screening the award-winning documentary, “And Then They Came For Us,” about the Japanese-American incarceration during World War II. The documentary was followed by a panel discussion, which included Dr. Karen Korematsu (civil rights activist and daughter of Fred Korematsu) and Don Tamaki (attorney on the legal team that got his conviction vacated decades after the Supreme Court infamously upheld it). The panel discussed the parallels between the Japanese incarceration and the detainment and separation of families at the southern border. There were over 300 people in attendance, which included not only law students but undergraduates and lawyers from the area. 

The semester kicked off with a lunch meeting/ACLU training focused on how we can make positive change in the world. Our chapter also had a networking mixer with the school’s Outlaw chapter, the LBGTQ+ organization. We celebrated Constitution Day with a lunch remembering the work of the late Justice Stevens, which was led by his former clerk, Joseph Thai. Our final event of the semester was a lunch and learn with state representative, Scott Inman.  

Next semester, we are planning several engaging events including a meeting with our congresswoman. We are excited with the growth of the OU ACS chapter and we hope to continue creating dialogue in our community about important political, legal, and constitutional issues. We would like to thank our faculty advisor, Professor Joseph Thai and ACS national for the continued support.  


Northwestern Pritzker School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The Northwestern Chapter of ACS is thrilled to be named ACS Student Chapter of the Week! This year, ACS Northwestern established a theme of building a just society of, by, and for all people. We worked especially hard to boost membership and welcomed 22 1L, MSL, and LLM student reps.

In the first few months of the year, we held over 20 events, including several that were standing-room only.  Our amazing Board introduced students to several judges, including Hon. Edmond Chang, Hon. Willie Epps, Hon. Gregory Mize, Hon. Russell Canan, and Hon. Allie Greenleaf Maldonado; Fair and Just Prosecution Director Miriam Krinsky; Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx; District Attorneys Andrew Warren, Mark Dupree, and John Chisholm; Professors Joshua Douglas, Anthony Kreis, and Ciara Torres-Spelliscy; and other legal stars like Ami Gandhi, Constantine Trela, and Annie Kastanek. Our lunch programming explored voting rights, ICE’s detention policy, Puerto Rico’s constitution, Title VII and LGBTQ rights, the progressive prosecution movement, the new Supreme Court term, and diversity in the legal profession.

Mentorship has been a central focus this year, with a special emphasis on fostering relations with alumni and faculty. ACS Northwestern also cultivated mentorship relationships with speakers and members of ACS Chicago Lawyer Chapter. We even organized a series of small group coffees for 1Ls to connect with practicing lawyers.

Finally, in response to the senseless and tragic mass shootings, ACS Northwestern launched a new student group called the Gun Reform Interest Project (GRIP). Together, ACS and GRIP will be hosting an event with the national organization Everytown For Gun Safety to discuss the upcoming Second Amendment Supreme Court case, New York State Pistol & Rifle Association v. City of New York.

We give special thanks to our esteemed faculty advisors, Professors Deborah Tuerkheimer and Erin Delaney, and our wonderful ACS staff. Follow us on Twitter, @ACS_NULaw!


Clockwise from top: (1) Congressman Steve Cohen discussing the Electoral College. (2) Memphis ACS Student Chapter. (3) “Small Room, Big Ideas” conversation with Professor Daniel Schaffzin.

University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law ACS Student Chapter

After a period of dormancy, the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law ACS Student Chapter is back again! The chapter is honored, after being revived less than a year ago, to be selected as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week.

We began this year with an in-depth look at the socioeconomic and racial inequality that resulted from the demerger of the public-school districts in Shelby County, TN. The panel featured Professor Daniel Kiel, Dr. Barbara Prescott, and Mr. Cardell Orrin. Next, ACS Memphis spoke with Congressman Steve Cohen about proposals to abolish the Electoral College. We also hosted a Community Organizing Training with the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center to make learning actionable in Memphis. Our latest event was a panel discussing America’s history of discriminatory immigration laws and policies, featuring retired immigration Judge Charles Pazar; attorney Bryce Ashby; and Dr. Alicia Triche, Chief Editor of The Green Card. We look forward to Judge Pazar’s return in January to host the ACS Winter Break Book Club discussion of The Guarded Gate by Daniel Okrent.

Further, ACS Memphis has introduced “Small Room, Big Ideas” a small-group discussion series led by a professor on topics such as gun control, impeachment, and blight in Memphis. Our chapter also loves to have fun and has organized school-wide basketball and kickball games, as well as a constitutional cookie decorating party.

ACS Memphis would like to emphatically thank the chapter’s Executive Board for their tireless dedication and our faculty advisor, Professor Carrie Kerley, for her support and guidance. We would also like to thank the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law’s faculty, especially Professors Frank, Kiel, McClurg, Mulroy, and Schaffzin. Finally, ACS Memphis would like to recognize Dean Katharine Schaffzin; Assistant Deans Meredith, Aden and Wilson; and administrative staff members Ms. Onidas, Ms. Hope, Ms. Gardner, and Mr. Tony for all their help in facilitating our programs.


Berkeley Law ACS Student Chapter

The University of California Berkeley School of Law Chapter is honored to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week! Berkeley ACS strengthened both its membership and programming over the past academic year and is thrilled to continue that progress this fall semester by focusing on engaging with our members in new ways.

The Chapter recently changed its board structure to increase 1L and LLM input about our events, planning, and goals. The Chapter also created a Diversity Chair position to help ensure that we feature diverse voices in our events, foster conversations about inclusivity, and encourage collaboration with other progressive student affinity groups. We also have a new Notice and Comment board member that is specifically focused on engaging students in the administrative rulemaking process. The Chapter has continued bringing in new and interesting voices and has hosted nine events this semester.

In September, the Berkeley ACS Chapter hosted a conversation with Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky about his new book We the People: A Progressive Reading of the Constitution for the Twenty-First Century. The Chapter also co-hosted a Supreme Court roundup event with Amanda Tyler, a former clerk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and John Yoo, a former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas. The Berkeley ACS Chapter celebrated Constitution Day this year by handing out cupcakes, Constitutions, and quizzes about constitutional knowledge.

In October, the Berkeley ACS Chapter co-hosted an event with the Berkeley Immigration Group featuring the American Immigration Council in a discussion about the Trump administration’s family separation policy. We then hosted a conversation with San Francisco Superior Court Judge Daniel Flores about his career and diversity in the profession. Later, Mike German from the Brennan Center for Justice discussed his new book How the New FBI Damages Democracy. For a very spooky Halloween, the Chapter held an event about stopping robocalls that featured attorneys from the FTC, FCC, and the California Attorney General’s office. Our last event of the semester focused on climate change solutions and how various levels of government are approaching them.

The Berkeley ACS Chapter would like to thank our faculty advisor, Andrew Bradt, and the ACS national staff for their support.


University of Denver Sturm College of Law ACS Student Chapter

The University of Denver Sturm College of Law American Constitution Society Student Chapter has worked this year to represent a progressive vision of the American legal system on our campus through a series of lunch events, collaborating with the Colorado ACS Lawyer Chapter, and hosting the 2019 ACS Western Regional Convening. Our lunch events have covered a diverse set of subjects, including panels on impeachment history and process, the work of federal public defenders, and the rights of animals under federal law.

More recently, we planned, coordinated, and hosted the 2019 ACS Western Regional Convening. This two day Convening included discussions of topics on  LGBT+ rights post-Obergefell, reforming the federal judiciary, consumer protection, weighing privacy rights against national security concerns, progressive prosecution, protecting immigrants, the role of State Attorneys General in protecting constitutional rights, and why those in the legal profession must protect the rule of law. Convening guests included Colorado Supreme Court Justices, a Colorado Court of Appeals Judge, the Colorado Attorney General and Solicitor General, local attorneys, law school professors, activists, and community organizers.

In early November, we hosted a Leaders from Law Workshop for law students and recent graduates to receive training on how to obtain and actualize a career in an elected public office. In the spring of 2020, the chapter will co-sponsor the second annual DU Civil Rights Summit. This Summit brings together progressive Justices, judges, law clerks, practitioners, legislators, law students, organizers, and individuals directly impacted by civil rights violations. Last year’s summit welcomed over 200 speakers and guests and included notable speakers such as Supreme Court Justice Melissa Hart, civil rights attorney Qusair Mohammedbhai, and Masterpiece Cakeshop plaintiffs Charlie Craig and David Mullins.

The University of Denver Sturm College of Law ACS Student Chapter would like to thank our advisors, Professor Alan Chen and Professor Alexi Freeman, for all their support in making this year such a success.


New York Law School ACS Student Chapter

New York Law School’s ACS Chapter is honored to be recognized as Student Chapter of the Week!

In early October, the chapter was thrilled to organize and host this year’s ACS Northeast Regional Convening. The gathering featured panelists on a range of topics featured prominently in the news, including the Role of the State AG, Voting Rights and the Census, Resisting Hate, and the Second Amendment and Gun Violence Prevention. It also featured a Keynote Address by former New York Public Advocate candidate and ACS national board member Dawn Smalls. We also partnered with the NYLS Racial Justice Project to host a CLE on “Policing the Police,” featuring experts on police accountability.

Other events hosted the student chapter this semester included:

  1. A packed discussion on “The ABCs of Impeachment,” where Professor Doni Gewirtzman, our Faculty Advisor, and Professor Justin Murray walked through the impeachment process and possible scenarios on how it could play out regarding President Trump;
  2. In recognition of Banned Books Week, we invited James Tager and Robert Pollock from PEN America to speak about “Banned Books in Prison;”
  3. Our annual “What’s Next for SCOTUS?” discussion on the upcoming Supreme Court term, now a yearly, public event in conjunction with the NYLS Office of the Dean, featured five professors discussing 2019-2020 SCOTUS term cases and their likely disposition and impact;
  4. A special screening of Ava DuVernay’s landmark documentary “13th,” in celebration of Constitution Day

And coming up next month, we are thrilled to host Supreme Court litigant Simon Tam (of 2017’s Matal v .Tam) for a discussion on the First Amendment and “offensive” trademarks. The event will be moderated by Professor and former ACLU President Nadine Strossen and will feature a musical performance by Simon and one of his bandmates. We also look forward to more exciting events in the spring 2020 semester.

Our Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Doni Gewirtzman, for his inspiring guidance and support, and we would also like to thank the entire ACS staff for their continued support and encouragement.


Nebraska College of Law ACS Student Chapter

The Nebraska College of Law ACS Student Chapter is honored to be recognized as Student Chapter of the Week for the second time in 2019! Last year, the Chapter focused on building a foundation to establish their presence on campus. This year the Chapter has focused on expanding its reach by partnering with other organizations to host larger events and to get more students involved with ACS.

The Chapter kicked off the Fall 2019 semester by sponsoring a house in the Lincoln Paint-a-thon. Students and faculty from the law college teamed up to paint a home for an elderly/disabled couple in Lincoln. The Chapter then hosted a back-to-school party and kicked off a year-long pro bono project with ACLU Nebraska. In this project, students observe County Court arraignments to identify how the cases are handled and whether current practices comply with LB259, a 2017 bill aimed at dealing with modern day debtor’s prisons. On Constitution Day, the Chapter hosted a debate, in partnership with the Federalist Society, where two faculty members discussed the recent 10th circuit decision which held States cannot dictate how electors vote in the electoral college. The Chapter plans to host an event in November titled “How to Ruin Thanksgiving,” a conversational meeting where upper class students give advice to 1L’s on how to navigate family holidays after experiencing a semester of law school, and how to avoid solicitations for legal advice. The Chapter looks forward to hosting more events in the Spring semester with the help of our new 1L executive team members.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Eric Berger, as well as ACS staff for their continual support and guidance.


Vanderbilt University Law School ACS Student Chapter

The Vanderbilt University Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society is in the middle of a semester full of engaging programming. On October 1, the chapter hosted Professor Mark Tushnet of Harvard Law School and Vanderbilt Professors Suzanna Sherry and Ganesh Sitaraman on a panel entitled Depoliticizing SCOTUS. Each panelist shared recommendations for maintaining the independence of the judicial branch. The lunchtime event nearly filled Vanderbilt’s Flynn Auditorium.

Supplementary to the October 1 panel, the Vanderbilt Chapter has several events planned for the fall semester. These events include bringing two federal district court judges to campus to speak to students and co-sponsoring an event during which Professor Sitaraman will share policy proposals from his new book, The Public Option.

In addition to bringing speakers to campus, the Vanderbilt Chapter hosted two mixers this fall. These mixers provided 1Ls the opportunity to meet with current chapter members to discuss the transition to law school and programming ideas for the spring semester.

The Vanderbilt Chapter is grateful for the resources provided by ACS national and the support of our faculty advisor, Professor Ganesh Sitaraman. We are looking forward to continuing a strong year of programming!


Santa Clara University School of Law ACS Student Chapter

The Santa Clara University Chapter started off the school year with a welcome back BBQ and a general meeting to teach law students about ACS. For Constitution Day, the SCU Chapter sponsored a Constitution Day panel of professors to discuss the recent and upcoming cases on the Supreme Court’s docket. Earlier in the semester, the SCU Chapter also hosted a presidential debate watch party and hopes to continue doing so as future debates occur. Last week, the SCU Chapter continued its ongoing discussion series, “Let’s Taco ‘Bout It,” where ACS board members provide Taco Bell and lead a monthly student discussion on topics such as “Title VII in the Trump Era” and “Student Climate Strikes.” Additionally, the SCU Chapter is planning an October event that will focus on impeachment.

This year, the SCU Chapter plans to host a Q&A session with a local congressional representative, an event with Professor Erwin Chemerinsky of neighboring Boalt Hall, a voter registration drive, and a trivia night that will be co-sponsored by Santa Clara’s Women in Law organization. The Santa Clara University Chapter is grateful to have strong attendance at its events and a hard-working board that allows it to represent progressive values in Silicon Valley.  

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professors Ellen Kreitzberg and Margaret Russell, for their support and guidance. 


NCCU School of Law ACS Student Chapter 

North Carolina Central University School of Law is honored to have been considered and selected for the American Constitution Society’s Student Chapter of the Week. The NCCU Law Student chapter is committed to engaging students in Constitutional dialogue and standing for our school values of “truth and service.” In particular, the NCCU Law Student Chapter has emphasized collaborations with other Constitutional organizations at NCCU School of Law to foster constitutional discussion and civic engagement.

The chapter began the Fall 2019 semester co-sponsoring with law school faculty a Constitution Day event that focused on discussing Reparations and voting rights. The program consisted of panels discussing the basis of reparations, the impact of reparations and the importance of the political and litigational processes in acquiring reparations. Students who attended, participated in drafting and creating North Carolina legislative district via an online districting simulation. Congressman G.K. Butterfield gave a keynote address to attendees on the importance of the civil war amendments, civil rights legislation, and the protection of voting rights.

The NCCU Law student chapter continued its Constitution week celebration with hosting a Constitutional Discussion with the Federalist Society. Dean Malik Edwards of NCCU School of Law and Professor Sachs Stephen Sachs debated “Originalism vs. Living Constitutionalism.” The conversation was informative, engaging, beneficial, and student attendees enjoyed the dialogue.

The NCCU Law student chapter has planned and is hosting the 2019 Southeastern Regional Convening of the American Constitution Society on September 27, 2019. The convening will consist of panels with topics as Black Lives Matter, voting rights, state attorney’s general, judges panel, and a keynote address from Justice Anita Earls of the N.C. Supreme Court. The Chapter is also planning an Indigent Clothes Drive in October, Voter Registration Drive with the NCCU Law’s OUTLAW society and, a speed networking event.

The NCCU Law chapter is thankful for the active support from its members, adviser, Professor April Dawson, NCCU School of Law student body, administration, and the American Constitution Society!


May 13, 2019: Suffolk University Law School

Suffolk’s ACS Chapter is honored to be recognized as Student Chapter of the Week. The Chapter worked hard to expand membership and generate a collective progressive voice on campus this past academic year. In particular, the Chapter emphasized collaboration with affinity groups and other organizations throughout the law school to host diverse events and highlight an intersectional approach.

The Chapter kicked off the Fall 2018 semester by screening portions of the Kavanaugh hearing and discussing the growing threat the Supreme Court poses to progressive values. In October, the Chapter partnered with the Boston Lawyer Chapter to host Erig Segall to discuss his latest book and contemporary use of “originalism” as a pretext for achieving political ends. In November, the Chapter volunteered with Election Protection to ensure an informed voting process at the polls in Massachusetts, and submitted comments to the Department of Homeland Security regarding their proposal to consider various forms of government assistance when issuing green card status.

The Chapter started 2019 with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. For Suffolk Law’s Annual Diversity Week, the Chapter partnered with various affinity groups to host an intersectional event discussing overlap in manifestations of oppression and the strength that can be found through coalition building. The Chapter has also hosted events discussing race conscious admissions in higher education, inclusive sexual education curriculum throughout schools in Massachusetts, progressive union lawyering, and incarceration reform. The Chapter’s oncoming executive board looks forward to expanding the progressive voice at Suffolk.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Sharmila Murthy, for her inspiring guidance and endless support. The Chapter also thanks ACS staff for their continued contribution.

May 6, 2019: Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law

The Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law ACS Student Chapter continued to promote key progressive initiatives on campus this year!

The Chapter headlined the fall with its Fourth Annual Supreme Court Term Preview, moderated by Professor Tonja Jacobi. The discussion featured Carter Phillips, Chair Emeritus of Sidley Austin LLP, Assistant U.S. Attorney Annie Kastanek, and Professor Rob Owen. The fall semester also featured the Chapter’s second Day of Civic Service. Thanks to the Chapter’s efforts, the School of Law cancelled classes on November 6, 2018, which allowed hundreds of students to demonstrate their commitment to participatory democracy and civic education by volunteering as election officers and poll-watchers throughout Chicago.

The Chapter hosted a variety of events this year, often with the support of other student groups, including:

  • Progressive litigation as an attorney general, featuring Bob Ferguson, Attorney General for the State of Washington, with introductory remarks provided by Professor Erin Delaney;
  • A debate on corporate speech, featuring Steve Brill, founder of The American Lawyer, and Professor Martin Redish. The event was moderated by Professor Jason DeSanto;
  • The law’s mishandling of explicit bias, featuring Professor Jessica Clark of the Vanderbilt School of Law discussing her recently published piece Explicit Bias with Associate Dean of Inclusion & Engagement Shannon Bartlett;
  • Demystifying the clerkship process, featuring Judge John Z. Lee of the Northern District of Illinois and Judge Mary L. Mikva of the Illinois Appellate Court; and
  • Press freedom in the age of Trump, featuring David E. McCraw, Deputy General Counsel for the New York Times, Professor Doreen Weisenhaus, Northwestern Medill School of Journalism, and Professor Jason DeSanto.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professors Erin Delaney and Deborah Tuerkheimer for their tremendous support throughout the year.

April 29, 2019:University of Kentucky College of Law

This year, ACS at UK Law focused on connecting members with individuals in the Commonwealth of Kentucky working for progressive causes. The organization brought in speakers from the ACLU of Kentucky and the Kentucky Equal Justice Center. The Chapter also hosted the first African-American woman Chief Judge of the Kentucky Court of Appeals. The goal this year was to build the first step in a lifelong commitment to using the law to improve the lives of the people of Kentucky. While the focus has been on bettering the Kentucky Bar, ACS at UK Law has also hosted speakers on the crucial issue of voting rights and election law, such as Professor Steven Mulroy from the University of Memphis and Scott White, an authority on Kentucky election law. This event was facilitated by faculty advisor Josh Douglas, an expert in the field of election law. In addition, the group remained responsive to current events, hosting impromptu chapter events on the midterm elections, the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. As ACS at UK Law looks forward, the Chapter plans on hosting the Kentucky Deputy Attorney General. They are positioned well to branch out of the Commonwealth to secure more national speakers to bring their perspectives to the University of Kentucky College of Law.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Josh Douglas, for his support and guidance.

April 22, 2019: Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center








The Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Chapter of the American Constitution Society has transformed from a small group of students in years past, to a thriving organization that is making a significant impact on its law school community. The Chapter is honored to be recognized as Student Chapter of the Week!

The Chapter started the Fall 2018 semester by screening Ava Duvernay’s documentary film, 13th. The Chapter also had an incredible experience of fellowship and solidarity with LSU’s OUTLaw Chapter at Taco Tuesday social night. On Constitution Day, the Chapter participated in Constitution in the Classroom, teaching a lesson to eighth-grade students about the First Amendment. The Chapter’s largest event in the fall was its Dress Out Drive, which collected hundreds of court-appropriate clothing items to donate to the Baton Rouge Public Defender’s Office. The highly successful event garnered local news coverage.

The Chapter started 2019 on a sweet note, literally, by partnering with OUTLaw for a “Love is Love” bake sale, with proceeds going to LSU’s LGBTQ Project. The Chapter also hosted LSU’s undergraduate chapter of Student’s for Justice in Palestine for a discussion on the First Amendment and the Constitutionality of the BDS protest, and had a lunch discussion with LSU Law Professor Lisa Avalos about the injustice that sexual assault victims face when charged with false reporting. The Chapter’s premier event in the spring was “Reaching Across the Border,” an immigration debate with the Federalist Society featuring Southern Poverty Law Center attorney, Jeremy Jong. The Chapter finished the Spring semester with the exciting news that the Chapter’s President, Candace Square, was selected to be an ACS Next Generation Leader. The Chapter is proud that it is flourishing and will continue to strive for improvement in the year to come.

None of the Chapter’s accomplishments would be possible without the support and sacrifice of its Faculty Advisor, Professor John Devlin. They thank him kindly. The Chapter also would not have made so much progress without the support of ACS staff.

April 15, 2019: University of Nebraska College of Law

The Nebraska College of Law ACS Student Chapter was one of the most active student organizations on campus this year. The Chapter’s willingness to partner with the Federalist Society for multiple events was a large part of its success. Many students who may not have otherwise attended an ACS event were able to see healthy debate and discussion in a time marked by political division. Some of the Chapter’s largest and best attended events were the result of healthy debate, including the Constitution Day Debate; Day of Civic Engagement, which was modeled after the Northwestern ACS Student Chapter event in 2016; and the Lincoln Mayoral Candidates Forum.

In January, the Chapter hosted Nebraska U.S. District Court Senior Judge Joseph Bataillon to discuss protecting progressive values in America’s heartland. The Chapter also hosted State Senator and ACS Next Generation Leader Adam Morfeld for an event on Medicaid expansion and state legislative issues, and partnered with ACLU Nebraska to host Robert Dunham, a national death penalty expert, to discuss capital punishment. In April, the Chapter held an event entitled, “How to Use your Law Degree to Impact Policy Change,” which included a panel of nonprofit and public interest attorneys who discussed how lawyers can have meaningful careers. In addition, the Chapter is working with ACLU Nebraska to monitor bond sentencing proceedings in Lancaster County throughout the month of April to ensure that fair sentencing practices are being utilized. The Chapter’s outgoing executive board looks forward to transitioning a new group of 1L leaders and continuing the strong tradition of ACS at Nebraska.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Eric Berger, for his support and guidance.

April 8, 2019: North Carolina Central University School of Law

The North Carolina Central University School of Law ACS Chapter is honored to receive national recognition as Student Chapter of the Week!

NCCU Chapter kicked off the 2018-2019 school year by hosting a review of the 2017-2018 Supreme Court term. The Chapter also worked with partners, including the Women’s Law Caucus, the International Law Society, the Black Law Student Association, and the Outlaw Alliance, to lead a campus-wide voter registration drive for the November 2018 elections. In October, the Chapter hosted a viewing party for the Netflix documentary 13th and co-hosted a roundtable discussion about the NFL and the First Amendment. The Chapter also hosted a panel discussion entitled, “What is a Clerk?,” that featured current and former law clerks detailing the importance of the position, the influence a clerk can make on the court, and tips on how to secure a clerkship.

The Chapter’s first event in Spring 2019 was a roundtable discussion with Professor Margaret Hu of the Washington and Lee School of Law on Algorithmic Jim Crow, her research on how current immigration and security related vetting protocols allow for “equal but separate” discrimination. The Chapter also hosted a speed networking event with the North Carolina ACS Lawyer Chapter. The Chapter’s final event of the semester was a screening of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s interview at the 2015 ACS National Convention, followed by a fun a game of RBG trivia where the winner received an RBG Dissent Collar.

The NCCU ACS Chapter would like to thank its advisor, Professor April Dawson, the North Carolina Lawyer Chapter, and ACS National for their support!

April 1, 2019: Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

As the Arizona State Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law ACS Chapter finishes its first full year on campus, we pay homage to the testament that “hard work pays off.” The days of having one dominant voice on campus in the area of public policy are officially over.

This year, the Chapter’s goal was simple: Introduce ACS to the student body. However, the Chapter’s first event exceeded even its own expectations. More than 70 students, mostly 1Ls, showed up to learn about ACS and its mission. The Chapter has not looked back since. The Chapter also assembled an ambitious new board and immediately got to work planning more events. To date, the Chapter has hosted popular events discussing issues like criminal justice reform, asylum, and, what we hope will be the first ethical rule in Arizona to protect against discrimination and sexual harassment by lawyers outside the narrow confines of the courtroom. The Chapter also co-sponsored events on the #MeToo movement, the United States Supreme Court, and the Arizona state judiciary with a revived lawyer chapter.

The Chapter also played an integral role in standing up for the rule of law and the impartiality of the judiciary both in the courts and on campus. The Chapter plans to finish the semester with four more events, including events on topics like the experience of being trans in the professional world, textualism, and the Second Amendment. The ASU ACS Chapter could not be more excited for next year as it continues to recruit and unify the progressive voices on campus to make them as powerful as possible!

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Joshua Sellers, for his support and guidance.

March 25, 2019: Notre Dame Law School

This year the Notre Dame Chapter of ACS kicked it into high gear! Notre Dame ACS has united progressive voices and generated excitement for progressive causes on campus by building strong coalitions with other organizations across the law school. The Chapter accomplished its goals, in part, by hosting 12 events over the course of the school year, including events on the Kavanaugh confirmation and the statutory basis for the President’s emergency declaration.

The Chapter also brought influential and exciting speakers to South Bend, including Nina Totenberg, Legal Affairs Correspondent for NPR, Anthony Ray Hinton, an exoneree who spent 30 years on death row for murders he did not commit, and Carmen Perez, National Co-Chair of the Women’s March on Washington & Executive Director of The Gathering for Justice, who emphasized building communities founded on the diversity of ethnicities, politics, and opinions. To follow Ms. Perez’s advice, the Chapter joined forces with the Federalist Society for two debates. The first debate centered on issues related to gun control and the second debate analyzed the future of Roe v. Wade in the age of Trump. The Roe debate was particularly significant at a Catholic university.

