February 26, 2024

ACS Releases Detailed Senate Roll Call Data on Donald Trump’s Appointed Judges

Nancy Rodriguez, media@acslaw.org

Washington, DC – The American Constitution Society today unveiled a new data feature on its website that allows the public to see how Senators voted on each of former President Donald Trump’s 234 judicial confirmations.

With ACS’s new feature, roll call data is broken down by Senator, enabling users to look up how their Senators voted as a total and by judicial nominee. This data is in addition to ACS’s existing feature that breaks down the roll call data on each of President Biden’s appointed judges. The combined roll call data adds to ACS’s already robust Judicial Nominations and Diversity on the Federal Bench data.

“Every day, federal courts decide cases critical to our rights. Who sits on these courts matters and how a Senator votes on judicial nominees is an important consideration for constituents,” said ACS President Russ Feingold. “In an election year in particular, we believe it is important that voters be able to see how their Senators voted on judges. With such little legislation having moved in this and recent Congresses and with federal judges having life tenure, a Senator’s record on judicial confirmations is one of their most immediate and enduring legacies. As federal courts reshape more and more of our lives, including our fundamental freedoms, a Senator’s record on judicial confirmations becomes all the more relevant.”

“We believe the public should be able to readily look up a Senator’s track record on judicial confirmations,” said ACS Vice President of Strategic Engagement Zack Gima. “Prior to ACS compiling and publishing this data, however, it was onerous and time consuming for a constituent to look up how their Senator voted on judicial confirmations, whether on a specific judge or on all the judges appointed by a particular administration. Using ACS’s new feature, this data is conveniently compiled and easy to access. We hope constituents will use this and our existing data features to hold their Senators accountable on judicial appointments.”

Access ACS’s new Senate roll call data on former President Trump’s appointed judges here.


The American Constitution Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan legal organization. Through a diverse nationwide network of progressive lawyers, law students, judges, scholars, advocates, and many others, our mission is to support and advocate for laws and legal systems that redress the founding failures of our Constitution, strengthen our democratic legitimacy, uphold the rule of law, and realize the promise of equality for all, including people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and other historically excluded communities. For more information, visit us at www.acslaw.org or on Twitter @acslaw.