ACS Member News: Week of July 16, 2018

ACS President Caroline Fredrickson is quoted in The Houston Chronicle regarding Trump's efforts to nominate conservative appeals court judges.

ACS Board member Erwin Chemerinsky wrote a piece for The Sacramento Bee explaining why Democrats should try to block Kavanaugh's confirmation. He is also quoted in the Los Angeles Times addressing a federal judge’s decision to order the paper to alter an article.

ACS Board member Nancy Gertner spoke on 90.9 WBUR FM about a Massachusetts court ruling that a judge can mandate drug users on probation to remain sober.

ACS Board member Adam Winkler is quoted in The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times regarding the future of gun rights.

ACS Board of Advisors member Linda Greenhouse wrote a piece for The New York Times examining what Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation could mean for the Supreme Court's abortion jurisprudence.

ACS Faculty Advisor at Boston College Law School Kent Greenfield wrote a piece for WBUR arguing that the GOP will ignore Trump's treason in order to confirm Kavanaugh.

ACS Faculty Advisor at Wayne State University Law School Robert Sedler is quoted in the Detroit Free Press concerning a pre-Roe law in Michigan that banned abortion.

ACS Faculty Advisor at University of Minnesota School of Law Heidi Kitrosser is quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune concerning Kavanaugh's possible impact in overturning abortion rights and affirmative action.

ACS Faculty Advisor at Columbia Law School Gillian Metzger spoke on NPR about how a conservative-leaning Supreme Court could chip away at abortion rights.