Notre Dame ACS is not afraid to advocate for progressive values on a conservative campus. In keeping with this bold mission, this spring the Chapter is hosting Jim Obergefell, the named plaintiff in the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges marriage equality case. The event will also include discussions with plaintiffs Greg Bourke and Michael DeLeon, who are both lifelong Catholics. The Chapter will continue to promote progressive values to ensure that the law is a force to improve the lives of all people.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Jay Tidmarsh, for his support and guidance.

March 18, 2019: William & Mary Law School

The William & Mary Law School ACS Chapter has used the momentum from last year to expand its programming for the 2018-19 school year. In the fall, the Chapter hosted or co-sponsored 15 events, headlined by a symposium entitled, “A Place in History: Should Virginia Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.” The symposium was hosted at the law school with several outside groups. The William & Mary Chapter tailored its fall events to address critical issues of the moment, including organizing panel discussions on the legal dimensions of the #MeToo movement and the outlook for the Supreme Court following the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, inviting Virginia gun safety advocate Andy Goddard to campus for a debate about the proper interpretation of the Second Amendment, and bringing peers together for a “town hall” about the role of local government with a member of the Williamsburg City Council.

This semester, the Chapter has participated, or will participate, in 18 events! The Chapter has organized a Notice and Comment party in response to the Department of Education’s proposed changes to Title IX guidelines, hosted U.S. Magistrate Judge Omar Aboulhosn for a discussion on the scandals that have shaken and restructured the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, and supported various other speakers and symposiums with partner organizations. The Chapter looks forward to a busy March and April, where it will welcome Virginia Department of Elections Commissioner Chris Piper, U.S. District Judge John Gibney, and Institute for Justice attorney Dan Alban to Williamsburg for lectures and a series of events featuring faculty speakers and a debate about the role of government in America.

It has been another great year for the William & Mary ACS Chapter —and there’s still more on tap! The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Eric Kades, for his support and guidance.

March 11, 2019: University of California, Berkeley School of Law

The University of California, Berkeley Law Chapter of the American Constitution Society is honored to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the Week! Berkeley ACS is proud of its members, who strive to bring productive and exciting events to further ACS’s mission of being the nation’s leading progressive legal organization. The Berkeley Law Chapter is having one of its best academic years, having hosted more than a dozen events.

In September, the Chapter co-hosted a Supreme Court roundup event with Amanda Tyler, former clerk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and John Yoo, former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas. The Chapter has also focused on strengthening its partnerships with affinity groups, including co-hosting events with Berkeley’s La Raza Chapter and the Asian Pacific American Law Students Association. In October, the Chapter brought esteemed Supreme Court litigator Deepak Gupta to campus for a discussion on progressive appellate advocacy and in November, the Chapter sponsored and moderated a discussion on the Mueller investigation and executive power between Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and former Watergate Prosecutor Henry Hecht. The Chapter also co-hosted an election night watch party with several student organizations and hosted former FTC Consumer Protection Director David Vladeck to discuss the future of consumer protection and antitrust law. The Chapter is particularly proud of its op-ed posted to the ACS National Blog, defending Judge Jon S. Tigar, a Berkeley Law alumnus, from the President’s unprecedented attacks on judicial independence.

This semester, the Chapter has hosted an event on the future of environmental law in California, an event with attorneys from Everytown for Gun Safety, who discussed current and future Second Amendment litigation, and an event with attorneys for the San Francisco City Attorney’s Office to speak about their two key cases against the Trump Administration. The Chapter also co-hosted an event with the Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law to discuss representing labor unions and the intersections of economic justice, racial justice, gender equality, and LGBTQ rights, and co-hosted an Election Law Symposium, where scholars and practitioners convened to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing voters and voting rights/election lawyers today. This past week, the Chapter hosted Adam Winkler, author of We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights and an ACS Board Member, and Professor Kent Greenfield, author of Corporations Are People Too: (And Should Act Like It), for a discussion on corporate personhood. The Chapter has more events scheduled for the semester.

Berkeley Law ACS Co-Presidents Brady Williams and Sophia TonNu wish to thank Vice Presidents Sabrina McGraw & Roger Huddle, 1L Representatives Megan Raymond, Calen Bennett, and Francesco Arreaga, and Berkeley Law ACS Faculty Advisor Professor Andrew Bradt for their contributions in making the Chapter the success it is today. Please follow Berkeley Law ACS on Facebook to keep up with events.

March 4, 2019: The University of Virginia School of Law

The University of Virginia Chapter of the American Constitution Society has had a historic year. The Chapter hosted the 2019 ACS Student Convention, which brought together ACS students from across the country. This year’s convention featured progressive change-makers, like Washington Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib, Dahlia Lithwick, and Amy Woolard, and a distinguished panel of progressive judges, including 4th Circuit Judge Pamela Harris, 3rd Circuit Judge Felipe Restrepo, District Judge Carlton Reeves, and North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls. The Chapter is inspired by Khizr Khan’s closing remarks that “we are the guardians of our constitution.”

 In addition to hosting the Student Convention, the Chapter has hosted several impactful events to create space for progressive dialogue in our community. In the wake of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the Chapter hosted an Anita Hill Retrospective event, which elucidated the parallels between the two confirmations as well as the legal ramifications of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation. The Chapter also hosted Judge Pamela Reeves, from the United States District Court of Eastern District of Tennessee, to discuss developments in sexual harassment law.

The Chapter has also focused on diversity and inclusion in its programming, including ACLU litigator Stephan Pevar’s talk on precedent in Native American and Tribal law; a panel on cutting edge pro-bono impact litigation; and Mary Mccord’s talk on using the First Amendment to prevent another Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. The Chapter has also co-sponsored events with organizations like the Animal Law Society, the Jewish Student Law Association, the Federalist Society, LAMBDA, the Black Law Student Association, and others.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Richard Schragger, for his support and guidance.

February 25, 2019: New York Law School

The New York Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society is honored to be recognized as Student Chapter of the Week! The NYLS Chapter is proud of its members, who strive to bring productive and exciting events to further ACS’s mission of being the nation’s leading progressive legal organization. With more than 200 members and gaining co-sponsorship from 16 other student organizations for various events, the NYLS Chapter has had one its best academic years so far.

In Fall 2018 at the Chapter’s first meeting, it highlighted the benefits of ACS membership, including employment and internship opportunities. The Chapter also co-hosted a  Constitutional Law Trivia Game with the NYLS Federalist Society Chapter. In October, the Chapter sponsored its Annual Supreme Court Roundup to discuss the 2018 docket and the implications of Justice Kavanaugh’s vote, and visited Washington Irving High School and James Madison High School to lead Constitution in the Classroom programs. In November, the Chapter held a voter registration drive for the 2018 elections, hosted an election night watch party with the New York Lawyer Chapter, and co-sponsored a lunchtime discussion featuring former Judge Shira Scheindlin.

NYLS ACS started 2019 by co-hosting a “Week of Action” to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and a panel entitled “Should We Be Free to Hate?” featuring NYLS Professor and former President of the American Civil Liberties Union, Nadine Strossen. Recently, the Chapter invited and hosted Professor Kent Greenfield to discuss his book, “Corporations Are People Too: (And Should Act Like It),” and the topic of corporate personhood in relation to our Constitution.

The Chapter is planning other exciting events for the semester, including a screening of the documentary “Bleeding Edge” and a new experiential event called Constitution Café  that will bring Constitutional scholars and professionals together to teach students about essential Constitutional Law rules in advance of finals and the bar exam.

NYLS ACS President Dennis Futoryan wishes to thank his fellow Executive Board members for their contributions in making the Chapter the success it is today. Thank you to Vice President May Vutrapongvatana, Secretary Marc Walkow, Treasurer Vincent Rotondo, 2L Coordinator Joseph Certa, Evening Division Coordinator MJ Recanati, and NYLS ACS Faculty Advisor, Professor Doni Gewirtzman. Please follow NYLS ACS on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up with events and contact them.

February 18, 2019: Harvard Law School

In the fall semester the Harvard Law ACS Chapter held many events, including a conversation between Dean John F. Manning and United States Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan in August. In September, Professor Michael Klarman gave a talk on “Trump, Democracy, and the Constitution,” highlighting the threats the current administration has made to democracy and the rule of law.

In October, the Chapter hosted Faiz Shakir, National Political Director of the ACLU, who discussed the ACLU’s critical policy efforts under the current administration and what students can do to organize for change. Later that month, Professor Pippa Norris from Harvard’s Kennedy School spoke at an event titled, “Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Authoritarian-Populism.”  At the event, she discussed the theory that polarization over cultural cleavages divides social liberals and social conservatives in the electorate, and how these values translate into support for Authoritarian-Populist parties in the U.S. and Europe.

In November, Professor Juliette Kayyem, the Belfer Lecturer in International Security at Harvard Kennedy School, Faculty Director of the Homeland Security Project at Harvard Kennedy School, and a national security analyst for CNN, discussed crisis management and immigration policy in the Trump Administration.

This spring, the Chapter plans to bring several progressive judges to campus to speak to students, including Judge Jon Tigar (N.D. Cal.), Judge Sharon Gleason (D. Alaska), and Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman (N.D. Ill.). The Chapter is also planning to host two speakers from the Harvard Kennedy School. In March, the Chapter will host Marshall Ganz to discuss the role of lawyers in social movements, and in April, Stephen Krupin will discuss his experiences working as a speech writer for President Barack Obama.

The HLS ACS Chapter would like to thank its advisors, Professors Michael Klarman,Nikolas Bowie and Anna Lvovsky, and its President, Hannah Klain.

February 11, 2019: UC Hastings College of the Law

The University of California, Hastings College of the Law ACS Chapter kicked off the fall semester with a discussion of Justice Kavanaugh’s prior decisions and his potential impact on the Supreme Court.  The group also organized a panel of professors and judges to review the Supreme Court’s decisions from last term.  Additionally, the Chapter partnered with other campus groups for a screening of Ava Duvernay’s documentary “13th,” and facilitated a conversation on systemic racism within the criminal justice system.  The UC Hastings Chapter also participated in ACS’s Constitution in the Classroom program, spearheading discussions on the Constitution and individual rights in local Bay Area schools.

This semester, the group co-sponsored a symposium on former Justice Kennedy’s Jurisprudence, which drew over 400 students and alumni.  The UC Hastings Chapter also hosted a viewing of the State of the Union to foster comradery and healthy political discussions.  The Chapter is also planning events on Hate Speech and the First Amendment, the Abolish the Prison System Movement, and the Constitutionality of Requiring Vaccines on Anti-Vax supporters. To further reach out to the UC Hastings community, the Chapter is giving advice on how to find affordable housing in the San Francisco-area at Admitted Student’s Day and creating a database of Bay Area ACS attorneys to connect students with possible summer jobs.  The UC Hastings ACS Chapter’s goals are to educate, facilitate healthy debates, and provide networking opportunities.  This Chapter is honored by the recognition and owes its success to Chair Monica Price, Co-Chair Myell Mergaert, the Executive Board, and Faculty Advisor Matthew Coles.

February 4, 2019: UNT Dallas College of Law

The UNT Dallas College of Law Chapter of the American Constitution Society is honored to receive national recognition as Student Chapter of the Week. Last semester the Chapter hosted 13 events! Most events averaged attendance of 50 members, but the largest had almost 100.

In September, the Chapter kicked the year off with a general body meeting with Leo Yu, Dallas-Fort Worth ACS Lawyer Chapter President. The Chapter celebrated Constitution Week with an ACS Supreme Court Case Review, facilitated by Faculty Advisor Brian Owsley, passed out pocket Constitutions, and hosted a Constitution trivia game. The Chapter also hosted an Immigration Discussion with William O. Holston Jr., Executive Director of Human Rights Initiative of Texas. Additionally, the Chapter co-sponsored a discussion with Professor Loren Jacobson on the implications of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court and co-sponsored a “back to school” social with the Dallas Hispanic Bar Association and Dallas Association of Young Lawyers.

In October, the Chapter hosted a discussion with Cyrus Farivar on his book, Data Privacy vs. the Rise of Surveillance Tech, and a First Amendment Discussion with Professor Mike Maslanka on the First Amendment protections for government employees.

The Chapter co-sponsored a “Prepared to Vote Poll Training” in November with the NAACP and  hosted an Equal Protection Discussion with Judge Tonya Parker. The Chapter’s largest  event of the year, the ACS Civil Rights Discussion on Police Misconduct with Dallas District Attorney Faith Johnson, First Assistant Public Defender Paul Blocker, Civil Rights Attorney Justin Moore, and Civil Rights Attorney Emanuel Obi, was also held in November.

To finish the semester, the Chapter sponsored an event on rehabilitation and reformative justice with Former Dallas City Attorney Professor Tom Perkins, Judge Cheryl Williams, Professor Cheryl Wattley, Dianne Gibson, Assistant City Attorney Jason Mathis, and Assistant City Attorney Marlo Obera.

The Chapter has hosted two events in January and plans additional events this spring, including a trip to meet newly elected judges to the Court of Appeals for the Fifth District of Texas.

The Chapter accomplished its goal of hosting more substantive events with the help of its Faculty Advisor, Professor Brian Owsley, and Professors Cheryl Wattley, Angela Downes, Tom Perkins, Mike Maslanka, and Loren Jacobson. The Chapter would also like to recognize our Dean, Felica EppsSylvia Littleton, Dean of Students Kevin Robinowich, and his assistant, Myranda Staten, for all of their help. Finally, the Chapter would like to thank its members and the student body for their support.

January 28, 2019: Stetson University College of Law

During the 2018 fall semester, the Stetson Chapter of the American Constitution Society co-hosted two networking events with the Tampa Lawyer Chapter, including the First Annual Tampa Public Interest Mixer. The Chapter also volunteered to teach a lesson on the Constitution to a local class of 5th grade students and co-hosted a free speech event featuring former president of the ACLU, Nadine Strossen.

In October, the Chapter invited Gina Miles, Deputy Executive Director of Spread the Vote, to discuss proposed Florida Constitutional amendments and organized a Supreme Court Preview with Stetson professors Ellen Podgor and Louis Virelli. In November, the Chapter held an election night watch party and screened the documentary “Reversing Roe,” featuring a Q&A with Meghan Cottrell from Tampa Bay Area for Planned Parenthood and Professor Jennifer Ellerman-Queen of the University of South Florida.

The Chapter has planned an active spring semester, including discussions on the State of the Union and a Constitutional Law jeopardy-style game as a study aid. The Chapter is also very excited to have multiple members representing Stetson Law at the ACS Student Convention.

The Chapter would like to thank its faculty advisors, Ciara Torres-Spelliscy and Louis Virelli, for their support and guidance.

January 21, 2019: The George Washington University Law School

The George Washington Law ACS Chapter kicked off the school year with a panel, co-sponsored by the UDC David A. Clarke School of Law ACS Student Chapter, on Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s record on civil rights.

In October, the Chapter held a series of events exposing students to the inner workings of the Supreme Court. Dean Alan Morrison invited students to a moot court at Public Citizen for New Prime Inc. v. Oliveira. Dean Morrison also invited students to the Supreme Court of the United States to see the oral arguments for Oliveira. The Chapter followed these programs with a panel on effective amicus curiae briefs. The Chapter also helped over 90 1Ls prepare for their Civil Procedure midterms with a progressive-minded Civil Procedure Midterm Prep Session.

In November, the Chapter partnered with the GW Immigration Law Association for a Notice and Comment Party so that students could make comments to proposed immigration rules. The Chapter also held a panel on the #MeToo Movement, featuring four litigators bringing cases on behalf of victims of discrimination and harassment. The Chapter finished the semester with an event, co-sponsored with the DC Lawyer Chapter, featuring Richard Rothstein, the best-selling author of The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How our Government Segregated America.

This spring, the Chapter will host a Notice and Comment Party on a proposal to amend regulations implementing Title IX, a debate on the administrative state, and a talk on the history of impeachment with Alan Hirsch. The Chapter looks forward to hosting other events, including on D.C. statehood and voting rights.

The GW Law ACS Chapter would like to thank its advisors, Dean Alan Morrison and Professor David Fontana, the D.C. Lawyer Chapter, and ACS National for their support.

January 14, 2019: University of Cincinnati College of Law

The University of Cincinnati College of Law ACS Chapter had a very busy fall semester. The semester started with the Chapter’s annual debate with the Federalist Society on constitutional interpretation with Dean Joseph Tomain and Professor Christopher Bryant.

The Chapter held several events for the 2018 midterm elections, including an event with the Cincinnati Lawyer Chapter on Ohio Ballot Issue 1 and a voter registration drive with the National Lawyers Guild. The Chapter also hosted an election night watch party with students from the Northern Kentucky University ACS Chapter.

In November, the Chapter hosted local attorney Bennett Allen and Josh Spring, Executive Director of the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, for an event to discuss the criminalization of homelessness in Cincinnati.  The Chapter also hosted an event with Dean Joseph Tomain on the consequences of Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court and partnered with Out and Allies to host Attorney Josh Langdon for a discussion of transgender rights in Ohio.

The Cincinnati Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professor Jennifer Bergeron and Dean Joseph Tomain, and ACS Associate Director of Chapters Brian Kaufman, for their support. The Chapter is looking forward to the spring semester and hosting many more events.

December 10, 2018: Santa Clara University School of Law

The Santa Clara University School of Law ACS Chapter is honored to be recognized as the Student Chapter of the Week. This year, Santa Clara Law ushered in a new era with the opening of its brand-new building, Charney Hall, which now houses the entire law school. The Chapter sought to help set the new tone of Santa Clara Law by making a massive push to expand ACS’s influence. The Chapter was able to do this by increasing student outreach and holding a wide variety of events.

The Chapter started off the school year with a welcome back BBQ and a general meeting to teach law students all about what ACS is and its involvement with law students and lawyers. In September, the Chapter helped sponsor a Constitution Day panel of professors to discuss the recent Supreme Court docket, and in October the Chapter sponsored a panel on the future of reproductive rights and held its annual Trivia Night. The Chapter held an event with Professor David Sloss about the current state of Mueller’s Russia Investigation in November.

This year, the Chapter also began its new signature discussion series, “Let’s Taco ‘Bout It,” where ACS board members provide Taco Bell and lead a monthly student discussion on a particular topic, such as “Is Truth, Truth?” and “Trump on Transgender Rights.” The Chapter also began its Small Batch Networking Series where students meet with local attorneys and judges on campus.

This Spring, Santa Clara Law ACS is planning a variety of events including panels on sanctuary city lawsuits, circuit court judicial nominations, election technology, and sponsoring an event on pushing back against white nationalism.

The Santa Clara Law ACS Chapter has been invigorated by the strong attendance at its events, the engagement of the faculty and student body, and is looking to further promote ACS’s progressive legal values in any way it can out in the Silicon Valley!

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professors Ellen Kreitzberg and Margaret Russell, for their support and guidance.

December 3, 2018: University of Texas School of Law

The University of Texas School of Law ACS Student Chapter is honored to be selected as Chapter of the Week! The Chapter kicked off the semester with a review of the last U.S. Supreme Court term with appellate lawyer and ACS lawyer chapter leader Jason Steed. The Chapter was also proud to co-host, along with Getting Radical in the South (GRITS) and the Austin Lawyer Chapter of ACS, the Getting Radical in the South (GRITS) conference, a student-run public interest lawyering conference and the ACS Texas Regional Convening.

In October, the UT Law ACS Chapter co-hosted several events focused on immigration with the Chicano and Hispanic Law Student Association, including an overview of the ACLU’s litigation challenging the Trump Administration’s family separation policy and an update on the status of the DACA program.

The Chapter also hosted panels of speakers to discuss some of the most pressing issues in Texas: voting rights and access to affordable housing. Lawyers from the Texas Civil Rights Project and Common Cause discussed gerrymandering and voter suppression; and affordable housing advocates discussed the Trump Administration’s proposed changes to the Fair Housing Act. The Chapter also hosted a lunch event with renowned U.S. Supreme Court advocate Carter Phillips.

On Halloween, Professor Steve Vladeck spoke at an “ask-me-anything” style event about the Mueller investigation and the rule of law. In November, the UT Law ACS Chapter hosted a live recording of the popular U.S. Supreme Court podcast “First Mondays.”

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professors Lynn BlaisJoseph Fishkin, and William Forbath, for their support and guidance.

November 26, 2018: Washington University School of Law

The Washington University School of Law ACS Chapter is honored to be recognized as the ACS Student Chapter of the week! WashU ACS set a goal of recruiting as many new members as possible this year through several engaging events. Focusing especially on the 1L class, the Chapter has assembled an amazing board of 1L student leaders eager to highlight national and local progressive issues for our law school community.

WashU ACS kicked off the semester with two panel events on Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, discussing the new justice’s impact on reproductive rights, executive power, and environmental regulations. The Chapter also co-sponsored an annual Constitution Day Supreme Court Review at the end of September.

In October, the Chapter co-hosted two book talks: the first, with former ACLU President Nadine Strossen, to discuss her book HATE: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship, and the second with former U.S. Supreme Court Clerk and member of the ACS National Board of Academic Advisors, Justin Driver, to discuss his book The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, The Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind.

Ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, WashU ACS partnered with numerous other student groups to host discussions on redistricting litigation, campaign finance law, and the recently overturned voter ID laws in Missouri aimed at suppression of the vote. On Election Day, the Chapter volunteered with the nationwide Election Protection initiative, making calls to voters and polling places to ensure universal access to the ballot on Election Day.

The Chapter also co-sponsored an all-day symposium on wrongful convictions and forensic science, featuring Washington Post journalist Radley Balko and criminal defense attorneys Dean Strang and Jerome Buting, of Netflix’s Making a Murderer.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professor Gregory Magarian and Professor Karen Tokarz, for their support and guidance.

November 19: 2018: NYU School of Law

The NYU Chapter began the school year with several recruiting events to get new members of the NYU Law community excited about the work the Chapter would be doing throughout the fall semester and provide members of the community opportunities to become involved. With an eye towards the midterm elections, the Chapter put on a Weekly Progressive Action Hour to help people learn what ballot measures and referendums are on their local ballots, who was up for election, and what was at stake in home districts. Additionally, the Chapter helped students register to vote and request absentee ballots as needed.

The Chapter also partnered with the Brennan Center for Justice for a conversation on the Constitution, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the American public education system with Melissa Murray, Professor at NYU Law and ACS National Board Member, and Justin Driver, Professor at the University of Chicago School of Law, member of the ACS National Board of Academic Advisors and author of The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, The Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind.

During the first week of October, the Chapter hosted the Northeast Regional Convening for students and practitioners across the Northeast. The gathering featured panel discussions on Voting Rights, State Attorneys General, Constitutional Democracy, and Fair Courts & The U.S. Supreme Court.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professors Adam Cox, Burt Neuborne, and Deborah Malamud for their support and guidance.

November 12, 2018: University of Mississippi School of Law

The University of Mississippi School of Law ACS Student Chapter set a goal this year to establish themselves as a strong campus organization through planning events and serving their law school community. The Chapter kicked off the semester by setting up a display in recognition of Women’s Equality Day. ACS Faculty Advisor, Professor Hoffheimer, also opened his home to ACS members for the bi-annual back to school gathering.

In September, the Chapter screened the new RBG documentary, followed by an open discussion about the struggles and successes of women and minorities in the legal field. Later in the month, the Chapter also participated in the #BelieveSurvivors walkout to stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford and all survivors of sexual assault.

In October, the Chapter partnered with OUTlaw to host an event called, “Breaking the Silence: HIV/AIDS and the Law.” To encourage people to get to the polls, the Chapter also partnered with ACLU to set up voting tables at the law school and on the University of Mississippi’s main campus to help students get registered to vote in Mississippi. Additionally, the Chapter hosted the “Threat to Justice? Judicial Nominations and What’s at Stake” panel with speakers from ACS, One Voice Mississippi, and an election law professor. Finally, the Chapter set up a #TreatYoSelf table on Mental Health Awareness Day to pass out treats and informational pamphlets about mental health awareness, while snapping fun, Polaroid-style photos of students!

The Chapter’s upcoming events include hosting Jody Owens of the Southern Poverty Law Center to discuss reforming Mississippi’s juvenile justice, educational, and mental health systems, as well as hosting a discussion on the struggles faced by women in the South. The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Michael H. Hoffheimer, for his constant support and encouragement!

November 5, 2018: University of California, Los Angeles School of Law

The UCLA Law ACS Student Chapter is proud of the work it has done on campus this semester and looks forward to planning more events throughout the school year.

The Chapter began the school year by organizing several book talks with distinguished progressive scholars. Professor Eric J. Segall spoke about his book “Originalism as Faith,” a comprehensive history of the originalism debates and the ways in which the doctrine has been (mis)applied. David Kaplan, author of “The Most Dangerous Branch: Inside the Supreme Court’s Assault on the Constitution,” criticized the growing power of the Supreme Court. Additionally, Joshua Matz discussed his most recent book, “To End A Presidency: The Power of Impeachment,” which he co-authored with Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe.

In mid-October, the UCLA Law ACS Student Chapter hosted the Southwest Regional Convening. The all-day event, featuring panels on voting rights, progressive federalism, and women’s rights, brought together progressive students, faculty, and attorneys from several states to reflect on the current political environment. Notable speakers included Kat Calvin, Founder of Spread the Vote; Palak Sheth, Managing Director at the San Francisco City Attorney’s Office; Heather Hutt, Deputy State Director for U.S. Senator Kamala Harris; Professor Yxta Murray of Loyola Law School; and Terry Goddard, former Arizona Attorney General.

The Chapter has also been focusing on the upcoming elections. Director of Current Events, Sonni Waknin, organized a poll monitor training for law students to engage in voter protection field work, and Director of Policy, Anjani Nadadur, organized a joint event with The Federalist Society entitled “Bridging the Partisan Divide,” featuring both a Democratic State Senator and a Republican State Senator.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor Professor Adam Winkler and ACS Assistant Director of Chapters Molly Greene for their support and guidance.

October 29, 2018: University of Michigan Law School

The ACS student chapter at the University of Michigan is honored to receive the Student Chapter of the Week award. They are very proud of the work they have accomplished on campus so far this year.

MLaw’s ACS chapter continued its tradition of sponsoring engaging events about essential issues in progressive legal policy. The chapter’s marquee event for this semester was a Midwest Regional Convening, “Midterms and the Midwest: The State of Voting Rights and Election Law.” The all-day symposium featured speakers from a wide array of backgrounds including the ACLU of Michigan, FairVote, RepresentUs, Spread the Vote, the Vice Chair of the Federal Election Commission, and Michigan Law’s very own voting rights expert, Professor Ellen Katz. Attendees came from all over Michigan and even out of state to participate in a series of breakout sessions, where participants learned how they can help with voter registration, governmental ethics, and ballot initiatives.

MLaw ACS has also continued working to foster a tight-knit progressive community on campus with a renewed emphasis on smaller, more informal programming. This semester they have sponsored a coffee talk with MLaw Professor Nicholas Bagley to discuss the waiver submitted by Michigan to impose a work requirement for Medicaid and how to utilize notice-and-comment processes to have your voice heard. Additionally, the board is planning a panel on “court packing” and other judicial reform proposals. The chapter has also continued to host a series of happy-hour reading groups for ACS members to get together and discuss student-selected articles.

One of the chapter’s most impressive accomplishments was selecting a phenomenal group of 1L students to join the Board for the 2018–2019 term, and everybody is excited to see what they will accomplish.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professor Ellen Katz, Professor Kate Andrias, and Professor Barb McQuade for their support and guidance.

October 22, 2018: Sturm College of Law, University of Denver

The Sturm College of Law ACS Student Chapter started off the year with a few recruiting events that included an on-campus student organization fair and an off-campus meet and greet with the Colorado Lawyer Chapter.

The first event of the semester was a lunch talk titled The Age of Incivility, presented by Terrance D. Carroll,  the first African-American Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives.

The chapter also hosted professors Margaret Kwoka, Alan Chen, and Justin Pidot to discuss Judge Kavanaugh’s Nomination & the Implications for Administrative, Constitutional, and Environmental Law.

In September, the Denver Office of Independent Monitor’s Nick Mitchell visited the Denver Law ACS chapter to present on Policing the Police and his role overseeing police misconduct. The event was co-hosted with the Colorado ACLU and the National Lawyers Guild student chapter.

The chapter was thrilled to welcome Dahlia Lithwick (Slate senior editor and political correspondent, host of the podcast Amicus, and 2018 ACS Progressive Champion Award recipient) and The Honorable Elizabeth Harris (Colorado Court of Appeals) to discuss The U.S. Supreme Court Vacancy & What’s at Stake.

Some upcoming events include Journey of Hope: From Death Row to Advocacy, with National Coalition to Abolish Death Penalty board member and 99th exonerated death row inmate Juan Melendez, and the Sturm College of Law Inaugural Civil Rights Summit, co-hosted with the Colorado ACLU, the Public Interest Law Group student chapter, the International Law Society, Denver University Women’s Legal Coalition, the Student Immigration Law Coalition, and many others!

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor Professor Justin Pidot and interim faculty advisor Professor Alan Chen for their support and guidance.

October 15, 2018: William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada Las Vegas

The William S. Boyd ACS Student Chapter kicked off the fall semester with some great events!

During the first week of class, the chapter hosted the school’s first event of the semester with a panel on the Kavanaugh nomination. The event, which featured Boyd professors Addie Rolnick, Ian Bartrum, Thomas McAffee, and Ruben Garcia, focused on the consequences of the Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court and the impact of Justice Kennedy’s retirement. The event was a great success, with over 100 students and faculty members attending.

In celebration of Constitution Day on September 17, UNLV ACS partnered with the Institute for a Progressive Nevada to host a voter registration event at the school. At the event, the chapter registered numerous voters and shared important information about voters’ Constitutional rights.

The chapter also had the great pleasure of volunteering at Three Square, a local food bank in Las Vegas. The chapter is immensely grateful to have the opportunity to serve the community, and last week packed food boxes that will help serve over 10,000 meals.

This week, the chapter will be co-hosting a continuing legal education event on Constitutional Impeachment Law with the Boyd School of Law and the Las Vegas ACS Lawyer Chapter. At the event, Barbara Radnofsky will discuss the foundations of the United States’ impeachment process, how the law has changed over time, and various impeachment cases in United States history.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors Professor Ruben Garcia and Professor Leslie Griffin for their support and guidance.

October 8, 2018: Yale Law School

The ACS Yale Law School Student Chapter started off the fall semester with some really exciting events!

The first event of the semester, a panel featuring Linda Greenhouse, Reva Siegal, Bruce Ackerman, and Akhil Amar discussing the Kavanaugh nomination, was so well-attended that an overflow room had to be opened up to accommodate everyone.

Last month, the chapter hosted AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to talk about the Supreme Court’s effect on working people, focusing on the most recent anti-labor ruling in Janus v. AFSCME. Additionally, ACS YLS was a co-sponsor of an Asian Pacific American Law Students Association event with Kuong Ly, the son of genocide survivors and a Legal Aid attorney in Boston, who spoke about community lawyering for community development.

One of the chapter’s most powerful speakers early this semester was Gina Clayton-Johnson, founder of the Essie Justice Group, who discussed a report she has co-authored on the impact of mass incarceration on women with incarcerated loved ones, as well as the controversial state of bail reform in California.

Speaker events are not all the chapter has been up to.  Recently, ACS YLS was proud to co-sponsor a trip of more than 100 YLS students to Washington, D.C. to protest the hasty confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh in light of the many allegations against him.

Some of our upcoming events include a conversation with Professor James Forman and Lara Bazelon about Bazelon’s new book, Rectify: The Power of Restorative Justice After Wrongful Conviction, and a talk by Miles Farmer, an NRDC attorney working on the fight against the Trump Administration’s anti-clean energy policies, co-sponsored with the Yale Environmental Law Association.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor Professor Reva Siegel for her support and guidance.

October 1, 2018: Cumberland School of Law

Cumberland’s ACS Chapter has kicked off this year by hosting multiple events to engage not only the student body, but also the Birmingham legal community. Just recently, the chapter co-sponsored “Immigrant Justice: Defending the American Dream” with other organizations including the ACLU of Alabama and UAB Institute for Human Rights. The chapter also celebrated Constitution Day with a presentation by Professor William Ross.

Cumberland ACS worked to foster a tight-knit progressive community on campus with an emphasis on smaller, more informal programming. Some recent, engaging events include #FreeTheHair: Locking Black Hair to Civil Rights Movement with Professor Wendy Greene. Professor Greene discussed the discriminatory issues minority women face in the workplace and educational institutions regarding Title XII.

Cumberland ACS has planned the following upcoming events:

  • Your Guide to the Mueller Investigation, a discussion led by former Assistant United States Attorney, Professor Ramona Albin,
  • LGBTQ 101 Educational Workshop with Amanda Keller of the Magic City Acceptance Center, and
  • Modern Family Values: Issues Arising from Same-Sex Marriage, a discussion with Attorney Heather Fann about the evolving issues faced by same-sex couples regarding child custody, surrogacy, and artificial reproductive technology.

Aside from guest speakers, the chapter is also co-hosting panels with other student organizations to provide minority students with employment resources, including Minorities in Law and Professional Identity: Evolving from Law School to the Workplace. The chapter is also co-sponsoring a Voting Rights Restoration Training with Cumberland’s Black Law Students Association.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors Professors Ramona Albin and Lynn Hogewood for their support and guidance.


May 14, 2018: Cornell Law School

The Cornell Law School ACS Student Chapter is honored to be recognized as ACS’s Student Chapter of the Week. After another busy year, the chapter looks forward to further promoting progressive lawyering among the Cornell Law School student body.

The chapter’s recent events have featured a broad range of issues including free speech, equal protection, and diversity in the legal profession. Notable recent events include:

  • An event on “Free Speech on Campus” with UC Berkeley School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky.
  • A “Hate Speech and Free Speech” discussion with New York Law School Professor and past president of the ACLU Nadine Strossen, and NYU School of Law Professor Jeremy Waldron.
  • A “Life as a U.S. Attorney” discussion with Neil Corwin, Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
  • A “Should We Abolish the Electoral College?” debate between University of Nebraska College of Law Professor Richard Duncanand Cornell Law School Professor Robert Hockett.
  • A “Civil Asset Forfeiture” event co-sponsored with the Federalist Society, featuring Cornell Law School Dean Eduardo Peñalverand Vice President for Criminal Justice at the Cato Institute Clark Neily.
  • A “Gavel Gap” lecture with U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York Judge LaShann DeArcy Hall. This event was co-sponsored with the Black Law Students’ Association, Women’s Law Coalition, and Women of Color Collective, and focused on the underrepresentation of women and minorities on the bench.
  • A “Sex Ed Trivia” co-sponsored with the Women’s Law Coalition, Lambda Law, and Lawyering for Reproductive Justice. Here, the chapter quizzed Cornell Law students on the evolving right to privacy.

The Cornell Law School ACS Student Chapter is grateful to faculty advisors Professor John Blume and Professor Michael Dorf for their continuing guidance and support.

May 7, 2018: Stanford Law School

Stanford Law School’s ACS Student Chapter is honored to be this week’s ACS Student Chapter of the Week.

This year, SLS’s ACS hosted a wide range of events on issues in progressive legal policy. Highlights include an event with California Attorney General Xavier Becerra on DACA; a symposium on the presidential selection process; discussions with lawyers litigating against President Trump’s travel ban and the “Sanctuary Cities” Executive Order; and a debate between Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Stanford Law Professor Mark Lemley over judicial recall and judicial independence.

The Chapter also worked to foster a tight-knit progressive community on campus with an emphasis on smaller, more informal programming. The Chapter hosted a three-part reading series on mandatory arbitration, a Notice and Comment workshop, and a coffee discussion on voting rights with the Campaign Legal Center. Forthcoming, the Chapter has planned a clerkship mixer, an event with Judge Michelle Friedland of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and an event on Special Counsel Mueller and the Russia investigation.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professor Pam Karlan and Professor Jeff Fisher, for their support and guidance.

April 30, 2018: University of Michigan Law School

The ACS Student Chapter at the University of Michigan Law School is honored to be recognized as ACS’s Student Chapter of the Week and proud of all the work the chapter has accomplished on campus this year.

Michigan Law’s ACS Chapter continued its tradition of sponsoring engaging events about essential issues in progressive legal policy. Favorites this year included a lunch talk with Professors Leonard M. Niehoff and Barbara McQuade about the Freedom of Association; a discussion with Professor Vikramaditya S. Khanna on the Rohingya Crisis and comparative constitutionalism, and a Federalist Society–ACS debate between Professor William J. Novak (University of Michigan Law School) and Professor David B. Lyons (Boston University School of Law) on net neutrality. The capstone of these events was a celebration of the fifteen-year anniversary of the Grutter v. Bollinger decision upholding Michigan Law’s affirmative action policy. This evening event featured two panels of speakers, including Professor Richard Primus, then-Dean Evan Caminker, and Maureen Mahoney, who argued the case before the Supreme Court.

The Chapter also worked to foster a tight-knit progressive community on campus with a renewed emphasis on smaller, more informal programming. The organization sponsored coffee talks with Michigan law professors and attorneys in the Detroit area about topics ranging from federal drug policy to prison reform. The Chapter also hosted a series of happy-hour reading groups for ACS members to get together and discuss student-selected articles on topics like gun control and progressive economic populism.

One of the Chapter’s most impressive accomplishment is selecting a group of phenomenal students to join the Board for the 2018–2019 term. The Chapter’s fall plans include a 1L mentorship program and a voter registration drive.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Ellen D. Katz, for her support and guidance.

April 23, 2018: Columbia Law School

With the world the way it is, the Columbia Law School ACS Student Chapter is grateful to be able to shed light on progressive constitutional principles at Columbia Law School. A few highlights from this year:

  • This fall, former White House Counsel Neil Egglestonand Professor Matthew Waxman discussed the foundational importance of the rule of law in the American political system and how it’s being put at risk in the Trump administration.
  • Columbia ACS co-hosted a conversation with Deval Patrick, the 71st Governor of Massachusetts, on how state and city leaders can push progressive values forward in their communities.
  • In light of the coming decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Professors Katherine Frankeand Sahar Azizspoke about whose religious freedom is protected by the First Amendment.
  • After a surprise victory for voting rights in Hand v. ScottDanielle Langfrom the Campaign Legal Center and Jon Sherman from the Fair Elections Legal Network joined Columbia ACS to discuss the future of felony disenfranchisement litigation.
  • To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the 14th Amendment, Harvard legal historian Michael Klarmanand Columbia historian Eric Foner came to CLS to discuss the 14th Amendment in its context and how we can continue to live up to its principles in the 21st century.

The Columbia Law School ACS Student Chapter has lots to look forward to next year:

  • Professor Melissa Murraywill give a lunch talk about The Wing, a NYC-based women-only social club that’s under investigation by the NYC Commission on Human Rights for discriminating against men.
  • Former President of the ACLU Nadine Strossenwill discuss her new book, and what law students can do to strengthen the First Amendment in our schools and communities.

A special thanks goes out to Columbia ACS faculty advisor, Professor Gillian Metzger, and a bon voyage to our intrepid 3L leaders, Shane Grannum and Sam Ferenc!

April 16, 2018: Tulane University Law School

The Tulane Law ACS Student Chapter has had a wonderfully eventful year. The Chapter started off its programming with a discussion on Gill v. Whitford featuring Professor Nicholas Stephanopoulos. In November, the Chapter hosted Ina Davis and Clay Latimer, Louisiana Courts Matter, for a discussion on the Obama-era backlog of federal judicial nominations and the role of Blue Slips. In January, the chapter co-hosted a panel on diversity and representation in the Louisiana judiciary, featuring Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Bernette J. Johnson; Hon. Carl E. Stewart, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit; and ACS President Caroline Fredrickson. The chapter also welcomed Yale Professor Akhil Reed Amar for an ACS luncheon.

Most importantly, the Chapter put students into the sphere of public service. To those ends, the Chapter hosted several information and training sessions for aspiring public servants. It had an abortion clinic escort training with the New Orleans Abortion Fund and a legal observer training with the National Lawyers Guild. The Chapter also hosted a “Notice and Comment Party” on the Trump Administration’s conscience-based objections to providing reproductive and fertility health services.

ACS has maintained a strong presence on Tulane’s campus, at a time when activism and a commitment to equal justice is needed more than ever among law professionals. The Chapter is excited for the next year to come. The Chapter thanks its faculty advisor, Professor Keith Werhan, for his support and guidance.

The Tulane Law ACS Student Chapter has had a wonderfully eventful year. The Chapter started off its programming with a discussion on Gill v. Whitford featuring Professor Nicholas Stephanopoulos. In November, the Chapter hosted Ina Davis and Clay Latimer, Louisiana Courts Matter, for a discussion on the Obama-era backlog of federal judicial nominations and the role of Blue Slips. In January, the chapter co-hosted a panel on diversity and representation in the Louisiana judiciary, featuring Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Bernette J. Johnson; Hon. Carl E. Stewart, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit; and ACS President Caroline Fredrickson. The chapter also welcomed Yale Professor Akhil Reed Amar for an ACS luncheon.

Most importantly, the Chapter put students into the sphere of public service. To those ends, the Chapter hosted several information and training sessions for aspiring public servants. It had an abortion clinic escort training with the New Orleans Abortion Fund and a legal observer training with the National Lawyers Guild. The Chapter also hosted a “Notice and Comment Party” on the Trump Administration’s conscience-based objections to providing reproductive and fertility health services.

ACS has maintained a strong presence on Tulane’s campus, at a time when activism and a commitment to equal justice is needed more than ever among law professionals. The Chapter is excited for the next year to come. The Chapter thanks its faculty advisor, Professor Keith Werhan, for his support and guidance.

April 9, 2018: UCLA School of Law

The UCLA School of Law ACS Student Chapter has had another great year! Some highlights include:

  • A Supreme Court Term Preview with Professor Richard Re, UCLA School of Law.
  • A talk with Professor Justin Levittof Loyola Law School about redistricting, voting rights, and the law of democracy.
  • A panel on life tenure for federal judges cosponsored by the Federalist Society with Gabe Roth, Executive Director of Fix the Court; Professor Adam Winkler, UCLA School of Law, and Ilya Shapiro, Cato Institute.
  • Two moots: Turner v. U.S.,a Sixth Circuit case about the right to effective counsel during pre-indictment plea bargaining; and Murphy v. Smith, a Supreme Court case concerning whether the Prison Litigation Reform Act requires successful civil rights plaintiffs to pay exactly 25% of any awarded damages towards attorney fees.
  • A debate on the future of Chevron deference with the Federalist Society, featuring Professor Blake Emerson from UCLA School of Law and Professor Christopher Walker from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.
  • A talk on the future of partisan gerrymandering featuring Professor Justin Levittof Loyola Law School and Kathay Feng from Common Cause.
  • A talk with Professor SpearItfrom Thurgood Marshall School of Law about using gun rights and the law of self-defense to curb police misconduct.
  • A presentation about voter registration from Laura Brill, a former law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and a founding partner at Kendall Brill & Kelly LLP.

The Chapter is looking forward to next year and is grateful for the continued support of ACS National and its Faculty Advisor, Professor Adam Winkler!

April 2, 2018: University of Minnesota Law School

The 2017-2018 school year has been transformational for the University of Minnesota Law School ACS Student Chapter. It enjoyed an influx of energized 1L and 2L members and grew its board of directors from six to twenty. Some chapter highlights include:

  • An event on ethics in the Trump Administration featuring Walter Straub, former director of the Office of Government Ethics, and Richard Painter, chief ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush.
  • A discussion on State Attorneys General featuring Chief District JudgeJohn Tunheimand Professor Prentiss Cox.
  • Lunch with Former Vice President of the United StatesWalter Mondale.
  • A talk with ProfessorPeter Edelman on his book, “Not a Crime to Be Poor.”
  • A conversation on gerrymandering with Ruth Greenwood, plaintiffs’ counsel in Gill v. Whitford.
  • A talk on voter fraud with Minnesota Secretary of StateSteve Simon.
  • A conversation with U.S. CongressmanTim Walz.
  • A celebration of the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wadewith Tim Stanley.
  • A discussion on the legal battle for a $15 minimum wage with Minneapolis City AttorneySusan Segal.

Upcoming events:

  • A conversation about end-of-life care featuring ProfessorThaddeus Pope and Dr. Vic Sandler.
  • A discussion with Stanford Law School ProfessorJoe Bankman on the new tax law.
  • A talk on the report, “Girlhood Interrupted” with Professor Thalia Gonzalez, Senior Visiting Scholar at the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality.
  • A day of volunteering in the community.

The chapter conducted officer elections in January and created new roles to oversee diversity and inclusion efforts, service projects, and social media outreach. It looks forward to a fun and productive year.

The chapter thanks Professors Heidi KitrosserCarol Chomsky, and Prentiss Cox for their guidance and support. It also thanks the Minneapolis-St. Paul ACS Lawyer Chapter for its continued mentorship and enthusiasm. Finally, it wishes good luck to the outgoing 3L leaders who resurrected and rebuilt this chapter, Seth Zawila and Joseph Janochoski.

March 26, 2018: The University of Pennsylvania Law School

The Penn Law ACS Student Chapter has had a full and exciting year! A few highlights include:

  • A discussion with the Penn Law Federalist Society on President Trump’s impact on the judiciary featuring David Lat and Penn Law ProfessorKermit Roosevelt.
  • An annual Supreme Court Review with ProfessorsTobias Wolff, Penn Law; and Catherine J. Lanctot, Villanova Law.
  • A panel discussing impeachment, featuring Penn Law ProfessorsStephen Burbank,Akhil AmarWilliam Ewald, and Maggie McKinley.
  • Lectures by CongressmanAlan Lowenthal (DCA 47th District) and Congressman Raul Grijalva (DAZ 3rd District), in partnership with the Wharton Elected Leadership Incubator.
  • Former Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals, JudgeJonathan Lippman, speaking about civil and criminal justice reform, and the shutting down of Rikers Island.
  • Former White House CounselNeil Eggleston sharing his highlights on working in the Obama Administration and comments on the rule of law.
  • A panel on the Travel/Muslim Ban with the Penn Law Immigrant Rights Project. Panelists included ProfessorsJean GalbraithKermit Roosevelt, and Fernando Chang-Muy; and Eric Rothschild, Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
  • A collaboration with the Journal of Law & Public Affairson voting laws featuring Professor Joshua Douglas, University of Kentucky College of Law.
  • An in-depth discussion on partisan gerrymandering and voter ID laws with Deuel Ross, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc.; Thomas Wolf, Brennan Center; and Mimi McKenzie, Public Interest Law Center.
  • A conversation on implicit biases in the legal hiring process with Professor Tess Wilkinson-Ryan andAnne Gregory, GapJumpers.
  • A partnership with the Youth Advocacy Project to host a powerful discussionon the experience of individuals returning to society from incarceration, featuring Roy Waterman, Jewish Council for Public Affairs; Tarra Simmons, Public Defender Association; ProfessorShon Hopwood, Georgetown Law; and Bill Cobb, ACLU Campaign for Smart Justice.
  • A celebration of the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wadein partnership with If/When/How, featuring Professor Dorothy Roberts, Penn Law; Thomas Zemaitis, Counsel in Planned Parenthood v. CaseyRavina Daphtary, All Above All; and Noel León, National Women’s Law Center.
  • A Quizzo membership drive with Drexel Law and Temple Law recruiting new ACS members.
  • Learning more about law and candidacy, taking the plunge, and running for office with Neil Makhija, Berger & Montague, P.C.
  • A voter registration drive.
  • A debate with the Penn Law Federalist Society on net neutrality, with Penn Law ProfessorsChristopher Yoo and Katja Seim, and Temple Law Professor Salil Mehra.
  • A discussion on qualified immunity and its effects on police accountability with Professors Catherine Struve andDavid Rudovsky.
  • A panel on gun policy reform featuring Sozi Pedro Tulante, the former City Solicitor of Philadelphia;Chelsea Parsons, Vice President of Gun Violence Prevention at the Center for American Progress; Nancy Gordon, Board Member of CeaseFirePA; and Jonathan Goldstein, founding partner of McNelly & Goldstein.

The chapter is looking forward to next year and is grateful for the continued support of ACS National and its Faculty Advisor Professor Kermit Roosevelt.

March 19, 2018: University of Illinois College of Law

The University of Illinois ACS Student Chapter has had a very busy year! The Illinois chapter is extremely excited and proud of their meaningful events and are looking forward to hosting many more important events in the future.The Illinois Chapter started this year by assisting the College of Law with its “New Student Orientation” by offering tours and information to new students. This event, along with other recruitment opportunities, allowed for the chapter to significantly expand its membership and programming. The Illinois Chapter’s featured events this year include:

  • A Constitution Day Celebration
  • An annual social event
  • A “Diversity Initiative Informational” event
  • An alumni homecoming table
  • “Title VII after Obergefell” with Anthony Kreis
  • “Feminist Judgments” with Kathryn Stanchi
  • A “Clerkship Informational Meeting” with Zack Gima

The Illinois Chapter has had the opportunity to co-sponsor events with the Illinois Federalist Society, including “Militarization of the Police” and “Campus Free Speech Debate.” The Illinois chapter is currently planning events involving prominent progressive Illinois prosecutors, a “Gavel Gap” awareness event, and a movie night! The chapter is also working towards starting a mentorship program where 1L students will have the opportunity to interview attorneys who have demonstrated a continued involvement in ACS throughout their careers. The Illinois Chapter has a great deal of exceptionally hardworking 1L students! They are excited to hold board elections for the 2018-2019 school year so that they can continue to provide a voice to progressive values and raise awareness of relevant constitutional issues. The Illinois Chapter is honored to receive this recognition from ACS. The chapter would like to thank Dean Vikram Amar, Dean Virginia Vermillion, Professor Sean Anderson, and Associate Director Megan Pickens for their support. The Illinois Chapter would also like to thank its 3L representative, Anya Parfenoff for her continued support.

March 12, 2018: The University of Akron School of Law

Formed during the spring of 2017, the University of Akron School of Law’s ACS Student Chapter has hosted and cosponsored nearly 15 events in the last year. By developing relationships with university faculty, law student organizations, undergraduate groups, and community organizations, including the ACLU of Ohio, the League of Women Voters, and the ACS Northeast Ohio Lawyer Chapter, Akron Law ACS has been able to attract a variety of speakers and participate in several community outreach efforts.

This past fall, Akron Law ACS hosted a panel discussion on voting rights in Ohio that included Scott Hubay, an election and political law attorney; Professor William Rich, Akron Law; and Freda Levenson, the Legal Director for the ACLU of Ohio.

So far in 2018, Akron Law ACS has put on five events (with several more to come) including a screening of the 2017 film Marshall; a discussion on the freedom of religion with University of North Carolina School of Law Professor and ACS Board Member William Marshall; and “Teatime for Peace” with the Akron Law Muslim Law Student Association, an event focused on community members meeting with their Muslim neighbors. Akron Law ACS is already beginning to plan events for the fall semester, including a Supreme Court Preview and a discussion on criminal justice reform in Ohio. The chapter would like to thank its faculty advisors, Professors William Rich and Brant Lee, for their support.

March 5, 2018: Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law

This has been another exciting year for the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law Student Chapter, as it continues to be a progressive voice on campus while also preparing to host the 2018 ACS Student Convention.

The chapter headlined last fall with its Third Annual Supreme Court Term Preview. The panel featured Carter Phillips, Sidley Austin LLP; Assistant U.S. Attorney Annie Kastanek; and Professor David Schwartz, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law. Professor Erin Delaney, the chapter’s ACS co-faculty advisor, moderated this incredible panel.

The chapter covered a variety of topics last semester, often with the support of other student groups on campus. Highlights include:

  • Equality and liberty in America, with Professor Danielle Allen, the author of “Our Declaration,” moderated by chapter president Lari Dierks.
  • The legality of President Donald Trump’s proposed ban on transgender people serving in the military, featuring John Knight from the ACLU of Illinois, and Michael Bassi of the Veterans Law Association Student Chapter.
  • The ongoing litigation surrounding President Trump’s “Travel Ban,” featuring Johnathan Smith of Muslim Advocates.
  • Workplace protections for LGBTQ employees, featuring Professor Anthony Kreis of Chicago-Kent College of Law.
  • Working in the Executive Branch, featuring Neil Eggleston, former White House Counsel to President Barack Obama, and Professor Victoria Nourse of Georgetown University Law Center, former Counsel to Vice President Joe Biden.
  • Demystifying the clerkship application process, featuring Hon. Wayne R. Andersen (Ret.) of the Northern District of Illinois, and Hon. Mary L. Mikva of the Illinois Appellate Court.

The chapter began the semester with its most successful ACS week yet. Over five days, the chapter hosted numerous speakers on campus:

  • Professor Michael Kang, Emory University School of Law, on gerrymandering.
  • Professor Samuel Fifer, Northwestern Law; Professor Rachel Mersey, Northwestern Medill School of Journalism; and Professor Alexander Tsesis, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, on the current state of the free press.
  • Professor Ganesh Sitaraman, Vanderbilt Law School; and Professor Justin Levitt, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles.
  • Representatives from Young Invincibles on effective citizen advocacy.

The chapter also co-sponsored two symposiums:

  • The chapter partnered with the Northwestern University Law Review to revisit McCleskey v. Kemp and discuss how interdisciplinary work in the social sciences can help further the goals of equal protection.
  • The chapter partnered with the Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy to examine the past, present, and future of women’s representation in politics.

The chapter is incredibly proud of its programming this year and cannot wait to see other ACS leaders at the ACS Student Convention this week! The chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors Professors Erin Delaney and Deborah Tuerkheimer for their support.

 February 26, 2018: The University of Houston Law Center

Last fall, the University of Houston Law Center’s ACS student chapter hosted ten events on a wide variety of issues, including the Transgender Military Ban, Native American law and pipeline construction, bail reform, and gerrymandering. These events featured speakers including the Honorable Phyllis Frye, who was sworn-in as the first out, transgender judge in the nation in 2010; voting rights attorney Chad Dunn, and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg. Most recently, the student chapter had the privilege of welcoming Judge Gregg Costa of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to the University of Houston for a Q&A session with law students followed by a lecture on legal ethics.

This semester, the University of Houston student chapter is looking forward to many compelling events. The UHLC student chapter will be co-sponsoring an event on Election Administration law with other Houston ACS chapters. Additionally, the student chapter will sponsor a event with the former U.S. ambassador to Qatar, Chase Untermeyer, on the presidential appointments process, followed by a debate against the Federalist Society on gerrymandering, and a lecture by Professor Brandon Garrett on the death penalty and criminal justice reform. The UHLC student chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Theodore Rave, for his help and continued support throughout the school year.

February 19, 2018: William & Mary Law School

The William & Mary Law School ACS Chapter had an incredibly active fall semester and is looking forward to an exciting agenda for the spring semester. In the fall, the William & Mary Law School ACS Chapter hosted or co-sponsored eleven events, including:

  • “Cocktails & Conversations: Fake News and the Free Press” discussion on free press protections in the era of fake news with Professor Timothy Zick.
  • “Constitution Day” discussion on DACA and immigration law with Andrew J. Pincus, a visiting Clinical Lecturer at Yale Law and Partner at Mayer Brown.
  • “U.S.-North Korea Relations: The Threat of Nuclear War” panel featuring Mitchell Reiss, President and CEO of Colonial Williamsburg Foundation; John Feffer, Director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies; and Hongyu Zhang, College of William & Mary.
  • A lunch talk with Magistrate Judge Roderick C. Young on “Racial Diversity in the Law.”
  • A lunch talk with Myron McClees, Staff Attorney at the Virginia Supreme Court, on “Legislative and Public Relations for Young Lawyers.”
  • “Congress, the President, and the Mueller Investigation” lunch talk with Stanley M. Brand, Senior Counsel at Akin Gump.
  • “Bar Review,” a social gathering open to all William & Mary Law School students to engage in progressive constitutional law and policy issues in a relaxed setting.
  • “Campus Protests & Free Speech” with Dean Davison Douglas, Professor Vivian Hamilton, and ProfessorTimothy Zick.
  • “Foundation & Future of Federalism Talk” with Virginia Deputy Attorney General Stephen Cobb on the role of state attorneys and legislators during the Trump Era.
  • “The Gavel Gap: Racial Diversity on the Bench” with JudgeJohn Charles Thomas, the first African-American justice on the Virginia Supreme Court.

Looking ahead, the William & Mary Law School ACS Chapter has several events already scheduled for the spring semester and intends to add several more events to the agenda before the spring semester closes. Some of the featured events include:

  • “21st Century Economic Inequality in the Law” discussion featuring Professor Eric Kades.
  • “Paris Climate Accords Under Fire” discussion featuring Professor Linda Malone.
  • A discussion with Judge John A. Gibney, Jr., United States District Court Eastern District of Virginia, on modern Fourth Amendment issues.
  • “The Supreme Court in the Trump Era” panel discussion covering a variety of subjects ranging from administrative law to constitutional law issues impacted by Trump-era Supreme Court nominations.

Many thanks to Faculty Advisor Professor Eric Kades and ACS National for their support of the William & Mary Law School American Constitution Society Student Chapter.

February 12, 2018: University of South Carolina School of Law

The American Constitution Society at the University of South Carolina works to address topics that are happening in today’s world. The chapter has organized events on the following:

  • Constitutional and employment law issues surrounding football players kneeling during the National Anthem.
  • A gerrymandering and voting rights event with the League of Women of Voters.
  • A Journey to Judgeship event with the Black Law Students Association.
  • The chapter also worked with BLSA to host a regional meeting featuring past and current ACS members.
  • The chapter worked with the Carolina Equality Alliance student organization to co-host “Transgender in the Military.”
  • The chapter conducted a forum with legislators and good-government advocates to discuss money in politics.

The chapter looks forward to organizing the following events:

  • A discussion on “Coming Out in the Workplace.”
  • A discussion on the #Metoo Movement cosponsored with Women in Law and the Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network.
  • “Neuroscience and the Law,” which will look at how our current understanding of the functions of the brain can influence the law.
  • A Supreme Court Talk on Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The chapter will work with the Christian Legal Society, Carolina Equality Alliance, and South Carolina Faculty to organize this event.
  • A discussion on immigration and DACA.
  • A discussion on criminal justice reform.
  • A speaker event on the campaign to push cities towards 100% renewable energy.

The South Carolina ACS Student Chapter is thankful for the support of its faculty advisors, Professors Seth StoughtonThomas Crocker, and Tessa Davis.

 February 5, 2018: University of Chicago Law School

The University of Chicago Law School’s ACS chapter enjoyed an eventful fall quarter. The chapter’s events included an introduction to ACS by Professor Geoffrey R. Stone, a breakfast with former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, an overview on careers in political law with Tyler Hagenbuch of Perkins Coie, and a pro-bono partnership with the International Refugee Assistance Project. In January, UChicago’s ACS students welcomed Judge Diane Wood of the Seventh Circuit to discuss successful negotiation strategies in the legal workplace, and presented a talk on the legacy of Roe v. Wade. The student chapter also notched yet another victory in the annual ACS-Federalist Society pie-eating contest.

Over the course of the rest of the year, the UChicago student chapter plans to host talks on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, Voting Rights, careers with the EEOC, institutionalized racism by the Home Owner’s Loan Corporation in Chicago, and a debate with the Federalist Society student chapter on the proper role and structure of the federal habeas corpus review. UChicago ACS also intends to prepare and deliver lessons to high school students as part of ACS’s Constitution in the Classroom later in the year. UChicago ACS would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professors Geoffrey Stone and Jennifer Nou, for their support.

 January 29, 2018: University of Kentucky College of Law

Last semester, the University of Kentucky College of Law’s Student Chapter hosted six events that engaged hundreds of students and various faculty members, ranging in topics from universal healthcare to workplace discrimination to the constitutionality of gerrymandering. The UK Law ACS Chapter was especially proud to host Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear to speak about his career and the unique difficulties of his current job. The Chapter emphasized mixing smaller, technical-based workshops with larger, widely attended events that discussed the broad effects of legal reforms and upcoming court decisions, understanding that the law can be analyzed on both a granular and sweeping level. The Chapter’s nine-member executive board is grateful for its strong connections with several other student organizations on campus, and it enjoys an especially strong relationship with the law school’s LGBTQ outreach group.

Next semester, the UK Law ACS Chapter will sponsor a tax law-based event on the disastrous effects of Kansas’s recent economic agenda with Duane Goossen, a former state budget director (titled “A Cautionary Tale”). The Chapter is working on putting together another strong schedule for the spring and is partnering with various faculty members on hosting a wide array of progressive voices in the law.

The Chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Josh Douglas, for his support.

January 22, 2018: New York University School of Law

Last semester, NYU Law’s ACS Student Chapter hosted ten events ranging in topics from healthcare reform to inequality in the criminal justice system to a preview of the oral arguments for Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The chapter welcomed former White House Counsel Neil Eggleston, hosted UCLA Professor Jon Michaels, and launched a new event series called “Practitioner’s Lunches,” where practicing attorneys answer students’ questions about career development and progressive legal values. This year, the NYU ACS Student Chapter wanted to expand its collaborative efforts; they are happy to announce that more than half of their events were cosponsored by other organizations on and off campus.

For the upcoming semester, the NYU chapter has already begun planning for several exciting new events. The chapter will launch a new series called “Dinner Table Discussion” aimed at cultivating a self-inspection and open conversation on what it means to be progressive on difficult issues. The chapter is also planning an ACS Career and Networking event with the ACS New York Lawyers Chapter and a series of topical events that touch on issues like sanctuary cities, the prosecution-defense divide, and the gavel gap.The NYU ACS Student Chapter is looking forward to a productive spring and continuing to work towards a more progressive view of the Constitution. The chapter would like to thank its faculty advisors Professors Burt Neuborne, Deborah Malamud, and Adam Cox for their support.

January 16, 2018: UNT Dallas College of Law

The University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law American Constitution Society officially became a recognized student organization by the Student Bar Association on September 13, 2017. In just a couple of months, the chapter was able to collaborate with each student organization at the law school including: Asian Pacific American Law Student Association, Black Law Students Association, Christian Legal Society, Criminal Law Society, Hispanic Law Student Association, If/When/How (formerly Law Students for Reproductive Justice), OUTLaw, Public Interest Law Student Association, Republican Law Student Association, Secular Law Student Association, Sports and Entertainment Law Association, Veterans Law Student Association, Women in Law Student Association, and Wellness Committee. The chapter also had the opportunity to partner with the Individual Rights and Responsibilities section of the State Bar of Texas, and the ACS Dallas-Fort Worth Lawyer Chapter.

The chapter hit the ground running shortly after becoming a recognized student organization and hosted the following events:

  • The chapter partnered with the Office of the Registrar to celebrate Constitution Day. The chapter passed out pocket constitutions and desserts. In addition, the chapter collected names of students interested in joining the organization.
  • The chapter hosted its first general body meeting the next day. Guest speakers included Peggy Li, ACS Associate Director of Student Chapters; and Travis Gasper, Attorney at Lee & Braziel, LLP and ACS Dallas-Fort Worth Lawyer Chapter Co-Chair.
  • The chapter partnered with the ACS Dallas-Fort Worth Lawyer Chapter for a networking and lunch panel on Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents. ACS Faculty Advisor Professor Brian Owsley participated on the panel.
  • The chapter participated in a SBA Wellness Committee event aimed at promoting the health of the student body. This event entailed mindfulness games, activities, and competitive games.
  • The chapter co-sponsored a Judicial Mixer with the Black Law Students Association. The Fall Judicial Mixer provided students with the opportunity to network with judges and attorneys in the Dallas legal community. UNT Dallas College of Law Founding Dean, the Honorable Royal Furgeson, Jr., provided opening remarks.
  • The chapter hosted a First Amendment Discussion with Professor Mike Maslanka on Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The event was co-sponsored by the Individual Rights and Responsibilities section of the State Bar of Texas, OUTLaw, Public Interest Law Student Association, and the Secular Law Student Association. The event was well attended with over 60 students in attendance.
  • The chapter hosted an “ACS Inclusivity Day” to show how UNT Dallas College of Law promotes diversity and inclusion. This was the first time that every recognized student organization participated in an event to promote diversity and inclusion. The event included a discussion on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the legal community featuring Professor Cheryl Wattley, and remarks by ACS Faculty Advisor Professor Brian Owsley. Closing remarks were provided by the UNT Dallas College of Law Founding Dean, the Honorable Royal Furgeson, Jr. The event had over 80 students in attendance.

As one of ACS’s newest chapters, the University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law ACS Student Chapter is honored to receive the student chapter of the week. This semester, the chapter plans to host a labor and employment discussion, a networking panel on the importance of making “meaningful connections,” a meet your constituents event, a gavel gap event, a membership drive social hour, and a know your rights video panel discussion. The chapter would like to give special thanks to our Faculty Advisor Professor Brian Owsley, ACS National, the ACS Dallas-Fort Worth Lawyer Chapter (Kali Cohn and Travis Gasper), Jay Forester, ACS Executive Board Members, ACS General Body Members, and all of the chapter’s supporters.

December 18, 2017: Harvard Law School

The Harvard Law School ACS Student Chapter has had a full and exciting semester! A few highlights include:

  • A Constitution Day Celebration with Professor David Strauss, who gave an introduction to ACS for the chapter’s newest members.
  • A debate series co-sponsored with the Federalist Society. The first debate was on the Emoluments Clause, with Deepak Gupta from Gupta Wessler PLLC and Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute. The chapter also hosted a debate about the travel ban, with Professor Josh Blackman and Professor Gerald Neuman. A final debate on capital punishment is planned for the spring semester.
  • The chapter’s 2017 Supreme Court Preview with Professors Sabeel Rahman, Tara Grove, and Rachel Bayefsky, moderated by Ian Samuel of the First Mondays podcast. This event was incredibly successful and attended by nearly 200 HLS students!
  • A lunch and coffee talk with Richard Katskee of Americans United for Separation of Church and State about Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.
  • A talk with R.T. Rybak, former Mayor of Minneapolis, cosponsored with the HLS Urbanists, a new HLS group focused on local and state politics.
  • A charity game night, co-sponsored with the Federalist Society and HL Central.
  • Lunch with Robby Mook, Harvard Belfer Center Fellow and former campaign manager for Hillary Clinton.
  • An event with Congressional Reps. Joe Kennedy III and Susan Brooks on the need for Civil Legal Aid Protections from Congress.
  • Lunch with Professor Seth Berman on the future of cyber-warfare and election hacking in the 2016 presidential election.
  • A book talk with Professor Peter Edelman about his new book “Not a Crime to be Poor.”
  • Lunch with Massachusetts State Senator Karen Spilkaabout local politics and her work on paid family leave in Massachusetts.

The chapter is looking forward to next semester and is grateful for the continued support of ACS National and its Faculty Advisor Professor Michael Klarman.

December 11, 2017: University of Cincinnati College of Law

The ACS Cincinnati Student Chapter has certainly had a busy semester. The University of Cincinnati College of Law has a very active student body that partners with other organizations, with the goal of advancing progressive values. This has allowed the ACS chapter to thrive and grow. The chapter has focused on hitting a variety of constitutional issues, especially those that have become urgent under the current administration.

  • In September, the chapter hosted a debate between the Federalist Society’s faculty advisor, Professor A. Christopher Bryant, and the ACS co-faculty advisor, Dean Joseph Tomain, on the role of the constitution. In addition, the chapter co-hosted a talk on “Government as a Platform” with Professor Ian Ayresfrom Yale Law School. They also hosted a general meeting where they selected their new first-year SBA representative and recruited new members to the chapter.
  • In October, they participated in “Trunk or Treat” with UC Law Women at South Avondale Elementary School and passed out candy to children in the community.
  • In November, they sponsored a panel with Professor Yolanda Vázquez and Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center (IJPC) Cincinnati that focused on DACA.
  • With the Muslim Lawyers Association, they hosted a speaker from CAIR Cincinnati that spoke on the constitutionality of the Muslim Ban and provided a screening of the film Amreeka. They hosted Professor Bill Marshall, UNC School of Law, who spoke on the First Amendment, religion, and his time working as the Solicitor General of Ohio. They also hosted Gary Daniels, the chief lobbyist at the ACLU of Ohio, to discuss “President Trump and Civil Liberties.” The chapter finished the month by hosting IJPC Cincinnati for a virtual reality experience of solitary confinement for inmates on death row. The advocates from IJPC also gave a lecture on the death penalty in Ohio and the Eighth Amendment.

The Cincinnati chapter is looking forward to having just as many events this Spring and continuing to work towards a more progressive view of the Constitution. The chapter would like to thank its faculty advisors Dean Joseph Tomain and Professor Jennifer Bergeron for their support.

December 4, 2017: American University Washington College of Law

The American University Washington College of Law ACS Student Chapter was revitalized during the 2016-2017 academic year and continues to grow. This year, the chapter started its “Coffee and Constitution” series, which included lively discussions on salient constitutional issues. This fall, it featured panels on Gill v. Whitford and Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.The chapter co-hosted several events this year, including:

  • An orientation for incoming 1Ls featuring a tour of Capitol Hill and a panel of WCL alumni working on the Hill.
  • “Race and Disability in Policing and Criminal Justice Reform,” which discussed the intersection of race and disability in policing. The event featured Dean Camille Nelson, Washington College of Law; Robert Driscoll, McGlinchey Stafford PLLC; Talila Lewis, Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities; and Alicia Yass, D.C. Office of Police Complaints.
  • “Action Panel: Transgender Military Ban,” featuring Ray Duval, National Center for Transgender Equality; Sharra Greer, Children’s Law Center; and Sue Fulton, Service Members, Partners, Allies for Respect and Tolerance for All.
  • “SCOTUS Update: Microsoft Corp. v. United States,” featuring Washington College of Law Professor Jennifer Daskal and Covington & Burling LLP Partner Alex Berengaut.

Next semester, the chapter plans on hosting more “Coffee and Constitution” events on prominent constitutional issues. It also aims to host a panel on Carpenter v. United States and is in the process of planning a debate on sanctuary cities.The chapter would like to thank Professor Bill Yeomans and faculty advisor Professor Stephen Wermiel for their inspiration and assistance in revitalizing the Washington College of Law Student Chapter.

November 27, 2018: Georgia State University College of Law

The Georgia State University College of Law ACS Student Chapter has had a very exciting year. In their third year since re-chartering, the chapter hosted substantive panels on various topics such as Reproductive Justice, Judicial Elections and Appointments, the Second Amendment, Employment Discrimination, and First Amendment Freedom of Speech. This fall, the chapter hosted the ACS Southeast Regional Convening (SERC). The SERC boasted an impressive line-up of speakers, including Justice Leah Ward Sears (ret.) of the Georgia Supreme Court; Jonathan Rapping, the Founder of Gideon’s Promise; Sara Totonchi, Executive Director of the Southern Center for Human Rights; and 17 other judges, legislators and attorneys from the Atlanta area. The SERC was an opportunity for students to participate in the dialogue around topics such as Voter Suppression, DACA, and Criminal Justice Reform, and learn about some of the hard-won progressive victories in the South. The GSU ACS Student Chapter then collaborated with a coalition of progressive student organizations to co-sponsor Georgia State University’s Social Justice Week, which is a week of programming focused on racial, social and class issues with a progressive message. ACS co-sponsored “History or Hate: A Discussion on the Removal of Confederate Monuments” and “Taking a Knee for Justice,” both panels discussed racial issues that are particularly relevant in the South. In the upcoming semester, the chapter is looking forward to expanding its programming to encourage activism and civic engagement. The GSU student chapter would like to thank its faculty advisors, Dean Jessica Gabel Cino and Professor Neil J. Kinkopf, and the executive board of the Georgia ACS Lawyer Chapter for their support.

November 20, 2017: The University of Texas School of Law

The Texas Law ACS Student Chapter kicked off the fall semester with its “Dreams Deferred” panel on the repeal of DACA. The event featured Professor Denise Gilman and Professor Elissa Steglich from the UT Immigration Clinic, and Samuel Cervantes of University Leadership Initiative. Texas Law ACS also co-sponsored the Getting Radical in The South (GRITS) Conference (ACS Texas Regional Convening) on September 22-23. GRITS featured panels and workshops on radical defenses against the prison-industrial complex, implicit bias, restorative justice, and healthcare access for vulnerable populations. The Honorable Aurora Martinez Jones was a featured speaker during the Gavel Gap lunch at GRITS.In September, Texas Law ACS tabled on Constitution Day, co-hosted a lecture at Barton Springs featuring Bill Bunch of Save Our Springs Alliance, and organized a National Voter Registration Day event featuring Beth Stevens of Texas Civil Rights Project, Professor Hugh Brady, and Professor Joseph Fishkin.The following month, Texas Law ACS co-hosted a “First Amendment Debate” with the Federalist Society, featuring Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller and Professor Lawrence Sageron Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Texas Law ACS also hosted Edgar Saldivar, Senior Staff Attorney at the ACLU of Texas, for a lunch talk on Senate Bill 4, an anti-immigration bill that is being challenged in the Fifth Circuit. October wrapped with a SCOTUS Term Review featuring appellate attorney Jason Steed discussing highlights from the current Supreme Court term.Texas Law ACS’s membership and executive board have been passionately engaged in progressive issues on the local, state, and federal levels this fall. The Chapter looks forward to engaging in even more programming and networking in the spring semester! The Chapter would like to thank its faculty advisors, Professors William ForbathLynn Blais, and Joseph Fishkin, for their support and guidance.

November 13, 2017: The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law

To start the year, the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law ACS Chapter held a well-attended general interest meeting that successfully recruited new members to the chapter. Its first substantive event, “Law: Politics by Another Name?,” comprised a debate between ACS Faculty Advisor, Professor Daniel Tokaji, and Ohio State’s Federalist Society Faculty Adviser, Professor Christopher Walker. Next, the chapter held a membership drive on Constitution Day. The chapter then held a small group meeting with Professor Neil Siegel, Duke Law School, on the state of our constitutional republic. In mid-October, Moritz ACS held its annual SCOTUS Preview, which involved a panel discussion between Moritz faculty. That same day, Moritz ACS cosponsored an event focusing on the state of free speech and civil discourse in Ohio. Next, the chapter cosponsored a screening of the film “Bottom Dollars,” which highlighted the practice of paying subminimum wages to disabled individuals for their labor. They then invited a lobbyist, a marijuana law attorney, and a license applicant to discuss the implementation of Ohio’s Medical Marijuana Control Program and the opportunities it provides for young lawyers. In late October, Moritz ACS hosted Professor Bill Marshall, University of North Carolina School of Law. Professor Marshall discussed the religion clauses of the First Amendment and his experience as the Solicitor General of Ohio. The next day, the chapter hosted a discussion about racism in modern America. Most recently, it hosted first-generation lawyers to discuss how their experiences have informed their views of the law and access to justice. This has been a very busy and exciting semester for the Moritz ACS Chapter. The chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Daniel Tokaji, for his support.

November 6, 2017: Duke University School of Law

The Duke Law ACS Student Chapter has planned a variety of events this semester:

  • On September 18, in honor of Constitution Day, Duke Law ACS hosted Professor Darrell Miller for a lecture on the 13th Amendment and Positive Law.
  • On October 18, the Chapter organized a panel discussion with the Federalist Society on the Free Exercise Clause after Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer. Panelists included Duke Law Professors Stuart Benjamin and Ernest Young, and UNC Law Professor Bill Marshall. Duke Law Professor Joseph Blocher moderated the panel.
  • On October 24, the Chapter participated in a moot court on assault weapons and the Second Amendment. The event was part of the “Durham Reads Together: The U.S. Constitution” series sponsored by the Durham County Library.
  • On October 30, former White House Counsel to President Obama Neil Eggleston joined Duke Law ACS to discuss the foundational importance of the rule of law in the American political system and the role of the White House counsel.
  • On November 6, Professor Michele Goodwin, UC Irvine School of Law, will discuss Dr. Martin Luther King’s commitment to reproductive rights and current challenges to reproductive justice. This event is co-sponsored by the Duke Law Women Law Student Association and If/When/How.
  • On November 15, Judge Todd Hughes of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and the first openly gay person confirmed to a federal appellate court, will reflect on his career in the Justice Department and on the bench. Duke Law ACS is co-hosting this event with the Duke Law chapter of OutLaw.

Duke Law ACS is grateful to its faculty advisors, Professors Neil Siegel and Joseph Blocher, for all of their support.

October 30, 2017: Cornell University Law School

The Cornell Law School American Constitution Society Student Chapter has hit the ground running this semester with a variety of different events and has plans for many more to come. The Chapter emphasizes a progressive approach to contemporary public policies and constitutional issues. It has advanced this approach via programs that focus on responding to the policies of the Trump administration, diversity and intersectionality, and engaging with the federal judiciary. Furthermore, the Chapter has added many new first-year members and has collaborated with several other organizations. The Chapter has planned the following events:

  • First General Body and Introductory Meeting – ACS welcomed new first-year students, provided an overview of the organization’s mission, and discussed this semester’s goals and events.
  • Presidential Power and Travel Ban Panel – ACS partnered with the Federalist Society and the Office of the Dean to present a panel of distinguished scholars to discuss the Trump administration’s travel ban and executive orders. Professors Michael DorfStephen Yale-LoehrIlya Somin, and Eric Posnerpresented a variety of viewpoints and commentary on executive power.
  • The U.S. Constitution in Crisis Panel – ACS partnered with Cornell University’s Department of American Studies, in recognition of Constitution Day, to present a panel of professors to discuss the constitutional problems caused by the Trump administration. Professors Aziz RanaGerald TorresScott Peters, and Noliwe Rooksdiscussed whether our democracy is under threat and what opportunities this moment presents. Pocket Constitutions were distributed to attendees.
  • The Rescission of DACA Panel – ACS partnered with the Latino American Law Student Association, National Lawyers Guild, and Cornell Public Affairs Society to present a discussion on the rescission of DACA. Professors Aziz Ranaand Jaclyn Kelley-Widmer  examined what the rescission of DACA means and what we can do.
  • Public Interest Academy – ACS co-sponsored the Public Interest Academy. Assistant Dean Akua Akyeaand a wide range of practitioners provided a broad perspective on the myriad of paths that exist for public interest advocates.
  • Norman Siegel and Declaration 17 Talk – ACS partnered with several Cornell University student organizations to present Norman Siegel, the former Executive Director of the New York Civil Liberties Union. Siegel discussed “Declaration 17,” which focuses on “declaring independence from the policies and practices of the Trump Administration.”
  • Gavel Gap Lecture and Judge DeArcy Hall Talk – ACS partnered with the Black Law Students Association, Women’s Law Coalition, and Women of Color Collective to present ACS’s Second Annual Gavel Gap Lecture. Judge DeArcy Hall (Eastern District of New York) discussed the underrepresentation of women and minorities on the bench, her legal career, and her path to the bench.
  • The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare in the U.S. – ACS is partnering with the Federalist Society for a discussion of the Affordable Care Act and the direction of healthcare policy in America. Michael Cannon, Director of Health Policy at the Cato Institute, and ProfessorRobert Hockett will provide different perspectives on which direction policymakers should take for healthcare policy.
  • Edward Snowden and Government Surveillance in the U.S. – ACS is partnering with the Federalist Society for a discussion on government surveillance and whistleblowers such as Edward Snowden. ProfessorLogan Beirnewill provide his perspective on the expansion of government surveillance in recent years and decades.
  • Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Hate Speech on University Campuses – ACS is partnering with the Federalist Society and the Office of the Dean to present a discussion on hate speech on university campuses. DeanErwin Chemerinsky will talk about his new book, “Free Speech on Campus.”

The Chapter is grateful to their faculty advisors, Professors Michael C. Dorf and John H. Blume, for their support.

October 23, 2017: Willamette University College of Law

The Willamette University College of Law ACS Student Chapter has become one of the most active student organizations on campus, holding six substantive events on campus thus far and working with the Lewis & Clark Law School ACS Student Chapter to plan the ACS Northwest Regional Convening. The chapter has also been working with campus organizations like LLSA, APALSA, MLSA, OUTLaw, and WLC to engage the law school administration around issues of equity and inclusion within the law school and the broader community. This semester, the chapter worked on the following events:

  • “ACS Northwest Regional Convening” featuring Oregon Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblumand Oregon House Majority Leader Jennifer Williamson (D-Portland);
  • “How you can help transgender survivors of sexual assault in Oregon” with attorney Rachel Morrisonof the Victim Rights Law Center;
  • “WHAT NOW? What’s the status of the Affordable Care Act and healthcare in America” with Professor Bruce Howell;
  • “Computational Detection of Partisan Gerrymandering” with Dr. Jowei Chen;
  • “Constitution Day Celebration, Discussion, and Happy Hour” with U.S. District Court Judge Michael H. Simon, Professor Steven K. Green, Professor Jim Oleske, and attorney P.K. Runkles-Pearson; and
  • “Conversation and Q&A with Simon Tam,” founder of The Slants and Respondent in Matal v. Tam.”

The Chapter is grateful to their faculty advisors, Professors Gilbert CarrascoSteven Green, and Caroline Davidson, for their support.

October 16, 2017: UC Hastings College of the Law

After only a year of reconstituting as a student group at UC Hastings College of the Law, the UC Hastings ACS Student Chapter has reestablished its position on campus as a platform for progressive thought and a promoter of Constitutional issues of the day. The Chapter has partnered with various organizations including the Federalist Society and the Constitutional Law Quarterly to put on robust events.

  • Following the tragedy in Charlottesville, ACS collaborated with the Office of the Academic Dean to put on a “Community Forum” to give historical context to the racially charged tensions surrounding the rally. UC Hastings Professors HadarAviramZachPrice, Dean ShaunaMarshalland ACS faculty advisor, MattColesfielded questions from an audience of about 100 people.
  • The Chapter partnered with the Federalist Society to provide exposure to the practice of civil forfeiture. ClarkM.Neily, Vice President for Criminal Justice at the Cato Institute, and Isaac Safier, a local attorney, discussed the controversial practice of asset forfeiture and gave insight into representing individuals who have had their property seized.
  • The Chapter and the Constitutional Law Quarterly supported an event entitled “Hate Speech Laws in Japan in Comparative Perspective.” This event included prominent comparative law scholars, including CraigMartin, Professor of Law & Co-Director of the International and Comparative Law Center at Washburn University School of Law.
  • The Chapter co-sponsored the annual UC Hastings Supreme Court Review & Preview along with the Federalist Society and the Constitutional Law Quarterly. Panelists included the Honorable Vince Chhabria of the United States District Court, Northern District of California; and Professors Radhika  RaoZachary Price, and Rory Little.
  • Partnering with the ACLU of Northern California’s Meet Your DA Campaign, Smart Justice California, and the California Bar Foundation, ACS helped put on an event entitled “Help Wanted: Prosecutors to Change the World,” which is available for viewing at this link. The event featured San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon; Founder and Executive Director of Californians for Safety and Justice, Lenore Anderson; and Professor & Co-Director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center, David Sklansky. The event was moderated by Jill Habig, Founder of the Public Rights Project.
  • UC Hastings ACS Student Chapter Chair, Daniel Galindo, and External Relations Chair, Paul Kelley, provided a presentation on the First Amendment to a group of middle school students at a student led and organized event titled “Summer of Knowledge.”
  • On October 26, the Chapter will put on an event focusing on Henson v. Santander Consumer USA Inc.—Justice Gorsuch’s first SCOTUS opinion.  The event will touch on debt collection practices and the impact of the decision on consumers.
  • On November 3, the Chapter will co-host Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson to discuss the state’s lawsuit against President Trump’s travel ban.

The Chapter is grateful to its Faculty Advisor, Professor MattColes, for his support.

October 9, 2017: Chicago-Kent College of Law

The Chicago-Kent College of Law ACS Student Chapter has had a busy semester with several “Constitution Week” events and many more events to come as the Chapter continues to foster a platform for progressive advocacy on campus. The Chapter has welcomed several new first-year students to its executive board to help continue its programming into the future, and has gathered over forty signatures of interested students at Chicago-Kent. They have planned the following events:

  • “The Constitution and the Trump Presidency,” a Constitution Day event featuring Chicago-Kent Dean Harold Krent and Professors Carolyn Shapiro, Christopher Schmidt, Mark Rosen, and Sheldon Nahmod.
  • “Building a Better Fourth Amendment,” a panel discussion on the pending Supreme Court case, Carpenter v. United States, featuring Chicago-Kent professors discussing the implications of the case on Fourth Amendment rights. The panel was co-sponsored by the Chicago-Kent ACLU, Chicago-Kent Federalist Society, and Chicago-Kent Law Review.
  • “Overcriminalization: Why and What Can Be Done About It?” featuring Clark Neily, Vice President for Criminal Justice at the Cato Institute, and Hon. David A. Erickson, Director of the Trial Advocacy Program, Co-Director of the Program in Criminal Litigation, and Senior Instructor at Chicago-Kent. The event was co-sponsored by the Chicago-Kent Federalist Society.
  • “Immigration in the Era of Trump 2.0: DACA,” a panel discussion with immigration attorneys addressing the impact of the recent decision to repeal DACA. This event is co-sponsored by Chicago-Kent’s Immigration Law Society, the Hispanic-Latino Law Students Association, SBA Diversity Committee, ACLU, and the Labor and Employment Law Society.
  • “Free Speech in the Trump Era,” a round-table discussion co-hosted by the Round Table Student Organization and the Sports and Entertainment Law Society at Chicago-Kent. Scholars will discuss the First Amendment implications of the NFL protests and the effects of recent events such as the rally in Charlottesville, VA.
  • “Voting Rights Campaign,” a series of events in the spring semester focused on voting rights.
  • ACS Midwest Regional Convening,” a day-long event where ACS members in the Midwest gather to discuss pertinent progressive legal issues. This year’s topics include a panel discussion on how law students can be empowered to fight bigotry, and a Gavel Gap panel discussion on judicial diversity. Camilla Taylor, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal, will deliver the keynote address.

The Chapter looks forward to an excellent year with many more events to come, and is grateful to its Faculty Advisor, Professor Sheldon Nahmod, and ACS National for their continued support.

October 2, 2017: West Virginia University College of Law

This Fall, the West Virginia University College of Law ACS has several events planned to reintroduce the law school community to the mission and vision of ACS. During the school’s student organization fair in August, the Chapter had thirty-eight signatures and even more visits to their table. To help students stay connected with the Chapter, the Chapter has an active social media presence. The Chapter has planned the following events:

  • “Early to Rise – Getting a Jumpstart on Success in Law School” breakfast and wellness event with the Air Force ROTC Detachment 915, WVU, WVU Career Services Office, and guest speaker Monté L. Williams, Member of Steptoe & Johnson PLLC.
  • “Freedom of the Press: Constitutionally Enshrined Guardians of Democracy” Constitution Day Event in collaboration with WVU Reed College of Media, WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, and the WVU College of Law.
  • In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the Little Rock Nine, Professor Joshua Weishart discussed the right to an integrated K-12 education.
  • Legal Observer Training by the ACLU of West Virginia, the ACLU of WVU Law and cosponsored by the WVU ACS.

Upcoming events include:

  • “More Than a Number: Bridging the Gap Between Diversity and Inclusion” presented by Karen Hester, Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Legal Inclusiveness.
  • A “Discussion with Judge Kevin Sharp on Mandatory Minimums” and his decision to leave the bench.
  • “Ethical Considerations – When Good Intentions Go Wrong” featuring James Van Doren and Richard Simring.
  • Professor Valarie Blake discussing her latest publication, “Engaging Health Insurers in the War on Prescription Painkillers.” The article was published in the Harvard Law & Policy Review, which serves as the official journal of ACS.

The Chapter looks forward to the academic year and the continued support of ACS National and the ACS community.




May 15, 2017: Stanford Law School

This year, the Stanford Law School ACS Student Chapter has engaged with a number of other organizations on campus and around the Bay Area to drive both action and conversation around a slew of progressive legal issues. These events included:

  • A primer on voting rights and the electoral process with Professors Pamela Karlan and Nathaniel Persily, co-sponsored by the John and Terry Levin Center for Public Service and Public Interest Law.
  • A lecture on poverty, inequality, and the housing crisis by Matthew Desmond, author of Evicted, co-sponsored by the Program on Urban Studies and the Center on Poverty and Inequality.
  • A conversation with the Hon. Diane Sykes of the Seventh Circuit, Hon. Paul Watford of the Ninth Circuit, and Hon. Cheryl Krause of the Third Circuit.
  • A discussion on appellate advocacy with former Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., moderated by Professor Jeffrey Fisher.
  • A lecture on advocating for and defending constitutional rights with Steven R. Shapiro, former long-time Legal Director of the American Civil Liberties Union.
  • A lunch conversation with Professors Pamela Karlan and Nicholas Stephanopoulos about the efficiency gap and the current challenge to partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin.
  • An evening question-and-answer session with the Hon. Jon Tigar of the Northern District of California.
  • A reading group series, hosted by Professor Michelle Wilde Anderson, debriefing the 2016 election and analyzing various means of defending progressive values and advocating on behalf of vulnerable communities in the current political climate.
  • A conversation with the Hon. Goodwin Liu of the California Supreme Court about his career and time on the bench, moderated by Professor David Sklansky.
  • A screening of “They Call Us Monsters,” a critically acclaimed new documentary about life inside a high-security juvenile detention facility, followed by a discussion with Professor Joan Petersilia and filmmaker Ben Lear, and co-sponsored by the Criminal Law Society, the Youth & Education Advocates, the Black Law Students Association, and the Latino Law Students Association.
  • A panel on how to run for political office, co-sponsored by the ACS Bay Area Lawyer Chapter, featuring Rod Diridon, Jr., Santa Clara City Clerk and Auditor; Mary Hughes, founder of close the gap CA; Ash Kalra, Assemblymember, District 27; and Mary Hanna-Weir, civil rights attorney.
  • A discussion between Professors Pamela Karlan and Jonathan Mitchell about Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., co-sponsored by the Federalist Society and OutLaw.


The Chapter is grateful to their Faculty Advisors Professors Pamela Karlan and Jeffrey Fisher, as well as ACS National for their support.


May 8, 2017: University of Nebraska College of Law


The ACS Chapter at the University of Nebraska College of Law took a grassroots approach at student engagement by focusing on local-level issues. The chapter hosted numerous speakers and events including:

  • The author of Failure of Justice: A Brutal Murder, An Obsessed Cop, Six Wrongful ConvictionsJohn Ferak,to talk about the wrongful conviction of six Nebraskans in the 1980s.
  • A panel discussion on First Amendment issues in Nebraska featuring Danielle Conradand Amy Miller from the ACLU of Nebraska, and Professors Eric Berger, Richard Duncan, and Gus Hurwitz.
  • A discussion on Nebraska’s death penalty repeal referendum featuring State SenatorColby Coash, Professor Ari Kohen, Former Speaker of the Legislature Mike Flood, and Lincoln attorney Bob Evnen.
  • A judiciary panel consisting of Judge Joseph F. Bataillon of the District Court for the District of Nebraska, Judge Riko E. Bishop of the Nebraska Court of Appeals, and Judge Linda S. Porter of the Lancaster County Juvenile Court to offer perspectives on politics and the judiciary, the gavel gap, and judicial elections.
  •  Facilitated roundtable discussions including:
  • “A Post–Election Reconstruction” with Professor Eric Berger.
  • A legislative update featuring ACLU of Nebraska’s Executive Director Danielle Conrad.
  • “The Constitutionality of President Trump’s Executive Orders” featuring ProfessorsEric Berger and Matthew Schaefer.
  • “Planned Parenthood and the Attacks on Reproductive Freedom” with Meg Mikolajczyk, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.

Nebraska’s ACS chapter would like to thank its faculty advisor, Professor and Associate Dean Eric Berger, for inspiring students to get interested in constitutional law. Additionally, the chapter thanks Dean Molly Brummond, Nebraska Law students, and Nebraska Law faculty for their continued support.

May 1, 2017: Penn State Law

The Penn State Law chapter of ACS has made many strides in rebuilding its chapter since it restarted last spring. On top of hosting social events for progressive-minded students and faculty, connecting students with research opportunities, and engaging students in the ACS OneJusticeMatters social media campaign, the chapter has hosted a range of educational events, including:

  • A reproductive rights panel with Danielle Kroo, the former Director of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood Keystone; Andy Hoover, Communications Director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania; and Professor Dara Purvis.
  • A panel about the legal aid funding crisis and gaps in access to justice with Professor Jill Engle, and the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Samuel Milkes.
  • A voting rights panel with Danielle Lang, Deputy Director of Voting Rights for the Campaign Legal Center; Adam Gitlin, Counsel for the Brennan Center for Justice’s Democracy Program; Suzanne Almeida, Executive Director of the League of Women Voters of PA; and Professor Zachary Baumann.
  • A panel on environmental justice with Brentin Mock, a staff writer at The Atlantic’s CityLab and Professor Jamison Colburn.
  • A panel on sex trafficking with Sheridan Miyamotoof the Child Maltreatment Solutions Network; Sgt. James Simpkins of the Tinicum Township Police and Philadelphia FBI Violent Crimes Against Children Task Force; and Steve Turner, crisis advocate and training specialist at the YWCA Greater Harrisburg.
  • An educational and solidarity-building event with speakers discussing the basic tenets of Islam and students speaking about how they have been personally affected by the Trump administration’s Muslim travel ban.
  • A talk with Jessica Lynn, a transgender activist and the President of Your True Gender.

The chapter has wrapped up its events for the semester, but would like to express its thanks to Professors Kit Kinports and Dara Purvis, and to the staff at ACS national!

April 24, 2017: Faulkner University Thomas Goode Jones School of Law 

The Faulkner Law Chapter of the American Constitution Society was determined to make its mark this year and they did just that!  The chapter collaborated with several organizations, including the Federalist Society, Women’s Legal Society, the Black Law Students Association, Alabama ACS Lawyer Chapter, and the League of Women Voters.  This year, the chapter focused on service to the school and community!  The chapter committed to three large projects, which afforded them the opportunity to educate over 670 people on voting rights and the Gavel Gap! The Faulkner Chapter is just getting started and they plan to do even more for the upcoming year. The Faulkner Law ACS Chapter reached out to several organizations that do amazing work for social justice including: Equal Justice Initiative, American Civil Liberties Union, and the Federal Defender’s Office. The chapter hosted and co-hosted a variety of events, including:

  • Constitution in the Classroom with the Alabama Lawyer Chapter. The chapter taught over 500 kids about voting rights.
  • A campus-wide voter registration with the League of Women Voters.
  • A Trunk or Treat with the Black Law Student Association.  The chapter served candy to hundreds of kids, from the trunk of their cars, and provided a safe place for children in the community to trick or treat.
  • A Debate on the Death Penalty co-hosted with the Federalist Society.  The panel featured Alicia D’Addario from the Equal Justice Initiative and John Malcolm from the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.
  • Gavel Gap and the Faulkner Family Thanksgiving Event with Women’s Legal Society.  Hon. Sharon Yates spoke about Access to Justice and reminded students of why they came to law school which was to Learn Law and Seek Justice.  The chapter used this event to serve the law school at large and solidified its position on campus.
  • A Fighting for Social Justice panel that included Kacey Keeton and Cecilia Vaca from the Federal Defender’s Office.
  • A “Bridging the Gap: Women in the Legal Field” panel featuring Hon. Pamela Higgins, Tommie Hardwick, a Federal Prosecutor in Alabama, and Aylia McKee, the Alabama Chief Public Defender.
  • A “Trumped Up Immigration Issues: From Border Control to Travel Bans” panel featuring Professor Josh Blackman, South Texas College of Law in Houston, and Martin McCaffery, former president of the Alabama ACLU.

The Faulkner Law ACS Chapter is extremely excited about the upcoming year and plans to host more debates and panels next year. They would like to thank ACS National, their Faculty Advisor Professor Dusty Farned, the Faulkner Administration, the ACS community, their amazing Faulkner Family, the Alabama Lawyer Chapter, and their awesome members for their continued and unrelenting support! Lastly, the Faulkner Law ACS Chapter would be remiss if they did not take a moment to honor the man who established the Faulkner Law ACS chapter, Professor John Garman. Professor Garman maintained a resilient fight with lung and brain cancer until the end and embodied the ACS vision of progress and service. It is the chapter’s hope that they continue to fight and serve with his same resilience.

April 17, 2017: NYU School of Law

The New York University School of Law Student Chapter of the American Constitution Society has worked hard this year to reinvigorate its position as the core of progressive advocacy on campus. The Chapter has also worked to strengthen connections with the New York Lawyer Chapter and other progressive organizations in the region. Some of the events through which the Chapter advanced the campus dialectic include:

  • A Supreme Court term preview with writers from Above the Law.
  • A conversation on progressive values in prosecutorial work with Manhattan DA Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.
  • An alumni career panel and networking reception featuring private sector and public interest leaders.
  • A brown bag lunch on tribal sovereignty and the Dakota Access Pipeline.
  • A panel on HIV law in the era of mass incarceration.
  • A discussion on the Foreign Emoluments Clause with Professors Zephyr Teachoutand Adam Samaha.
  • A conversation on judicial reform with Fix the Court.
  • A National Voter Registration Day panel focused on state-level voting restrictions.

The NYU Law’s ACS Chapter understands that it’s more important now than ever to leverage legal and non-legal strategies in order to defend the civil liberties we hold dear, and the Chapter will continue to stand firm against reactionary encroachments on our commitments to equality and inclusivity. The Chapter is grateful to NYU Law, their Faculty Advisor Professor Burt Neuborne, and ACS National for their support.

April 10, 2017: USC Gould School of Law

This year, the ACS Student Chapter at the University of Southern California has doubled its membership! The chapter collaborated with numerous organizations, including the Federalist Society; the Black Law Students Association; the National Lawyers Guild; OUTLaw; Women’s Law Association; the USC Center for Law, History and Culture; Global (HEALTH+LAW); the Student Bar Association (SBA), the USC Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism; the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy, AIM4theHeart, and Abolish Private Prisons. The USC Student Chapter has also reached out to and included other ACS organizations in its events including the Los Angeles Lawyer Chapter, University of La Verne College of Law, Loyola Law School, Pepperdine University School of Law, Southwestern Law Center, and the UCLA School of Law. The chapter hosted and co-hosted numerous events, including:

  • A Constitution Day Supreme Court Preview Panel featuring Professors Jody D. Armour, Rebecca Brown, and Sam Erman from the University of Southern California Gould School of Law, and Professor Kimberly West-Faulcon from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. The panelists discussed the open Supreme Court seat and the “Constitution at a Crossroads.”
  • Several events responding to the Presidential Election including a panel of USC Professors, “Reflections on a Trump Presidency — What’s Next?” with Dean Andrew Guzman; “How to Stop Trump,” with David Cole, ACLU National Legal Director; and Dean Erwin Chemerinsky of the University of California, Irvine School of Law on “The Constitution Under the Trump Administration.”
  • An evening “13th” documentary screening with Social Justice performances and a lunchtime discussion at USC Gould School of Law with John Dacey, founder of Abolish Private Prisons.
  • The inauguration of our chapter’s Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Book Club featuring discussions with empowering female leaders in the legal community including Professor Rebecca Brown; Laura Brill of Kendall Brill & Kelly LLP and former clerk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Sandra Fluke, women’s rights advocate and attorney; and Hailyn Chen of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP.

The chapter is looking forward to hosting and co-hosting a number of events in April, including a panel on “Ending Trafficking: A Discussion on Human Rights” featuring Julia Ormand, founder and President of the Alliance to Stop Slavery and End Trafficking (ASSET), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Goodwill Ambassador to combat Human Trafficking, Humanitarian and Actress; and Ambassador Luis C.deBaca, Director of the Justice Department’s Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART Office) under President Barack Obama.The chapter would like to express its gratitude to Professors Sam Erman, Rebecca Brown, Nomi Stolzenberg, Jody D. Armour, and Kimberly West-Faulcon as well as to the entire ACS national staff and local chapters for their support and assistance!

April 3, 2017: University of Cincinnati College of Law

The University of Cincinnati College of Law Student Chapter of ACS has worked hard this year to increase its presence and become a leading voice on progressive issues within the law school community. Chapter highlights from this year include:

  • A “How Should We Interpret the Constitution” debate with the Federalist Society, featuring the chapter’s co-faculty advisor, Dean Emeritus Joseph Tomain, and Professor A. Christopher Bryant of Cincinnati Law.
  • A Constitution Day Coffee Hour with the Federalist Society, featuring Judge David Hamilton of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • 2016 election activities, including voter registration and an election watch party.
  • A “Torts Talk and Supreme Court of Ohio Update,” featuring Professor of Practice Emerita Marianna Brown Bettman of Cincinnati Law.
  • Membership meetings to inform students about ACS and discuss how progressives can remain active and create change moving forward.
  • A discussion on “Free Speech and the Right to Vote in the Age of Trump,” featuring Professor Daniel Tokaji of Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.

The UC Law Student Chapter looks forward to growing its membership and organizing more exciting events. Two emerging 1L leaders attended the ACS Student Convention at Duke University to help facilitate programming for the future and further the chapter’s involvement in the ACS network. The chapter is particularly excited about the establishment of the Cincinnati Lawyer Chapter and plans on actively collaborating with the Lawyer Chapter to ensure that ACS maintains a strong presence in the Cincinnati community. The chapter’s progress this year could not have been possible without the dedication and guidance of its co-faculty advisors, Professor Janet Moore and Dean Emeritus Joseph Tomain.

March 27, 2017: University of Houston Law Center 

This year, the ACS Student Chapter at the University of Houston Law Center has tripled its membership! The chapter collaborated with numerous organizations, including the Federalist Society, the Black Law Student Association and the Hispanic Law Student Association. The chapter hosted and co-hosted numerous events, including:

  • A voter registration drive where over 75 students became registered to vote.
  • A Constitution Day Voter Photo ID Debate with the Federalist Society. Attorneys Chad Dunn, Brazil & Dunn, LLP, and Hans von Spakovsky, The Heritage Foundation, debated voter photo ID laws and the myth of voter fraud.
  • A Criminal Justice Reform Panel with BLSA and HLSA. The panel addressed the systemic disposal of Black and Brown lives in the criminal justice system through such means as state violence, harsh sentencing, pre-trial detention and the school-to-prison pipeline. Featured panelists included Professor David Dow, University of Houston Law Center; Dr. Anita Wadhwa, Restorative Justice Collaborative of Houston; Juanita Jackson, Harris County Public Defender; and Frances Valdez, United We Dream.
  • A Public Policy and Impact Litigation Panel featuring Edgar Saldivar from the ACLU of Texas, Wallis Nader from the Texas Civil Rights Project and Emily Freeborn from Children at Risk. The panel discussed the differences between direct legal services, impact litigation and public policy work.
  • A Legal Observer Training with the ACLU of Texas. Attendees learned how to be thorough, neutral observers at protests to ensure that protestors’ First Amendment rights are protected.

The chapter is also hosting United States Circuit Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Gregg CostaDean Strang from Making a Murderer and a panel titled “Trump’s Muslim Ban and the Wall: Can He Do That?” in March and April. The chapter would like to express its gratitude to their knowledgeable and inspiring faculty adviser, Professor D. Theodore Rave, and to the entire ACS national staff for their support and assistance!

March 20, 2017: Georgetown University Law Center 

The Georgetown University Law Center American Constitution Society Student Chapter has used the 2016-2017 academic year to revitalize its presence on campus. Georgetown’s ACS Chapter has sponsored and cosponsored numerous events including:

  • Filling the Ninth: A panel discussion moderated by The New York Times Supreme Court correspondent Adam Liptak featuring Caroline Fredrickson, ACS President; Kristine Lucius, former Chief Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary; Shay Dvoretzky, Partner at Jones Day; Ed Whelan, President for the Ethics and Public Policy Center; and Elizabeth B. Wydra, President for the Constitutional Accountability Center. The panel discussed Judge Neil Gorsuch’s background, the nomination and confirmation process, and his potential impact on the Court’s dockets and decisions.
  • The Future of Federalism: A live recording of the National Constitution Center’s “We the People” podcast moderated by Jeffrey Rosen, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Constitution Center, featuring Professor Josh Blackman of the South Texas College of Law and Professor Peter Edelman of Georgetown University Law Center discussing progressives and their relationship to federalism under the Trump administration.
  • Access to the Ballot in 2016: The chapter hosted a panel of voting rights litigators and activists to discuss the current state of voting rights in America.
  • A Conversation with Khizr Khan: ACS cosponsored Khizr Khan to speak at Georgetown Law after his electrifying speech at the Democratic National Convention.
  • You Have the Right to Remain Innocent: Professor James Duane of Regent University School of Law on why you should never talk to the police.
  • Supreme Court Preview: ACS cosponsored and helped host a panel discussion of Georgetown faculty previewing the upcoming cases on the Supreme Court’s docket for the October 2016 term.

Georgetown Law’s ACS chapter has also hosted happy hours and debate watch parties. Members have also been involved in local protests around the DC area. We are excited about our spring programming and would like to thank ACS National, our Faculty Advisors, Professors Alicia Plerhoples and Lisa Heinzerling, and the broader ACS community for their continued support.

March 13, 2017: Santa Clara University School of Law

In the Spring of 2016, students passionate about social justice decided to revive the ACS Student Chapter at Santa Clara University. First-year students spearheaded the effort and held all leadership roles. Since then the chapter has sponsored and co-sponsored many events, helped build a progressive-minded student coalition, and fostered vital communication in this fractious political climate. The chapter highlights include:

  • ·        A Community Building Retreat with a Progressive Lawyers Panel and a Juvenile Justice break out session sponsored by ACS.
  • ·         A Gavel Gap Panel at the ACS Northern California Convening featuring Judge Daniel Flores, Judge Roberta Hayashi, Judge Brenda Harbin-Forte, Judge Garrett Wong, Judge Jesus Valencia, and Justice Jon Streeter.
  • ·         A discussion on Voting Rights and International Election Standards led by Dean Bradley Joondeph and Hadar Harris, Executive Director of Northern California Innocence Project.
  • ·         The Social Justice and Technology Speaker Series, co-sponsored by ACS, which features experts discussing today’s political climate and ways to effectively create change.
  • ·         A Post-Election Screening of an episode of Black-ish, followed by a discussion on bridging political divides.
  • ·         The First-Annual Documentary and Dialogue Series including The Messy Truth, Inequality for All, and 13th. Following the film, students share their thoughts and participate in conversation.
  • ·         A Progressive Lawyers in Action Panel in which practicing lawyers will describe how they use the law to nurture justice.

The Santa Clara Law chapter would like to thank its faculty advisors, Professor Ellen Kreitzberg and Professor Margaret Russell, for their continuous support and inspiration that helped make this year such a success.

March 6. 2017: Willamette University College of Law

The newly revitalized Willamette University College of Law American Constitution Society Student Chapter has become one of the most active student organizations on campus this year. Because of the law school’s proximity to the Oregon Capitol and the Oregon Supreme Court, the chapter has been able to bring in, not only academic speakers, but also speakers with a unique perspective as legislators, Oregon Court of Appeals Judges and Oregon Supreme Court Justices. Since the November election, the chapter has been working in close coalition with the Willamette chapters of Multicultural Law Students Association, Hispanic Law Student Association, Asian Pacific American Law Student Association, and OUTLaw; and the Willamette Journal of Social Justice and Equity on joint events to confront issues of racism, social justice and equity in the community.The chapter’s recent and upcoming events include:

  • A debate with the Federalist Society on voter ID laws and immigration enforcement with ACS Co-Faculty Advisor Professor Gilbert Carrasco and J. Christian Adams.
  • A screening of the documentary “Trapped” and discussion with Professor Steven Green.
  • A “Lunch and Learn” speaker series, which takes place every Monday, providing a forum for professors, judges and practicing attorneys to lecture on a variety of topics, focusing on law in the wake of the 2016 election.
  • A three-part Anti-Racism Ally training by local attorneys Rakeem Washington and Kasia Rutledge, open to law students, undergrads, faculty and staff.
  • A debate co-sponsored by the Federalist Society between Professor Ruben Garcia, ACS Board Member and William S. Boyd School of Law ACS Faculty Advisor; and David Dewhirst, Freedom Foundation. They will be arguing the question before the Supreme Court in the recent 4-4 split decision in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association. The question before the Court in this case being whether it violates the First Amendment to require that public employees affirmatively object to subsidizing nonchargeable speech by public-sector unions, rather than requiring that employees affirmatively consent to subsidizing such speech.

The chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisors, Professor Caroline Davidson and Gilbert Carrasco, for their support.

February 27, 2017: University of South Carolina School of Law

The American Constitution Society at the University Of South Carolina School Of Law has returned to campus running full speed with a pulse connected to current events.

  • Chapter members volunteered with Justice 360’s effort to host Bryan Stevenson.
  • ACS and the Carolina Equality Alliance tackled issues effecting the Transgender community. Specifically, the possibility that a bill similar to North Carolinas HB2 could emerge in South Carolina.
  • In partnership with the faculty, our chapter has led the way in co-hosting Supreme Court Talks with other student groups, such as the Health Law Society, Intellectual Property Law Society, and If/When/How .
  • ACS and the Federalist Society at USC hosted a 2nd Amendment Debate with Professor Areto Imoukhuede from Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law and Professor Micheal O’Shea from the Oklahoma City University School of Law.
  • Our chapter held an event discussing the legal aspects of the #NoDAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline).
  • ACS held a discussion on the constitutionality of the recent protest movements against the new presidential administration.
  • ACS at USC discussed the status of reproductive rights in South Carolina by inviting the Women’s Rights &Empowerment Network.
  • With faculty advisor Seth Stoughton, an ex-police officer turned law professor, and the South Carolina Association for Justice invited Representative Justin Bamberg, a local lawyer who made national news representing the families Walter Scott and Keith Lamont Scott. He discussed his work and incidents of police brutality.

Our Chapter would like to say thank you for the support from our faculty advisors and the ACS National team.

February 20, 2017: University of Virginia School of Law

The University of Virginia School of Law ACS Student Chapter Fall 2016 highlights include:

  • Progressivism on Tap, an informal bar meet-up, featuring Charlottesville Mayor and UVA Law 2004 ACS Student Chapter alum Mike Signer and UVA Law Professor and ACS Faculty Advisor Richard Schragger, discussing the role of local government in creating progressive policy outcomes.
  • The 2016 Jefferson Symposium, “Free Speech on Campus,” featuring a diverse array of scholars, advocates, journalists, and university administrators, in partnership with the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression and the Federalist Society.
  • Khizr Khan, Charlottesville attorney and Gold Start parent, in partnership with the South Asian Law Students Association and the Virginia Law Democrats.
  • A debate on the Clean Power Plan between Elbert Lin, West Virginia Solicitor General, and Andres Restrepo, Sierra Club Staff Attorney, in partnership with the Virginia Environmental Law Forum and the Federalist Society.
  • UVA Law Professor Mila Versteeg, discussing “Policy Change vs. Regime Change: Lessons from Comparative Constitutional Law for Navigating the Trump Presidency,” in partnership with the Human Rights Program.
  • Gerry Hebert, Director of the Voting Rights and Redistricting Program at the Campaign Legal Center, discussing voting issues in the 2016 elections.

Planned events for Spring 2017 include a brown bag lunch series with UVA Law professors discussing aspects of their work as it relates to the current political and policy climate; Brian Cannon, Executive Director of OneVirginia2021, discussing the fight for redistricting reform in Virginia; Hayley Gorenberg, General Counsel and Deputy Legal Director of Lambda Legal; and panels discussing Free Speech, Media, and Protest; Combatting Voter Suppression; Community Policing and Black Lives; and the Future of Clinical Legal Pedagogy. ACS members are also working with the City of Charlottesville, Mayor Mike Signer, and the Legal Aid Justice Center to provide pro bono legal support for refugees and immigrants living in Charlottesville. The chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Richard Schragger, for his support and guidance.

February 13, 2017: University of Michigan Law School

The ACS student chapter at the University of Michigan Law School has been especially connected to the Michigan Law community this year—having nearly doubled the capacity of its executive board, substantially expanded its membership, and taken significant steps to widen its outreach to affinity groups across the University. The chapter’s highlights for the academic year so far include:

  • A Constitution Day Panel moderated by Professor Richard Friedman, featuring Justice Joan Larsen of the Michigan Supreme Court, Professor Richard Primus, Professor Christina Whitman, and Professor Bruce Frier;
  • A workshop and lecture series with civil rights leader and activist Professor Kathleen Cleaver and Detroit activist Tawana Petty;
  • The Inaugural Jane Cleo Marshall Lucas Lecture honoring African-American Women Leaders in the Law, honoring Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals;
  • Two debate watch parties, culminating in a law school wide Election Results event;
  • An Election Protection training with the Ann Arbor city clerk’s office for Michigan Law students;
  • A social hour with the Federalist Society; and
  • A coffee-talk with Mary Hanna-Weir (’09), Michigan Law Alumna and senior attorney at the Office for Civil Rights’ (OCR), U.S. Department of Education.

The Michigan Law chapter is excited about its upcoming programing in the Spring semester, and would like to thank its speakers, tremendous faculty support, and ACS National for all their enthusiastic support.

February 6, 2017: Boston College Law School

The ACS Student Chapter at Boston College Law School had an eventful fall semester, working to present exciting and thoughtful programming for the BCLS community. Some event highlights include:

  • Hosting Linda Greenhouse, who covered the Supreme Court for The New York Times between 1978 and 2008, to speak about the future of the Supreme Court.
  • Working in partnership with BCLS’s Middle Eastern Law Student Association to host an event on the intersection between national security and civil liberties with Carl Williams of the ACLU of Massachusetts, Shannon Erwin of the Muslim Justice League, and Ellen Gallagher of the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
  • Hosting Professor Joel Goldstein, Saint Louis University School of Law, to speak about the evolution of the Vice Presidency and his new book, The White House Vice Presidency: The Path to Significance, Mondale to Biden. BCLS’s ACS Faculty Advisor and Constitutional Law expert, Professor Kent Greenfield provided commentary.
  • Hosting a “Call to Action” meeting for the BCLS community to come together and get organized in the wake of the recent Presidential election.
  • Co-hosting a discussion on religion and civil liberties with BCLS affinity groups.
  • A voter registration drive for National Voter Registration Day, providing BC students a convenient opportunity to register to vote.

The BCLS Chapter opened its spring semester by hosting Jon Miller, Chief of the Public Protection and Advocacy Bureau of the MA Attorney General’s Office, to speak on the AG’s role in protecting the rights of the people. Additionally, the chapter will co-host a discussion with BCLS’s Federalist Society, collaborate with the Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy on a discussion regarding the future SCOTUS nominee, and host a Court Watching event with a panel of BCLS professors. The chapter would like to thank its Faculty Advisor, Professor Kent Greenfield, for his guidance and support.

January 30, 2017: Case Western Reserve University School of Law

The ACS student chapter at Case Western Reserve University School of Law has revitalized its presence on campus and throughout the larger Cleveland community by reaching out to various community leaders during this election year! Some of the chapter’s recent events include:•Cleveland City Councilman Zack Reed discussing police brutality and the Department of Justice consent decree with the Cleveland Police Department;•A Voter Registration Drive at the Museum of Contemporary Art with Deidre McPherson, Curator of Public Programs at MOCA;•Idaho ACLU Legal Director Ritchie Eppink discussing civic literacy and his Know Your Rights initiatives in and around the Boise community;•Joey Johnson, defendant in the landmark Texas v. Johnson case (1989) that established the First Amendment right to burn the American flag as free symbolic speech, discussing his more recent case against the City of Cleveland regarding his burning of the American flag at the RNC last summer;•Participating in Election RAVE by successfully petitioning CWRU professors to consider excused absences and record classes on Election Day;•“Mobilizing in the Wake of Trump’s Election”—a panel discussion on what’s next for Cleveland and our nation after the election of Donald Trump. Panelists included Professor Ayesha Bell Hardaway, a criminal law professor at CWRU and an independent monitor of the Cleveland Consent Decree; Sarah Gelsomino, a long-time member of the National Lawyers Guild who works in civil rights and political criminal defense; Kareem Henton, a community activist and member of Black Lives Matter Cleveland; Bakari Kitwana, a youth empowerment activist who authored The Hip Hop Generation: Young Blacks and the Crisis in African American Culture; and Deanna Robertson, a criminal defense attorney and community activist in Cleveland. In the coming weeks, Radley Balko, Washington Post columnist and author of Rise of the Warrior Cop, will speak about police brutality, and Miguel Eaton, a partner at Jones Day, will speak about his first-hand experience litigating the Detroit Bankruptcy. Special thanks to CWRU’s Faculty Advisor, Dean Jessie Hill, and to the National ACS office for their support and guidance. Here’s to another semester of further growth and outreach to the Cleveland community and beyond!

January 23, 2017: University of Alabama, School of Law

The ACS student chapter at the University of Alabama School of Law has revitalized its presence on campus (during an election year) and increased outreach efforts to students through partnerships with other groups to great success! Some of the chapter’s events include:* A presentation on immigrant detention in Alabama by Jessica Vosburgh of Adelante Alabama;* A voter registration drive in partnership with the League of Women Voters in observance of National Voter Registration Day;* A discussion on Alabama voter ID laws by James Blacksher, an election law and civil rights attorney;* A critique of juvenile immigrants’ access to justice from Josh Medina of the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama;* A panel on the legal issues facing transgender Americans in the wake of laws like North Carolina’s HB2, featuring David Dinielli, Deputy Legal Director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s LGBT Rights Project; Daroneshia Duncan, Founder of TAKE, which provides support services to trans women in Alabama; Alex Reeder, President of Spectrum, UA’s student organization for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies; and Stephen Rushin, Assistant Professor and expert on policing;* A happy hour with former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb, where she discussed the Gavel Gap in Alabama courts and her path to the highest bench in the state.In the coming weeks, the Alabama chapter is hosting a panel of professors with federal agency expertise to discuss what to expect from President Donald Trump’s federal agencies, from the Department of Justice to the EPA. Special thanks to Alabama’s Faculty Advisor Bryan Fair and the National ACS office for their support and guidance. Here’s to another semester of growth and accomplishments!

January 16, 2017: University of Mississippi

Last fall, the University of Mississippi’s American Constitution Society aimed to create more discussion amongst the participants at their events. In that spirit, the highlighted events of the semester were the “Coffee Klatschs.” The Coffee Klatschs allowed attendees to speak on topics such as immigration, democracy, the two party system, the first amendment and police brutality. Coffee Klatschs are discussion-based and allows any student the opportunity to take the floor to speak on the topic or comment with real life examples. While these events were originally planned as fifteen-minute sessions (with extra time if needed), the sessions actually lasted up to an hour. The chapter also held several substantive events, including our yearly Supreme Court Preview and Affirmative Consent panel, cohosted with the University of Mississippi’s International Justice Mission and OUTlaw.The chapter plans on making Coffee Klatschs a regular event in the chapter’s calendar in the hopes of drawing in new attendees who have limited time. The chapter also intends to have a Gavel Gap Talk with a local state court judge. The chapter holds firm the obligation to create positive discussion in the school and intends to increase discussion of relevant legal issues.

December 12, 2016: University of California, Berkeley School of Law

The ACS student chapter at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law has been on a mission this year. With a renewed focus on collaboration, the Berkeley Law chapter has spent the fall working alongside the panoply of student groups on campus, including the Federalist Society, ElectionLaw@Boalt and many others. Notable events this semester have included:

  • The first-ever live recording of the National Constitution Center’s We the People podcast, which features Professor Jeffrey Rosen (George Washington University and President and CEO of the National Constitution Center ) moderating a thought-provoking debate about the presidential candidates and Article III courts with Berkeley Law’s Professor Daniel Farber and Professor Barry McDonald of Pepperdine University School of Law (catch the full episode here!).
  • A discussion with Judge William H. Orrick III about his experience as a young attorney at Georgia Legal Services, the impact of that experience on his career and the important role that legal services continues to play in our legal system today.
  • Three presidential debate watch parties, culminating in an Election Night Returns Party, which was cosponsored with fifteen other student groups.
  • A lively and timely discussion about education reform with Justice Goodwin Liu of the California Supreme Court and Justice Clint Bolick of the Arizona Supreme Court. The event was moderated by ACS Board of Advisors member and Berkeley Law Professor Christopher Edley, Jr.

The Berkeley Law chapter is deeply indebted to its Faculty Advisor Professor Andrew Bradt for being an empowering and available resource to its student leaders. The chapter also thanks the wonderful people at ACS National, whose constant and enthusiastic support made this successful semester of programming possible.

December 5, 2016: The University of Chicago Law School

The University of Chicago Law School ACS student chapter has been exceptionally busy this quarter. Some of our highlights include:

  • A discussion on Justice Scalia’s legacy and the long-term future of the Supreme Court with Geoffrey R. Stone;
  • A talk on national developments in civil legal aid with Ariel Levinson-Waldman;
  • A panel on sentencing in sexual assault cases;
  • A discussion on the role of lawyers in policy-making for disadvantaged communities;
  • A talk on the future of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with Jennifer Nou;
  • A panel on executive power in times of legislative gridlock; and
  • A panel on safe spaces and trigger warnings.

The chapter also taught constitutional law to local grade schoolers and volunteered at a naturalization and citizenship clinic to assist immigrants applying for citizenship.The University of Chicago ACS would like to thank its speakers, faculty advisers, Professor Geoffrey R. Stone and Professor Jennifer Nou, and fellow student organizations for helping to make this year such a success.

November 28, 2016: Washington University School of Law in St. Louis

This year, the ACS student chapter at the Washington University School of Law in St. Louis has hit the ground running. With the invaluable support of faculty advisors, Professors Karen Tokarz and Gregory Magarian, the WashU Law chapter has recruited a record number of new members and continues to serve as a lasting progressive institution for the student body. The chapter organized a variety of events this fall semester including:·         A discussion on the efficacy of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law with Professor Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia;·         An annual Supreme Court Year-in-Review panel with Professors Susan Frelich Appleton, Lee Epstein, Bill Freivogel, Gregory Magarian, and Karen Tokarz;·         A presentation on how to be a progressive lawyer at a law firm with the Hon. David Lillehaug, Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court;A discussion on recent trends in immigration law with Jessica Mayo, Co-Director of the Migrant and Immigrant Community Action Project (MICA Project);Three presidential debate watch parties with the WashU Law chapter of the Federalist Society; A voter registration table in the courtyard of the law school; An Election Protection training session with Professor Denise Lieberman, Senior Attorney at the Advancement Project, to encourage community engagement among the student body and bolster the integrity of the voting process; and a presentation on using technology to increase access to justice for low income and marginalized communities by James J. Sandman, President of the Legal Services Corporation.The WashU Law chapter is already gearing up for the spring semester by planning events on the ambit of First Amendment rights, environmental justice, access to healthcare and more! Chapter members will also be preparing to teach local middle school students about constitutional rights through the Constitution in the Classroom Program.

November 21, 2016: Cornell Law School 

The ACS Student Chapter at Cornell University Law School has had a busy semester full of events! Highlights include:

  • A panel on the future of drone warfare and the Fourth Amendment (in partnership with the Federalist Society, the National Security Law and Policy Society and the Cornell Law Veterans Association);
  • A panel with Milo Primeaux, LGBT Rights Project Staff Attorney at Empire Justice Center, on the future of transgender healthcare (co-sponsored by Lambda Law Association and If/When/How);
  • A panel on the Future of the Supreme Court (in partnership with the Federalist Society and the National Lawyers Guild);
  • A conversation with John Bonifaz, Co-Founder and President of Free Speech for People, on the future of overturning Citizens United;
  • A fun night of Sex Ed Trivia with Lambda Law Association and If/When/How;
  • A speaker event, “Don’t Talk to Cops,” on the importance of asserting Fifth Amendment Rights (in partnership with the Federalist Society and the National Lawyers Guild);
  • Watch parties for all three Presidential Debates and the Vice Presidential Debate;
  • A discussion of Whole Women’s Health with David Brown, Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights (in partnership with If/When/How);
  • A conversation with Hon. Lorna G. Schofield, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York, about the Gavel Gap (in partnership with the Asian Pacific American Law Student Association);
  • A Voter Registration Drive; and
  • A Constitution Day Constitution in the Classroom program with Upward Bound teaching local high school students about the importance and mechanics of electoral politics.

The chapter will also have one final event with Professor Santiago Legarre on constitutional rights and natural rights.We’re grateful to faculty advisors Professor Michael Dorf and Professor John Blume, Meghan, Kate, Peggy, Emma, and the entire ACS National staff for their support and guidance!

November 14. 2016: University of California Los Angeles School of Law

The ACS Student Chapter at UCLA Law has had an eventful semester so far. Highlights include:-          A Constitution Day event about what it means to uphold the Constitution from the perspective of those who’ve worked in judicial, executive and legislative capacities. The event featured the Hon. Lamar Baker, Associate Justice of the California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District; Professor Joshua Groban, Senior Advisor to California Governor Jerry Brown; and Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, former member of the Los Angeles City Council and Board of Supervisors;-          A panel on voting rights in the 2016 election, featuring Loyola Law School Professor Jessica Levinson; Ann Rushton, Voter Service Committee Chair of the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles; and Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) (co-sponsored with Law Women of UCLA);-          A discussion led by Professor Devon Carbado on the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Utah v. Strieff and what it means for the Fourth Amendment (event co-sponsored with Black Law Students Association and Critical Race Studies program); and-          A Gavel Gap program with Hon. Carolyn B. Kuhl, Presiding Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court; and Professor Rachel Moran, Dean Emerita and Michael J. Connell Distinguished Professor of Law (co-sponsored with La Raza Law Students Association and the Womyn of Color Collective).ACS at UCLA has more exciting events planned for the semester, including:-          A panel on campaign finance with Adam Lioz, Counsel and Senior Advisor, Policy & Outreach at Demos; and USC Gould School of Law Professor Abby Wood; and-          A discussion with Professor Suja A. Thomas about her book, The Missing American Jury: Restoring the Fundamental Constitutional Role of the Criminal, Civil, and Grand Juries. The chapter would like to thank Faculty Advisor and ACS National Board Member Adam Winkler for his guidance, support and contributions to the chapter and the broader ACS community.

November 7, 2016: Columbia Law School

The Columbia Law School chapter of the American Constitution Society has been hard at work this semester planning events, initiatives, and engaging with communities on and off campus. ACS at CLS is grateful to our faculty advisor Professor Gilllian Metzger, and Meghan, Kate, Peggy, Emma, and the entire ACS National staff for their support and guidance.This year, ACS at CLS:

  • successfully petitioned the Columbia Law School administration to record all classes on Monday, November 7 and Tuesday, November 8 after gathering the support of over 170 students and 21 student organizations – an effort that will allow students to vote and protect the right to vote on Election Day;
  • hosted Fixing the Court: How the Supreme Court Can Become More Open and Accessible with Gabe Roth, founder of Fix the Court; Professor David Pozen; and Alicia Bannonof the Brennan Center;
  • hosted Corporate Citizen, a book talk with Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy;
  • hosted The Missing American Jury, a book talk with Professor Suja Thomas;
  • co-sponsored a career panel with federal government attorneys;
  • launched our new website and Twitter feed (@ColumbiaLawACS):

And ACS at CLS is not done for the semester!

  • On November 1, ACS at CLS will co-sponsor a symposium on barriers to trans survival and self-determination with community organizers from the Sylvia Rivera Law Project and Audre Lorde Project;
  • Also on November 1, ACS at CLS will co-sponsor an event on the North Carolina voter ID case with Dale Hoof the ACLU;and
  • On November 14, ACS at CLS will welcome Roberta Kaplan– who represented Edie Windsor in the landmark LGBTQ+ equality case U.S. v. Windsor – and other litigators for a talk about new frontiers in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality.

Lastly, ACS at CLS is engaging in an ongoing campaign to cancel classes on Election Day beginning in 2017!

October 31, 2016: Harvard Law School

The Harvard Law School ACS Student Chapter has had a wonderful start to the academic year!Our Director of Programs has brought several wonderful speakers to campus, including:

  • Justice Elena Kagan, United States Supreme Court;
  • Justice Goodwin Liu, California Supreme Court;
  • David Cole, Hon. George J. Mitchell Professor in Law and Public Policy at Georgetown University Law Center and incoming ACLU National Legal Director;
  • Noah Feldman, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School;
  • Khiara M. Bridges, Professor of Law and Anthropology at Boston University School of Law;
  • Robert Putnam, Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School of Government;
  • Annette Gordon-Reed, Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, the Charles Warren Professor of American Legal History at Harvard Law School, and a Professor of History at Harvard University;
  • Natalicia Tracy, Executive Director of the Brazilian Immigrant Center; and
  • Andrew Bacevich, Professor Emeritus of International Relations and History at Boston University.

The chapter is also working with the Harvard Law and Policy Review to put on a symposium entitled, “The Obama Legacy: Triumphs, Defeats, and the Path Forward.”Our Director of Supreme Court Moots partnered with the Harvard Law Review and the Harvard Law School Federalist Society to organize two moot court arguments. Practitioners included Lisa Blatt, Partner at Arnold & Porter LLP, who mooted her Supreme Court argument in the case of Bravo-Fernandez v. United States and David A. Cortman, Senior Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Litigation at Alliance Defending Freedom, who mooted his argument in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Pauley.Our Director of Mentorship and Membership and Director of Community Engagement teamed up to welcome all students back to campus with a fantastic 1L Mentorship Program, debate watch parties, mixers with ACS members and socials with other student groups. Our Director of Alumni Relations has been working with a committee to develop an alumni database and alumni newsletter.Finally, the chapter would like to thank faculty advisor, Professor Michael Klarman, for his support.

October 24, 2016: The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law

Under the leadership of faculty advisor Professor Daniel Tokaji, the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law ACS Student Chapter has laid the groundwork for a year of significant programming and influence in the Columbus legal community. The chapter worked tirelessly over the summer to bring a variety of programming to Moritz. Working with other student organizations and faculty, it has hosted various events, including:·   a debate between ACS and the Federalist Society on “How to Read the Constitution”;·   a discussion highlighting the 15th Anniversary of 9/11 and how 9/11 has impacted civil liberties, national security and military law with Professor Dakota S. Rudesill and Professor Mohamed Helal;·   a Kickoff Meeting with new and returning students to introduce them to ACS;·   a Constitution Day Membership Drive to increase ACS National membership;·   a voter registration drive on National Voter Registration Day with the League of Women Voters;·   a discussion on the Electoral College with Professor Derek T. Muller, Professor Ned Foley and Patrick Rosenstiel from National Popular Vote;·   WITNESS: Legal Observation on Campus, in Columbus, and Beyond – a panel discussion on legal observation and student experiences in Cleveland this summer; and·   a panel on the future of public sector unions after the 4-4 Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association decision.The ACS Moritz Chapter will also host a Supreme Court Roundtable, featuring ACS chapter faculty advisor Professor Daniel Tokaji; a panel on the ACS National report “The Gavel Gap,” featuring Ohio 10th District Court of Appeals Judge Jennifer Brunner and former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Yvette McGee Brown; and a debate on campaign speech between former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith and Professor Daniel Tokaji. The Chapter will also cosponsor the Ohio State Law Journal symposium on “The Expanding First Amendment.”

October 17, 2016: Yale Law School

The Yale Law School ACS Student Chapter has had a busy start to the academic year!

The Programming committee has brought fantastic speakers to campus, including:·   Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-CT·  David Cole, ACLU National Legal Director·  Faiza Patel, Co-director of the Brennan Center’s Liberty and National Security Program· Alicia Bannon, Senior Counsel in the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program· Michael Hudson, Senior Editor at the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists· Deepak Gupta, Founding Principal of Gupta Wessler PLLC·Christopher Schroeder, Charles S. Murphy Professor of Law and Public Policy Studies and Co-Director of the Program in Public Law at Duke Law· Samuel Issacharoff, Bonnie and Richard Reiss Professor of Constitutional Law at NYU Law· Lynn Stout, Distinguished Professor of Corporate & Business Law at Cornell Law SchoolThe Scholarship team is organizing the annual Progressive Scholarship Workshop, at which professors present their recent legal scholarship. The weekly workshop is a terrific opportunity to learn about professors’ work and to interact with them in a less formal setting (while getting course credit!). Professors presenting so far have included Jed PurdyJudith ResnikJohn Witt, Doug Kysar and ACS Board of Academic Advisors member Ganesh Sitaraman.The Mentorship and Career Development (MCD) committee has organized coffee chats for ACS members, including with 11th Circuit Judge Robin S. RosenbaumDeepak Gupta, David Lyle and Alicia Bannon. MCD is also organizing the chapter’s Alumni Weekend reception and its Faculty Dinner Series.Membership and Community Engagement has kept ACS members’ spirits up and helped 1Ls transition into law school with debate watching parties, an ACS-Federalist Society kickball game, 1L Buddies, an “Outsider’s Guide to YLS” panel and more.Lastly, the Conference Chair is organizing a Yale-New Haven discussion series.The chapter would like to thank faculty advisor Professor Reva Siegel for all her help!

October 10, 2017: Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law

Under the leadership of co-faculty advisors Professor Deborah Tuerkheimer and Professor Erin Delaney, the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law ACS Student Chapter has laid the groundwork for a year of significant influence. Over the summer (and in collaboration with the school’s Federalist Society), the chapter spearheaded a successful grassroots campaign to reschedule Election Day classes and allow Northwestern Law students and faculty to serve as election judges, work as poll watchers, and volunteer in important voter protection roles. The campaign has earned national media attention and is now piquing the interest of law schools across the country.This fall, the chapter has already brought a progressive lens to various issues. Working with other student organizations and faculty, it has hosted discussions and debates on topics including:· human rights prosecutions in federal court, featuring several Assistant U.S. Attorneys and FBI agents;·  efforts to fight corruption worldwide, featuring Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General David Bitkower, Latham & Watkins Partner Sean Berkowitz, and U.S. Attorney Zachary Fardon;· solutions to increase police accountability, featuring MacArthur Justice Center Executive Director Locke Bowman;· a Supreme Court term preview, featuring Carter Phillips, Partner and Executive Committee Chair of Sidley Austin, LLP; Annie Kastanek, Assistant U.S. Attorney; and Matthew Piers, Partner and President of Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym, Ltd.;·  affirmative action, featuring Loyola University Professor Juan Perea and the Center for Individual Rights’ Michael Rosman; and· reconciling values and duties as a law clerk, featuring Hon. Gary Feinerman (N.D. Ill.) and Hon. Mary Mikva (Ill. App. 1st).This weekend, the Northwestern Law chapter will host the inaugural ACS Midwest Regional Convening. The two-day convening includes events co-sponsored by the ACLU of IL; discussions on the ACS Gavel Gap report, recent NLRB decisions, and First Amendment rights of protesters; and remarks from Professor Andrew Koppelman, Professor at Northwestern Law, and Michael Avery, co-author of The Federalist Society: How Conservatives Took the Law Back from Liberals.

October 3, 2017: The University of Pennsylvania Law School

Under the guidance of their faculty advisor, Professor Kermit Roosevelt, the University of Pennsylvania Law School ACS Student Chapter has had an active year thus far. Over the summer, the chapter worked with the Federalist Society to persuade the law school to (1) record all classes scheduled during election day and (2) offer excused absences to any student volunteering on election day. This semester, the chapter hosted a Fall Semester Kick-Off Meeting where they introduced their board and upcoming programming to a classroom of first year law students. On September 22, they held their first substantive event: a discussion with three constitutional law professors about potential reforms to the Supreme Court, including term limits and financial reporting. The chapter also hosted a voter registration drive and a debate watch party. In conjunction with the Federalist Society, the chapter also cosponsored an event with NPR’s award-winning legal affairs correspondent, Nina Totenberg, about her work and the Supreme Court. The chapter is also hosting the ACS Northeast Regional Convening. This two-day convening will cover a variety of topics, including state courts and diversity on the bench, rights and religious exemptions, police reform, abortion rights, and free speech on college campuses.

September 26, 2017: The University of Texas School of Law 

As the school year begins, the University of Texas School of Law’s ACS Chapter is excited to bring robust programming to their campus this year, including ACS’s regional conference—Getting Radical In The South (GRITS) on October 14-15, 2016.  While increasing their membership and building coalitions inside and outside of the law school (with other progressive organizations and practitioners), the Chapter, under the guidance of co-faculty advisors, Professors William Forbath, Lynn Blais and Joseph Fishkin, is hosting a variety of events that range from voting rights to a conversation on police-community relations.  The Chapter is also focused on lifting up the work being done in Texas surrounding reproductive justice.  In collaboration with If, When, How (formerly LSRJ), Jane’s Due Process and the Lilith Fund, the Chapter will focus on programming that supports and advances the fight for reproductive justice in Texas and across the country.Highlights of the Chapter’s programming and achievements are below:·         A Reproductive Justice 101 Training with Lilith Fund Executive Director, Amanda Williams.·         A discussion and presentation on Voting Rights in Texas and Beyond, which included a Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR) training. The event featured the ACLU of Florida’s Nancy Abudu, Chad Dunn of Brazil & Dunn (who is litigating the Texas Voter ID case) and Cassandra Champion of the Texas Civil Rights Project in Austin.·         ACS President Kendall Williams recently published an article on ABA for Law Students about Gavel Gap. A Welcome Back Happy Hour to introduce UT Law’s new students to ACS.  A strategy meeting with the Austin Lawyer Chapter executive board.·         The Chapter was a sponsor for Change It Up!, a public interest program that featured Rudy Acree, Jr., the Deputy Director of the Public Defender Service for D.C.·         The End of an Era: The Supreme Court & the 2016 Election with Jason Steed discussing the Supreme Court over the past 45 years, the pivotal nature of the Garland appointment and the 2016 election.



May 16, 2016: New York University School of Law

As the school year comes to a close, the New York University School of Law’s ACS Chapter looks back on one of its best years yet. While increasing their membership and deepening their ties with other progressive groups on campus, they’ve put on a range of events from the rights of women and Native Americans to the environmental movement and wartime civil rights. The Chapter is especially proud of its active contributions to progressive legal advocacy, including continued collaboration with the Brennan Center’s Voting Rights & Elections Project.

Highlights include:

  • A panel on Second Amendment advocacy with former U.S. CongresswomanElizabeth Holtzman and several Second Amendment jurisprudence experts.
  • A talk with Shana Knizhnikand Irin Carmon on their new book, Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
  • A discussion on abortion rights cases before the Supreme Court.
  • A practitioner talk with Charles Borden, head of Allen & Overy’s Political Law Group.
  • A conversation with Professor Linda Hirshmanabout her new book, Sisters In Law: How Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg Went to the Supreme Court and Changed the World.

The NYU Law’s ACS Chapter is looking forward to making an even bigger splash in the 2016-2017 academic year. Through increased community outreach efforts and student-group collaboration, they plan to fight even harder to defend the rights of marginalized communities and achieve a progressive vision of the Constitution. The Chapter is grateful to NYU Law, their Faculty Advisors Adam Cox and Burt Neuborne, and ACS National for their support.

May 9, 2016: University of Chicago Law School

The ACS Student Chapter at the University of Chicago has had an incredible 2015-16 school year, sponsoring over 20 events. The events ranged from debates between conservative and progressive professors, speeches by federal district and appellate judges, and attendance to ACS National’s debate on gun violence. Chapter members also created an evening progressive debate society to build comradery among a diffuse progressive student body.

Under the guidance of our faculty advisors, Geoffrey R. Stone and Jennifer Nou, the student chapter also partnered with other student organizations, such as the ACLU and the Federalist Society, for a number of events. The student chapter also met with members of the judiciary in their chambers. Judge Jorge Alonso gave ACS members a tour of his chambers and introduced them to his fellow judges. During this tour, Judge Alonso discussed the transition from the State Bench to the Federal Bench. The student chapter’s program varied in content, as well. The chapter sponsored talks on police accountability at Chicago’s Homan Square, Syrian refugees, Guantanamo and Supreme Court cases.

In addition, the University of Chicago Student Chapter reached out to the Illinois community. The chapter has collaborated with the Chicago Lawyer Chapter and student members volunteered at Chicago’s Wills for Heroes program, where members assisted police officers, firemen, and veterans in preparing their wills. The ACS Student Chapter at the University of Chicago is grateful for ACS National’s support and hopes to maintain its energy and passion into the next school year.

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May 2, 2016: Washington & Lee University School of Law

With the support of Faculty Advisors Margaret Hu and Christopher Seaman, the Washington & Lee University School of Law student chapter had an exciting year. Holding fifteen events during the school year, the chapter focused on increasing name recognition and building a sustained membership base. Events for 2015-2016 included:

  • H. Jefferson Powell, Professor at Duke Law School, joined W&L and ACS to give his interim report at W&L’s campus wide Constitution Day;
  • A Supreme Court Preview featured a wide variety of cases including FERC v. Electric Power Supply Association, Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, andEvenwel v. Abbott;
  • A Screening of the film Vessel, provided a unique perspective on the realities created by anti-abortion laws around the world;
  • Alumnus Anthony Kreisspoke about LGBTQ rights and the intersection of anti-discrimination protections and religious liberty;
  • Ian Millhiserjoined ACS to explain the judicial restraint found in Carolene Products footnote 4 for a Constitutional Interpretation Debate;
  • Chiraag Bainsof the DOJ reported on solitary confinement and explained the guiding principles for reforming correctional practices;
  • Steve Miskinisof the DOJ’s Environmental and Natural Resource Division presented on public interest work, Indian rights, and clerking.

W&L’s Chapter is grateful for the support it received from all of its new members, the Faculty at W&L, and ACS Nationals. With a solid foundation on which to continue building, the Chapter hopes to have an even more successful 2016-2017 school year.

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April 25, 2016: Rutgers School of Law – Newark

Under the leadership of faculty advisor Elise Boddie, the Rutgers Law School, Newark Student Chapter of ACS has had an outstanding year of high quality programming. We began our year by celebrating Constitution Day with Dean Ronald Chen. We then welcomed back Elie Mystal and Joe Patrice from Above the Law for a Supreme Court Preview.

In October, Professor Kermit Roosevelt III discussed “Politics, Policies, and Patriotism,” his latest novel, Allegiance, and what he learned in the process of writing Allegiance.  Later that month, we welcomed Adam Skaggs from Everytown for Gun Safety to discuss the history of gun control laws and the latest developments in Second Amendment jurisprudence.

In November, Muzaffar Chishti from the Migration Policy Institute at NYU Law presented on birthright citizenship. This event was cosponsored with the Association of Latin-American Law Students. We also welcomed ACS National Board Member Debo Adegbile for a discussion on Voting Rights after Shelby County. We celebrated the 50th anniversary ofGriswold v. Connecticut with Hillary Schneller from the Center for Reproductive Rights. The last ACS event of the fall semester featured Rachel Bien from Outten & Golden LLP. Rachel discussed unpaid internships, specifically, the Second Circuit’s recent ruling in Glatt v. Fox Searchlight Pictures. 

We began our spring semester with a discussion on what’s next for the LGBTQ community with Professor Carlos Ball. We cohosted a panel discussion with the Federalist Society and the Immigrants Rights Collective on sanctuary cities. In March, we cohosted a panel discussion with the Federalist Society on marijuana reform with former Colorado Assistant Solicitor General Michael Francisco and the ACLU of New Jersey’s Ari Rosmarin. We then welcomed ProfessorElizabeth Wilson for “People Power and the Problem of Sovereignty in International Law,” which was cosponsored with the Federalist Society and the Transportation, Trade, and Security Society.

Our chapter appreciates the hard work of our executive board in executing these great events. Our chapter thanks the national staff and our faculty advisor (and National Board Member) Professor Elise Boddie for their support.

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April 18, 2016: University of Mississippi School of Law

The American Constitution Society Student Chapter at the University of Mississippi has had an outstanding year in terms of events and membership interest due to the support and encouragement of faculty advisor Michael Hoffheimer as well as new leadership. The chapter hosted and cohosted a variety of events in the 2015-2016 school year. Highlights include:

  • The Constitution: Dead or Alive?: A lecture by University of Mississippi School of Law Professors Michael Hoffheimerand Donna Davisthat focused on constitutional interpretation, specifically, the problems with a narrow interpretation model and the benefits of a “living” constitution theory.
  • Lunch with a Lawyer:Monthly lunch meetings with local attorneys to discuss their practice, discuss how the Constitution relates to their work, and answer questions from students.
  • Debate Watch Parties: Students came together to watch the debates and discuss the political and legal issues surrounding this year’s election cycle.
  • Supreme Court Preview: A lecture previewing the cases going before the Supreme Court with ProfessorsMikaëla AdamsDavid W. Case, and Michèle Alexandre.
  • Roe at Risk: A screening of an award-winning documentary detailing women’s reproductive rights after Roe v. Wade.
  • Gideon’s Army: A screening of an award-winning documentary about public defenders in the south.
  • Path to the Bench: The chapter partnered with the Black Law Students Association to organize a discussion withJustice James E. Gravesof the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit about his path to the bench.
  • The Road to Same-Sex Marriage and TheSupreme Court VacancyGeoffrey Stone, former ACS National Board Chair and current Co-Faculty Advisor for the ACS Student Chapter at the University of Chicago, visited the law school to discuss same-sex marriage and met with the ACS Student Chapter to discuss the Supreme Court vacancy.

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April 11, 2016: Loyola University Chicago School of Law

Due to the support and encouragement from Faculty Advisors Barry SullivanHenry Rose, and Mary Bird, the Loyola University Chicago School of Law student chapter was resurrected in full force last fall. The chapter hosted and co-hosted seventeen events in the 2015-2016 academic year, promoting the name and work of ACS and leading discussions on pressing legal issues.

  • The chapter commemorated the Constitution’s birthday by welcoming an esteemed panel of Guantanamo detainee defense attorneys: Marc Falkoff, H. Candace Gorman, and Loyola Law AlumnusThomas Sullivan.
  • The chapter co-sponsored a panel discussion called “Criminalization of Poverty and Homelessness” which featured Loyola Law Professor Henry RoseMargaret Stapleton, and Loyola Law student Victoria Dempsey.
  • Along with Loyola’s Law Students for Reproductive Justice, the chapter co-sponsored “Undue Burdens: The Increasing Restrictions on a Woman’s Right to Choose,” a panel discussion featuring Colleen ConnellBrigid Leahy, and Loyola Law Professor Alan Raphael.
  • The chapter co-hosted “The Punishment Clause: Legal Slavery Under the 13th Amendment” featuring Rebecca E. Zietlow, Jarrett AdamsMary L. Johnson, and Loyola Law Professor Juan Perea.
  • The chapter hosted “After Scalia – What’s Next for the Supreme Court,” featuring Loyola ProfessorsBarry Sullivan, Alexander Tsesis, Steven Ramirez, and Nadia Sawicki.
  • In a conversation withDavid Melton, the chapter hosted “Money Influence in Elections” to discuss campaign finance reform and ways to reform the system.
  • In a panel featuringMichael Cannaris, Anita Maddali, and Maria Woltjen, the chapter led a discussion on the Syrian Refugee Crisis.
  • The chapter hosted a career panel entitled, “Pathways to People’s Lawyering,” featuringSharlyn Grace, Samoane Williams, and Jason Han to talk to students about nontraditional approaches to practicing law.
  • The chapter hosted a Symposium on Incarceration and Women to address the reality of prison for women. It featured guest speakersAlan Mills, Monica Cosby, Maya Schenwar, and Neli Vazquez Rowland. 

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April 4, 2016: Saint Louis University School of Law

The ACS Student Chapter at Saint Louis University School of Law has had an exceptional year of well-attended events, including debates, watching appeals court cases, and guest speakers.  Working under the guidance of faculty advisorJoel Goldstein, highlights from our events are:

  • Roper v. Simmons: Members of the Missouri Supreme Court discussed a case that presaged SCOTUS’s review of the death penalty juvenile offenders.  Judges StithWhiteTeitelman, and Wolff, who authored the case’s opinion, spoke, as well as an expert in forensic psychiatry and the juvenile brain, James Cho, M.D. Judge Teitelman praised ACS, nicknaming it “the American Change Society.”
  • Reflections on Justice Scalia: ACS faculty advisor, Joel Goldstein, and other distinguished speakers reflected about Justice Scalia to an audience of students and lawyers. Professor Goldstein focused on the appointment of Scalia’s replacement, observing that the Constitution is not a “suicide pact” and should lead to workable government.
  • Voting RightsDenise Liebermanfrom the Advancement Project spoke about changes to the Voting Rights Act sinceShelby, and legal challenges to voter requirement laws in North Carolina, where Ms. Lieberman is one of the lawyers on record.  She also covered practical steps each student could take to solidify voting rights in Missouri.
  • Triggerfish and the 4thAmendment: Brian Owsley, a nationally recognized expert on cell tower emulators, discussed how law enforcement uses these devices, and how statutes and the Constitution protect the public from unauthorized access.
  • Prison Reform: Jeff Smithdiscussed practical reforms to prison systems, covering issues he discovered through his incarceration and subsequent release from a federal penitentiary.
  • Constitution Day Debate: Law professors debated whether a County Clerk can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Through the support of faculty and student leaders, the ACS chapter at Saint Louis University fosters a progressive environment where students learn about a living Constitution’s relevance to current events.

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March 28, 2016: Washington University School of Law

The Washington University in St. Louis School of Law student chapter has had a very exciting year. Under the guidance of co-faculty advisors, Professors Karen Tokarz and Greg Magarian, the Wash U Law chapter hosted and cosponsored a number of terrific events, continuing ACS’s strong presence on campus and fostering informative discussion and debate.

  • The chapter kicked off the year with their annual Supreme Court Review for the 2014-2015 term. This discussion highlighted major cases including Obergefell v. Hodges, Glossip v. Gross, Reed v. Gilbert, Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, and King v. Burwell. It featured outstanding speakers and members of the Wash U community including Professors Susan Appleton, Lee Epstein, Bill Freivogel, Greg Magarian, Elizabeth Sepper, and Karen Tokarz. This event was cosponsored by the Gephardt Institute.
  • The chapter hosted a panel discussion on Ferguson: One Year Later. This panel discussed community policing, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the media’s portrayal of St. Louis. The featured speakers were Romona Taylor Williams, Executive Director of the Metro St. Louis Coalition for Inclusion and Equity, Bradley Rayford, an award-winning photojournalist who covered Ferguson, and Wash U Law Professor John Inazu. This event was co-sponsored by the Black Law Students Association.
  • Along with their colleagues at the Federalist Society, the Wash U Law student chapter organized a State of the Union Watch Party at Urban Chestnut, a local brewery in St. Louis. This event brought the chapters together to welcome their student members back to St. Louis for the spring semester.
  • The chapter partnered with the Energy and Environmental Law Society to organize a panel discussion called Beyond Flint: Three Perspectives on Environmental Justice.The speakers included Wash U Law Professor Maxine Lipeles, policy advisor Harvey Ferdman, and community activist Dawn Chapman.
  • The chapter partnered with the Law School and the Federalist Society to organize a panel discussion on Justice Scalia’s legacy and the Supreme Court vacancy. The speakers included Wash U Law Professors Greg Magarian, Lee Epstein, Neil Richards, and Dean Nancy Staudt.
  • The chapter also worked with the Public Service Advisory Board and the Immigration Law Society for a Refugee Simulation Experience, where students got a taste of the difficult experiences refugees face as they seek safety and a better life in other countries. After the simulation, students listened to remarks from Blake Hamilton at the International Institute of St. Louis.

The Wash U Law student chapter has also continued their participation in ACS’s Constitution in the Classroom program, providing lessons in constitutional law to middle school students in an after-school program. The chapter also cosponsored events on voting rights and debt collection practices in St. Louis hosted by the Black Law Students Association, a speech featuring Judge Phyllis Frye hosted by OUTLaw, and a talk on crime-fighting technology hosted by the Federalist Society.

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March 21, 2016: Georgia State University College of Law

The Georgia State chapter of the American Constitution Society was revitalized this year, thanks to the tireless efforts of Faculty Advisors Professor Neil Kinkopf and Professor Jessica Gabel Cino. The chapter has focused on reestablishing its presence on campus and fostering student interest in ACS. It hit the ground running by cosponsoring events with other student organizations and hosting several well-attended panels. Highlights include:

  • “A Discussion on the Georgia Supreme Court” with Georgia Supreme Court Justice David Nahmias. ACS and the Federalist Society co-hosted this event. Justice Nahmias discussed a broad range of issues involving the GA Supreme Court and answered questions from the audience on a wide variety of topics.
  • “Georgia Legislative Preview” with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Jim Galloway, Rep. Scott Holcomband Rep.David Wilkerson. The panel discussed legislative initiatives likely to be deliberated by state lawmakers in the GA General Assembly’s next term. The Georgia State Student Chapter co-sponsored this event with the Emory and John Marshall Student Chapters and the Georgia Lawyer Chapter.
  • “Implications of Justice Scalia’s Death” with Professors Neil KinkopfEric SegallPatrick Wisemanand Alexander “Sasha” Volokh. This panel, organized four days after Justice Scalia’s passing, discussed the impact Justice Scalia’s passing will likely have on both the Supreme Court and national politics.
  • “#LawyersStandUp: Learning How to Represent Protestors and Activists in Today’s Social Justice Movement” withMawuli DavisJeff Filipovitsand Brian Spears. This presentation discussed how to effectively act as a lawyer for protestors who are arrested as a result of their activism.


The chapter has several exciting upcoming events, including a meeting with ACS National President Caroline Fredrickson, a panel with members of Veterans for Peace and a presentation on post-conviction exoneration from the Executive Director of the Georgia Innocence Project, Aimee Maxwell.

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March 14, 2016: Florida A&M University College of Law

Under the guidance of Professors Patricia Broussard and Joseph K. Grant, the Florida A&M College of Law Chapter of the American Constitution Society has displayed its commitment to fostering debate on constitutional issues and building networks by hosting and co-sponsoring a series of exciting events this year including:

  • “Judicial Clerkship Symposium” with Hon. Marc Lubet, Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, the Hon. Paul Byron,U.S. District Court, and their law clerks.
  • “Skewed Justice” with Professor Steven Ramirez, Loyola University Chicago.  Professor Ramirez discussed campaign finance, judicial elections, and its effect of mass incarceration.
  • “The Truth About Defund Planned Parenthood” with Professor Patricia Broussard, Florida A&M, Professor Jennifer Sandoval, University of Central Florida, and Anna Eskamani, Director of Public Policy & Field Ops for Planned Parenthood. This event was co-sponsored with the Women’s Law Caucus and celebrated the anniversary of Roe v. Wadeand discussed the Defund Planned Parenthood movement and its implications.
  • “Environmental Justice Panel” with community activists and local environmental lawyers to discuss the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color.
  • A “Black Lives Matter Vigil” in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Florida A&M’s ACS chapter attended the Black Lives Matter vigil to honor those who have lost their lives to police brutality.
  • “American College of Bankruptcy Panel” with theHon. Michael Williamson, Chief Judge for Florida Middle District Bankruptcy Court, the Hon. Karen Jennemann, Middle District Bankruptcy Court, and three prominent bankruptcy attorneys. The panelists discussed the intricacies and opportunities in bankruptcy law practice and provided insight into the very exclusive membership of the American College of Bankruptcy.

The Florida A&M College of Law ACS Chapter has more exciting upcoming events including a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Miranda, a panel discussion on criminal justice reform and the implementation of “best practices” for drug policy reform, a symposium discussing the Flint water crisis, an Innocence Project panel discussion and a Diversity Dinner and Happy Hour.

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March 7, 2016: University of California Los Angeles School of Law

Working under Faculty Advisor Adam Winkler, the UCLA Law Student Chapter of the American Constitution Society has been extremely active this year. The chapter has focused on co-sponsoring events with other student organizations and increasing network opportunites for its board members. Some of this year’s highlights include:

  • Griswold v. Connecticut: 50 Years Later,” a discussion on the 50th Anniversary of the Griswold case featuring three nationally renowned experts, Christine Pelosi, Michele Goodwin, and Sandra Fluke.
  • “#BlackLivesMatter and the Constitution,”  featuring USC Professor Jody Armour. 
  • “The For People of Color Conference”, a day-long conference,  in collaboration with La Raza, dedicated to helping individuals of color with the law school application process.
  • An assault rifle debate featuring Adam Skaggs of Everytown USA and Sean Brady, a Civil Rights Litigator and Regulator Compliance Counsel at Michel & Associates, P.C.
  • “Path to the Federal Bench,” a lunch event on the path to a career on the Federal Bench featuring Ninth Circuit judges and UCLA Law alumniHon. Jacqueline Nguyen, Hon. Kim Wardlaw and Hon. Paul Watford.

The UCLA Law Student Chapter of ACS looks forward to the rest of the semester and hopes to continue being a prominent, progressive voice on campus and in the community.

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February 29, 2016: Columbia Law School

This fall, the Columbia Law School ACS Chapter had one of its best semesters yet. The chapter hosted and co-sponsored a number of timely events, tackling recent and upcoming Supreme Court decisions. Highlights include:

  • Fisherand Affirmative Action” Panel: Dennis Parker, Director of ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, joined CLS Professors Olati Johnson and Susan Sturm in a discussion about the Equal Protection Clause challenge to UT’s affirmative action program.
  • “Religious Liberty and the Supreme Court”: An ACS–FedSoc Debate featuring panelists Walter Olsonof the Cato Institute and CLS Professors Katherine Franke and Philip Hamburger. Topics included Hobby Lobby, RFRAs, and religious exemptions to laws.
  • ACS National President Caroline Fredrickson(CLS ’92) visited as Columbia Law School’s SJI Visitor from Social Justice Practice. She spoke about the legislative compromises that left out many poor women and women of color from employment protections.
  • “After Obergefell: Continuing Challenges to LGBT Rights”: A panel including religious liberties, privacy rights, and the future of LGBT rights. Featuring Rose Saxeof the ACLU, Omar Gonzalez-Pagan of Lambda Legal, and CLS Professor Katherine Franke.
  • Professor Kermit Roosevelt IIIof Penn Law spoke about Japanese Internment camps, Guantánamo Bay, and his novel Allegiance.
  • Everytown for Gun Safety’s Adam Skaggsdiscussed the history of the Second Amendment and upcoming SCOTUS case Wrenn v. District of Columbia.
  • New York Times journalist Linda Greenhouse discussed the implications of Justice Scalia’s death for the current term, including for the Whole Woman’s Health case, as well as for the Court’s future.

Some events in the works for the spring semester: a lunch talk with New York Times journalist Linda Greenhouse; “Death Penalty and the Eighth Amendment” featuring Stephen Bright of the Southern Center for Human Rights and CLS Professor Bernard Harcourt; “The State of Voting Rights” Panel with Campaign Legal Center’s Gerald Hebert and Former Assistant Attorney General Debo Adegbile; and a discussion of the processes and strategies behind national gender discrimination litigation with attorney David Sanford of Sanford Heisler Kimpel.

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February 22, 2016: Indiana University Maurer School of Law

The ACS Chapter at Maurer has provided the IU community a diverse set of progressive programs aimed to bring awareness to various causes.

Working under the guidance of ACS Faculty Advisor and ACS National Board member Dawn Johnsen, ACS kicked off the year in September with a progressive student mixer co-sponsored with OUTlaw, Black Law Students Association, Latino Law Students Association, Environmental Law Society, Law Students for Reproductive Justice, and the Feminist Law Forum. ACS then hosted Dahlia Lithwick, Senior Editor at Slate Magazine, for a Constitution Day event in which Ms. Lithwick spoke about the four female Supreme Court Justices and their role in shaping the Court’s jurisprudence. In October, ACS co-hosted a panel of law professors and religion scholars concerning conflicts between religious liberty and LGBT rights. Weeks later, ACS held “Purvi Patel: Reproductive Rights, Litigation, and Criminal Law,” a panel discussing Indiana law on the intersection of reproductive rights and criminal law. In November, ACS partnered with the Feminist Law Forum and other student organizations to host “Let’s Talk,” a consciousness-raising event encouraging discussion of issues relevant to the diverse student body at Maurer Law. The last ACS event of the fall semester was “”Can You Sign Your Rights Away?” a documentary screening and panel discussion event about forced arbitration clauses and issues regarding access to justice. Sprinkled throughout the semester was the “Dinner and an Argument” series in which ACS played recordings of recent, controversial Supreme Court oral arguments and discussed the implications of the outcome.

This spring, Maurer is excited to have a very strong list of programs. On February 2, ACS and Outlaw joined hands to bring Jim Obergefell to Maurer to discuss his journey to the Supreme Court in the case of “Obergefell v. Hodges,”  the landmark decision that brought marriage equality to the United States. Later in the spring, ACS will be hosting Louise Melling, ACLU Deputy Legal Director, Director of Center for Liberty and the Campaign to End the Use of Religion to Discriminate and will also host a panel on judicial elections.

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February 15, 2016: University of Pennsylvania Law School

The Penn Law ACS Chapter has had an action-packed fall and spring semester, shaping conversations around progressive issues at panel discussions, coffee chats, and happy hours. The chapter focused its efforts on cosponsoring events with other student groups and creating spaces for informal interactions between students, professors, and practitioners. Some of our programming highlights include:

  • Supreme Court Review and happy hour featuring Professor Rogers Smith, Freedom to Marry’s Marc Solomon, and Americans United for the Separation of Church and State’s Greg Lipper, moderated by Professor Tobias Wolff.
  • Don’t Throw Away the Key: Perspectives on Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentences,” a lunch event featuring the Juvenile Law Center’s Marsha Levick, author and public defender Jeanne Bishop, and author Cindy Sanford. Penn’s Youth Advocacy Project and Black Law Students Association co-sponsored the event.
  • A lunch event on public service in big law, featuring distinguished lawyers from Dechert and Willkie Farr & Gallagher.
  • A debate on gun safety and policy with the Federalist Society, featuring Everytown’s Adam Skaggs and the National Gun Rifle Association’s John Frazer.

The chapter has many more exciting events planned, including a conversation with Trevor Potter, former commissioner and chairman of the FEC and leading lawyer behind Stephen Colbert’s Super Pac, “Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow.” The chapter continues to host ACS’s Constance Baker Motley Writing Competition and grow its membership, recently winning the ACS Membership contest by making the largest gains in membership during October.

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February 8, 2016: University of Michigan Law School

The American Constitution Society at the University of Michigan Law School seeks to promote the fundamental values of the Constitution by holding events featuring prominent experts in the field of constitutional law, volunteering to educate others about their constitutional rights, and fostering debate on important constitutional issues. Michigan Law ACS hosted an array of events over the past semester, including:

  • Volunteer Teaching at Ann Arbor Public Schools for Constitution Day – Washtenaw County celebrated the Constitution for the 6th consecutive year by educating every middle school student in the Ann Arbor Public School system. Members of Michigan Law’s ACS chapter volunteered to teach students at Clague Middle School about their Constitutional rights on Constitution Day.
  • Democratic Debate Viewing Party – Michigan Law ACS chapter provided popcorn, snacks, and beverages to encourage students to watch the first Democratic debate together on campus, thereby encouraging civic engagement and lively policy discussions.
  • Clague Middle School Field Trip – Michigan Law ACS hosted students from Clague Middle School for a field trip to its law school. The field trip included a tour of the law school, lunch, a lesson by Dean Bloom, a mock trial put on by the middle schoolers in the student courtroom, and a lecture by Professor Don Herzog.
  • Mass Incarceration: Strange Bedfellows & Prison Reform – Professor Margo Schlanger, the Henry M. Butzel Professor of Law, explored how state courts, finances and politics are affecting contemporary debate on mass incarceration and prison reform. Professor Schlanger is a leading authority on civil rights issues and civil and criminal detention.

Michigan Law ACS is eager to organize more events this semester, including: a professor debate on affirmative action, a panel featuring leaders from the Black Lives Matter movement, and a non-partisan event about primary voting procedures.

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February 1, 2016: Duke University School of Law

The Duke Law chapter of the American Constitution Society is honored to be Student Chapter of the Week. During the fall semester, the chapter offered a robust program for the Duke community. In August, the chapter welcomed then-Chair of the Federal Election Commission Ann Ravel to campus where she discussed the impact of Citizens United on campaign finance. In September, the chapter hosted then-Mayor of Chapel Hill Mark Kleinschmidt to discuss the future of marriage equality and held a conversation over coffee with Professor Neil Siegel on Constitution Day. In October, the chapter hosted or co-hosted events on “Money in Politics as a Civil Rights Issue,” the role of technology on law enforcement, and a book talk with Ian Millhiser on the injustices the Supreme Court perpetuates.

In November, topical programming continued with a debate on “After Obergefell: The Future of the Equal Protection Clause,” featuring Susan Sommer, Senior Counsel and National Director of Constitutional Litigation at Lambda Legal, William Duncan, Director of the Marriage Law Foundation, and Duke’s own Professors Neil Siegel and Katherine Bartlett. The chapter also had a fantastic discussion on the role of black women in the Black Lives Matter movement with Professor Wahneema Lubiano, a conversation about the Thirteenth Amendment on its sesquicentennial with Professors Darrell Miller, Laura Edwards, and George Rutherglen, a book talk on the past and future of voting rights with journalist Ari Berman, and a conversation about domestic violence and the Confrontation Clause with Assistant State Attorney Dermot Garrett and Professors Tom Lininger and Lisa Griffin.

This spring, ACS Duke is excited to continue strong programming that will touch on topical areas of law, policy, and society including gun control, affirmative action, redistricting, and the role of transparency at the Supreme Court.

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January 25, 2016: Emory University School of Law

Emory’s ACS chapter led off its Fall semester with Dean Robert A. Schapiro of the Emory University School of Law, who delivered a review of key cases and trends of the October 2014 Supreme Court term. Continuing on the theme of the Supreme Court, visiting professor Fred Smith spoke to the chapter about his experience clerking for Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Judge Barrington Parker of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and Judge Myron Thompson at the Middle District of Alabama. The chapter was privileged to co-host a spirited panel discussion on race, poverty, and justice in post-Ferguson America with defense attorney and activist Mawuli Davis, civil rights attorney Brian Spears, Southern Center for Human Rights attorney Sarah Geraghty, and Emory Law professor Gerry Weber. The chapter next locked horns with Emory’s Federalist Society, co-hosting a debate, Resolved: Repeal All the Campaign Finance Laws, that pitted Steve Simpson of the Ayn Rand Institute, for the affirmative, against Georgia State law professor Tim Kuhner, for the negative. Finally, the chapter was proud to co-sponsor a panel with its Georgia State sister chapter previewing the upcoming session of the Georgia General Assembly, moderated by political reporter Jim Galloway of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and featuring state representatives David Wilkerson (D-Powder Springs) and Scott Holcomb (D-Atlanta).

The chapter is excited to announce its keynote event of the year, Skewed Justice, a February 17 panel about money, campaigns, and elected judges. ACS contributor and Emory law professor Joanna Shepherd will moderate, and the chapter will welcome Hon. Sue Bell Cobb, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, and Hon. Marsha Ternus, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa, to discuss their experiences with judicial elections.

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January 18, 2016: Tulane University Law School

The Tulane chapter of ACS continues to foster discussion and bring attention to the progressive legal issues of today. ACS Tulane has already had an exciting semester full of topical events and looks forward to a strong spring semester.

Professor Keith Werhan, ACS faculty advisor, spoke at the inaugural event of the year on Kim Davis, equality before the law, and the separation of church and state. ACS next held a roundtable discussion hosted by Professors Pamela Metzger and Katherine Mattes on the issue of elected judiciaries and how the increased politicization of the judicial process has eroded the quality of justice. For ACS’s final event of 2015, ACLU lawyer and Tulane law alum Nancy Abudu outlined the wave of state legislation aimed at limiting the right to vote and its disparate impact on minorities.

The first event of the upcoming Spring semester will be entitled “The American Nightmare – America’s Broken Immigration System,” where the Tulane chapter of ACS will host Nina Perales of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court case Texas v. United States, involving Texas’s challenge to President Obama’s executive order granting deferred status to certain undocumented immigrants.

Later in the semester, the chapter hopes to hold joint events with other progressive legal organizations, continue to work with the New Orleans Lawyer chapter of ACS, and co-host a debate with the Tulane chapter of the Federalist Society.

Thanks to the guidance of the law faculty at Tulane, ACS’s dynamic and dedicated Senior Board, and the energetic support of the fantastic student body, ACS looks forward to remaining a voice for America’s progressive ideals at Tulane University Law School.

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January 11, 2016: Stanford Law School

The Stanford ACS Chapter had an extremely busy Fall quarter, organizing and co-sponsoring more than fifteen engaging events.  Some of the highlights included:

  • “Communities in Crisis: Gentrification and Displacement in Silicon Valley,” a dinner discussion with East Palo Alto housing advocates about local policies and legal strategies for reducing the displacement of low- and middle-income residents from Silicon Valley.
  • Prof. Jane SchacterKate Calimquim(Larkin Center), and Asaf Orr (National Center for Lesbian Rights) gave a lunch talk on the next frontier for LGBTQ rights after marriage.
  • Happy Hour and Conversation with ACS President Caroline Fredricksonon the topic of Tipping the State Courts in Favor of Working Women.
  • Greg Lukianoffdiscussed free speech and the marketplace of ideas on college campuses
  • Lunch conversation between Professor Pam Karlanand Honorable Myron H. Thompson, senior judge on the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama and recipient of Stanford’s 2015 National Public Service Award
  • North Oakland Restorative Justice Council’s Malachi Scottand Rose Elizondo led a roundtable dinner discussion on restorative justice and reentry work in the Bay Area
  • Prof. Jayashri SrikantiahLisa Weissman-Ward, and Prof. Jenny Martinezgave a lunch talk about the Syrian refugee crisis, and the differences in laws and approaches to the crisis in the US and Europe.

Stanford ACS Chapter looks forward to hosting many more exciting events and programs this quarter, including student visits to federal judges and courthouses, an ACS reading group led by Profs. Michelle Anderson and Juliet Brodie, a discussion on solitary confinement led by Professor Jules Lobel, President of the Center for Constitutional Rights, and a panel with Prof. Jayashri Srikantiah, Dean Kevin Johnson (UC-Davis), and Prof. Jennifer Chacon to talk about about persistent racism and xenophobia in American discourse on immigration 50 years after the Immigration and Nationality Act.  In addition, the chapter is excited to kick off a new initiative with the Bay Area Lawyers Chapter that will bring together attorneys and law students for small group dinners to facilitate networking and mentorship.

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December 14, 2015: University of North Carolina School of Law

The UNC chapter of ACS has enjoyed a tremendous semester full of impactful events on and off campus. Besides student outreach efforts, the chapter hosted numerous speakers including author Ian Millhiser, who spoke on his new book about the Supreme Court, and author Matthew Stewart, who spoke on his new book about the history behind the separation of church and state. The chapter co-sponsored with the Federalist Society to host a debate on the fairness of equality featuring UNC Professor Bill Marshall and Dr. Yaron Brook, Executive Director of the Ayn Rand Institute. Finally, the chapter partnered with Americans United and North Carolina Voters for Clean Elections to host events for Constitution Day and “Money in Politics as a Civil Rights Issue.” The chapter is looking forward to building on these successes in 2016.

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December 7, 2015: University of Notre Dame Law School 

The Notre Dame Law School’s (NDLS) ACS Chapter is having an exciting fall semester.  The 2015-2016 year has proven promising for the chapter with an increase in membership and events hosted.  The chapter hosted several lunch events, including:

  • A lecture on “Federalism and Marijuana Legalization” by Vanderbilt Law Professor Robert Mikos.
  • A conversation titled “Solider, Scholar, Mayor: A Conversation with Peter Buttigieg” focused on Buttigieg’s experience as a progressive politician at the local government level.
  • A conversation with Judge Ann Williams of the Seventh Circuit, regarding her career and legal jurisprudence.
  • A lecture on school choice, “An Introduction to School Choice” by NDLS Professor John Schoenig.
  • A lecture “LGBT Rights: The Elusive Search for Balance” by Indiana Law Professor Steve Sanders.

The Notre Dame Law School ACS chapter also collaborated with other organizations on campus to co-sponsor the following events:

  • A discussion with Ralph Neas on “The Voting Rights Act: Past and Future.”
  • A panel discussion featuring three union side attorneys and a member of the National Labor Review Board on “Educating Law Students on the Rights and Needs of Workers.”
  • A lecture and reception for Public Interest Fellowships with NDLS graduates who have received the Shaffer and Bank of America Fellowships.

The Notre Dame Law School ACS Chapter is looking forward to another exciting semester. The Chapter is committed to promoting a progressive vision of the law to improve the lives of all people.

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November 30, 2015: University of California Berkeley School of Law

To start off the 2015-2016 academic year, the Berkeley chapter has focused on collaborating with a variety of student groups and getting first year students excited and involved with ACS. The chapter kicked off the fall semester with a panel on the future for LGBT rights after Obergefell v. Hodges, featuring Elizabeth Gill, Senior Attorney at the ACLU of Northern California, Alexandra Robert Gordon, Deputy Attorney General at the California Department of Justice, Max Pritt, Senior Associate at Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP, and Professor Melissa Murray. The chapter followed up this event to partner with the Federalist Society in a Supreme Court Review & Preview, featuring Professors John Choon Yoo and Jesse Choper.

The chapter has also held watch parties for both the Democratic and GOP debates. In late October, students visited the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for oral arguments, and met with judges to discuss their views on appellate advocacy. The chapter has also welcomed Professor Kathy Abrams for a lunch talk, where she discussed her work on immigration rights and social activism with a small group of students. Recently, the chapter hosted Derrick Wang, the author of Scalia/Ginsburg, to have coffee with ACS and the Federalist Society.

Looking forward to the spring semester, Berkeley will join the Stanford Chapter to host Judge Tigar of the Northern District of California for the third year running. The chapter will also hold events with Judge Adelman of the Eastern District of Wisconsin and recent law school graduate Jarrett Adams, as well as a panel with Berkeley professors on standing in the federal courts. The Berkeley ACS chapter is excited to continue building relationships among students and lawyers around the Bay Area.

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November 23, 2015: Northwestern University School of Law

The Northwestern University School of Law Student Chapter has brought a progressive lens to several issues and recently hosted an exciting array of events. The chapter hosted Northwestern’s first annual Supreme Court Term Preview, featuring Harvard Law Professor Mark Tushnet, ACLU of Illinois Executive Director Colleen Connell, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Annie Kastanek. Professor (and ACS faculty advisor) Erin Delaney moderated the discussion.

The chapter partnered with the Black Law Students Association and the Latino Law Students Association to raise awareness of increasingly restrictive voting laws and effects on communities of color, despite the Voting Rights Act’s fifty-year legacy. The topic’s speakers represented the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF).

Often collaborating with other student groups (including the Federalist Society, the Health Law Society and Law Students for Reproductive Justice), the Northwestern Law chapter has convened discussions and debates on topics including:

  • reproductive rights, featuring Professor Andrew Koppelman and Quinnipiac University Law Professor Stephen Gilles;
  • mass incarceration, featuring Visiting Professor Meredith Rountree;
  • the scientific and due process considerations behind civil commitment decisions, with Professor Candice Player;
  • the overreach of corporate speech, featuring Harvard Law Professor John Coates;
  • the path to the federal bench, featuring Hon. Wayne Anderson, Hon. Edmond Chang, and Hon. Magistrate Judge Susan Cox of the Northern District of Illinois; and
  • institutional reforms at the Supreme Court, featuring Gabe Ross of Fix the Court and Cook County Circuit Judge Mary Mikva.

With the Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, the chapter co-sponsored a symposium on mitigating racial bias in policing, keynoted by Georgetown Law Professor Paul Butler, and it will close this semester with a discussion on campus sexual assault prevention reforms, featuring Professor (and ACS faculty advisor) Deborah Tuerkheimer.

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November 16, 2015: Brigham Young University Law School

The ACS Chapter at Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School continues to promote progressive legal views of the Constitution with regards to individual rights and liberties, equality, access to justice, and rule of law.

To generate interest in ACS, the chapter participated in the law school’s club fair and held an opening social to kick start the year. Guided by faculty advisor Professor Fred Gedicks, the chapter hosted events on immigration detention, Obergefell v. Hodges featuring remarks from Utah Professor Clifford Rosky and judicial nominations during the Fall 2015 semester. The chapter plans on addressing issues related to race & criminal justice, law, religion, & politics, the Innocence Project, and the Second Amendment through various substantive events in the coming months.

The BYU Chapter is grateful for the support it has received from new student members, the current board and ACS National, and hopes to continue putting on high quality events in the Spring semester.

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November 9, 2015: Harvard Law School

The Harvard Law School ACS Chapter has already had an exciting year, kicking off the fall semester with a conversation between Justice Elena Kagan and Dean Martha Minow and a Constitution Day presentation by Professor Michael Klarman. The chapter has hosted numerous lunch events, including:

  • a talk on the prospects for closing Guantanamo with former State Department Envoy for Guantanamo Closure and ACS Board Member Cliff Sloan
  • a panel on accountability at the Supreme Court featuring Fix The Court’s Gabe Roth and Visiting Professor Stephen Sachs
  • a talk on the constitutional dimensions of school discipline with Professor Derek Black
  • a presentation on social change and Black Lives Matter with Professor Elizabeth Beaumont
  • a discussion of social welfare with Professor Maxine Eichner.

The chapter has many more exciting events planned, including an upcoming series on issues that matter for the 2016 election, featuring New York Times Legal Columnist and ACS Board Member Linda Greenhouse, Professor Larry Tribe and’s Adam Skaggs.

The chapter recently planned its first trip to New York to meet influential progressives including US Attorney Preet Bharara, Judge Paul Engelmayer of the SDNY, Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman of the NY Court of Appeals and Bronx Defenders Executive Director Robin Steinberg. Next semester, the chapter will visit DC and Boston.

Harvard ACS has continued its outreach across campus, beginning a “Conversation on Race” program with the Black Law Students Association and the Federalist Society. The chapter has also recruited members for over a dozen committees, an intramural football team, community service projects and four policy issue teams, which are working on innovative projects relating to race and policing, college affordability, gun violence and corporate governance. The Harvard ACS Chapter recently won the ACS Membership contest by making the largest gains in membership during August and September.

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November 2, 2015: University of Southern California Gould School of Law

Under the guidance of faculty advisor Sam Erman, the ACS Chapter at the University of Southern California has proven itself as an up-and-coming voice in fostering passionate and scholarly conversations on progressive causes. The chapter recently hosted the ACS Southern California Regional Convening, featuring captivating conversations on campaign finance, racial profiling, immigration, and capital punishment. The event highlighted USC faculty Jody Armour, Rebecca Brown, Niels Frenzen, Emily Ryo and Abby Wood, among others, and featured the perspective of practitioners and advocates from Los Angeles and Washington D.C.

The chapter kicked off the semester with a vibrant Q&A session with Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian about gun control measures followed by a panel on the LGBT rights movement featuring West Hollywood Councilmember John Heilman and Stephen David Simon, President of Stonewall Democratic Club. Looking forward, the chapter will co-host a Supreme Court Preview event with the Federalist Society and an evening reception with noted civil rights attorney Sandra Fluke and Professor Susan Estrich.

The USC Chapter is working hard to connect USC Law students with the strong progressive community of Los Angeles.  It places special emphasis on California’s unique position as a national leader in progressive policy.

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October 26, 2015: Yale Law School

The school year started with a series of exciting progressive events about creative approaches to radical lawyering, progressive legal scholarship, representation of immigrants and low-wage workers, and access to justice for historically marginalized groups. The Yale ACS Chapter’s first event of the year featured Alec Karakatsanis, the co-founder of Equal Justice under Law, discussing litigation to end debtors’ prisons and money bail. They have since hosted a wide range of speakers including Judge Christopher Cooper of the D.C. Circuit and Columbia clinical professor Elora Mukherjee discussing legal services to women and children on the border and how ACS students can get involved to help end family detention.

In addition to welcoming this diverse group of speakers, the chapter also hosted a major national conference on Law and Inequality on October 16-17. The conference included keynote addresses from Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, Professor Zephyr Teachout and California State Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu. The event was attended by over 200 students, faculty, regional ACS members, community stakeholders and 20 legal scholars presenting. The chapter hopes the conference will be a spring board for future dialogue about progressive approaches to challenging entrenched forms of inequality!

This week, the chapter is excited to welcome both Chief Judge Robert Katzmann of the Second Circuit and Rachel Tiven of the Immigrant Justice Corps to discuss access to counsel in immigration courts and to launch its series on wage theft. Yale ACS will also host a happy hour for progressive law students and ACS alums during alumni weekend.

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October 19, 2015: Howard University School of Law

The Howard University School of Law chapter has been up on the rise since relaunching last fall. The 2015-2016 academic year has proved to be promising for the chapter and full of great events. To kick off the year, the Howard ACS chapter participated in Howard’s student organization fair introducing new 1Ls into the ACS network. In conjunction with the university, the chapter also hosted a student poll and Q&A session regarding the Constitution Day speaker, Paulette Brown, President of the American Bar Association, and her speech on “The Bill of Rights & the 50th Anniversary of Miranda.

Upcoming events for the semester include a Supreme Court Preview with the chapter’s faculty advisor, Dean Lisa Crooms-Robinson, who will serve as a panelist reviewing the Supreme Court’s civil right cases. The chapter will also host distinguished author, Gilbert King, of The Devil in the Grove, in late-October for an in-depth discussion on the legacy of Howard Law alum Thurgood Marshall and the infamous Groveland civil rights case in Florida.  Lastly, the chapter will host a Voting Rights panel on the potential disenfranchisement of newly married same-sex couples and convicted felons, along with a happy hour with the ACS DC Lawyer Chapter.

The Howard ACS chapter has worked tirelessly to ensure a prosperous chapter will always grace the campus and engage the student body and ACS community.

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October 12, 2015: University of Texas School of Law

The ACS Chapter at The University of Texas School of Law has continued to be a prominent force in encouraging progressive lawyering and academic thought within the Texas Law community. Guided by faculty advisors Lynn Blais, Joseph Fishkin and William Forbath, the chapter recently hosted a Constitution Day celebration featuring two events with California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu.

The chapter looks forward to a busy semester, with events touching on immigration, voting rights, and the status of workers’ rights in Texas and beyond.

Members of the American Constitution Society at Texas Law are working to engage as many students and community members as possible. We look forward to an exciting year!

October 5, 2015: The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law

The ACS Chapter at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law has successfully hosted several events on topics ranging from marriage equality to the merits of constitutional/statutory interpretation. Guided by Faculty Advisor Daniel Tokaji, the chapter has been successful in recruiting many new members to ACS.  Additionally, the chapter has been working with the Columbus Lawyer Chapter to plan events.

The chapter kicked off the year with a discussion on Obergefell v. Hodges and its legal ramifications. In addition, the chapter partnered with the Moritz Federalist Society to debate about the merits behind different types of ways to interpret the United States Constitution. Both were exciting events that have a profound impact in the legal community.

October will feature breakfast with Akhil Reed Amar and the school’s annual Supreme Court round-table featuring Douglas Berman, Daniel Tokaji, Katherine Northern, Christopher Walker and L. Camile Hebert.

Furthermore, the chapter plans to cosponsor a forum about wrongful convictions, and injustice caused by death row, as well as discussing legal consequences of King v. Burwell and the future of education in America—especially affirmative action. Finally, the chapter plans to host government officials from the local, state, and federal levels to talk about serving as a public official and advise law students on entry into government careers.

The American Constitution Society at Moritz is excited about this year and will be working hard to provide more exciting events in the future.

September 28, 2015: Chicago-Kent College of Law

Guided by the invaluable support and wisdom of Faculty Advisor William Birdthistle, the American Constitution Society Chicago-Kent Student Chapter has continued to be a leading force in shaping debate and dialogue in our law school community. The Chapter recently completed a successful week-long celebration of the United States Constitution and the freedom embodied within it. The week began with a panel discussing last term’s Obergefell opinion and what’s next in the movement for marriage equality. It continued with a membership drive, followed by a debate on the Supreme Court’s recent Takings Clause cases. The week concluded with a Constitution Day happy hour with the ACS Chicago Lawyer Chapter.

The Chicago-Kent Chapter is also working to make ACS a regular contributor to law school life by distributing ACS pocket Constitutions to students taking Constitutional Law, engaging with faculty and providing a forum for professors to present their views of the law, and holding membership events to build a robust Chicago-Kent progressive network.

The chapter looks forward to an exciting semester, with a series of events that will engage both Chicago-Kent students and the greater Chicago legal community. Some upcoming events include a discussion on the prides and perils of representing disfavored clients, a Supreme Court term preview, and an all-day conference on pursuing a public interest career. Through this work ACS Chicago-Kent will continue to strive to promote a vision of the law that serves as a force to improve the lives of all people.

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